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Halloween was in a few days Anna had bought Ethan a costume but wasn't sure if he was ready to go trick or treating.

Anna: Babe are you sure he should go out I don't know if he is ready?

Jake: It will be fine I think he would love it. I'll take him this year and you can give out candy then next year we will trade off.

Anna: I would love to take him but being pregnant I don't think I can chase after him.

Jake: That's why I'm going to take him you can just stay here and relax give out candy to the kids. Call Britt and see if she can help.

Anna got her phone off the table and called Britt she picked up on the second ring.

Britt: Hey whats up?

Anna: Hey what are your plans on Halloween?

Britt: Nothing why?

Anna: I was wondering if you wanted to come over and hand out candy with me while Jake takes Ethan out?

Britt: I would love to sounds fun what is Ethan going as?

Anna: I can't tell you its a surprise you'll see him when you come over.

Britt: Alright I'll see you in a few days oh before I go how are you feeling hows the baby? Did you pick a name for him yet?

Anna: I'm good my back is killing me but other than that I'm fine. Baby is doing great moving around a lot I don't get much sleep because that's when he's awake. We have a name but we are not telling anyone until he is born.

Britt: That sucks that you're not getting much sleep. I'm glad everything is going well with the baby, and I'll get that name out of you before he's born I laughed I heard Anna laugh as well.

They said goodbye and hung up the phone. Jake came back in the room with Ethan in his arms fresh from his bath in his pj's ready for bed.

Jake: Someone wanted to say goodnight to mommy I said as I placed him on the couch next to Anna.

Anna: Hey buddy do you want me to read you a story?

Ethan: Yeah!!!

Ethan got off the couch and went to get his favorite book about cars he brought it back to Anna and snuggled next to her while she read to him. While Anna was reading Jake noticed that Ethan was nodding off when she finished the book he was sound asleep. 

Anna kissed Ethan on the head when Jake picked him up and brought him to bed. He came back down and went to the kitchen to get a beer so he could watch the game. He came back into the family room and sat next to her.

Jake: Did you talk to Britt?

Anna: I did and she is going to come over and help me.

Jake: That is great babe I'm glad you will have help.

Anna: Yeah, she wanted to know what Ethan was going as I wouldn't tell her.

Jake: Why do you torture her?

Anna: It's fun I also told her I wouldn't tell her the babies name.

Jake: Why not you tell her everything?

Anna: We agreed we wouldn't say anything until he's born. 

Jake: You were serious about that?

Anna: Yeah why did you tell people?

Jake: I told my parents and sister I'm sorry babe I thought you were joking.

Anna: It's ok my mom has been asking non-stop so I guess I can tell her now.

Jake: Are you mad?

Anna: No babe it's fine I should have explained better why I wanted to wait.

Jake: Why did you want to wait?

Anna: You're going to think it's dumb.

Jake: Hey, no I won't tell me.

Anna: I wanted to wait until he was born and we knew everything was ok with him before introducing him.

Jake: Aww babe I didn't even think of that I am so sorry.

Anna: Don't beat yourself up, its ok it was a dumb reason I guess I was just scared because of everything that happened with Ethan.

Jake: I should have thought of that so I feel stupid.

Anna: Hey no don't I'm fine Noah is fine. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he put his hand on my stomach and kissed my head.

Anna and Jake snuggled on the couch watching the game Anna drifted off to sleep and Jake continued to watch the rest of the game when it was over he turned off the tv cleaned up in the kitchen then carried Anna upstairs to bed.

Jake placed Anna on the bed and she stirred and opened her eyes.

Anna: You didn't have to carry me I could have walked your going to hurt your back I'm heavy.

Jake: No your not and I like carrying you.

Anna: You're too good to me.

Jake: I do all these things because I love you and I love our baby and if carrying you keeps you both safe then that is what I'm going to do.

Jake got into bed leaned over and gave Anna a kiss kissed her stomach then they both drifted off to sleep.

Jake and Anna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now