Two Under Two

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Anna and Jake were trying to adjust to having two kids in the house when they brought Noah home they placed the car seat on the floor Anna took Noah out and held him she bent down so that Ethan could see him. Ethan pushed the baby away and ran off to play with his toys. 

Britt was there so Anna asked her to hold him so that they could go talk to Ethan when they found him he was playing with his cars. 

Anna: Ethan why don't you want to see baby Noah?

Ethan: No baby.

Jake: You're a big brother now come say hi.

Ethan: Baby go I said and went back to playing.

Anna and Jake stood up and went back to Britt.

Britt: How did it go?

Anna: I think he hates him I said as I looked at Noah.

Britt: I don't think he hates him he's just confused.

Anna: Yeah it will just take a little time to get used to having a baby around.

Britt: I gave Noah a kiss and handed him back to Anna. I'm going to go give my other boy a kiss then I'll leave the four of you to settle in.

Anna: Thank you so much for coming we love you.

It had been two weeks now since Noah had been home Ethan still doesn't like him. Anna was in the kitchen making a bottle for Noah when Ethan came running in.

Ethan: Momma, come and play with me I said.

Anna: Mommy can't play with you right now buddy I'm busy. Do you want to help feed Noah?

Ethan: No I said and looked up at her and handed her one of the cars that were in my hand.

Anna: I took the car from him and set it on the counter while I made a bottle for Noah who was crying in his chair.

Anna walked over to Noah and picked him up he didn't settle he continued to cry he didn't want to eat Anna was rocking him back and forth trying to calm him down but it wasn't working.

Anna: Noah shhh its ok I said over and over again trying to calm him.

Anna took him into the family room to sit on the couch so she could keep an eye on Ethan while he played.  Ethan came over to the couch with a book in his hand he got on the couch and sat next to her he was trying to push Noah out of the way so he could sit on her lap.

Anna: Ethan I need you to sit beside me you can't sit on mommy's lap right now.

Ethan: Mommy I said as I tried to sit on her lap I lost my balance and almost fell on Noah.

Anna: Ethan get off the couch right now I yelled.

Ethan jumped at the tone of his mom's voice then got off the couch and ran down the hallway Anna could hear him crying. Noah was still crying she was losing it Jake was out so she was alone with both boys Ethan wanted attention Noah needed it she was torn.

An hour later Jake came home to a very loud house Noah was crying Ethan was hiding from Anna. Anna was sitting on the couch crying too. 

Jake: I sat down next to Anna and put my hand on her back. Babe what is going on what happened. 

Anna: I can't do this.

Jake: Do what? I was confused I had no idea what she was talking about.

Anna: This I said waving my hands around. I have a baby that won't stop crying no matter what I do and a toddler that I yelled at I said as I got up and walked upstairs to the bedroom and shut the door.

Jake sat there Anna had never just got up and walked away without talking about things. Jake looked at Noah his face beet red from crying he picked him up and rocked him back and forth walked across the room a bunch of times he fell asleep probably from all the crying Jake put him in his chair grabbed the baby monitor and hooked it to his jeans then went to find Ethan.

Jake found Ethan hiding under the dining room table he must have been there for a while because he had fallen asleep as well. Jake picked him up and put him in his crib so he would be more comfortable. Once Ethan was in his room Jake went to the master to find his wife.

Anna was sitting on the bed tears running down her face.

Jake: Honey, talk to me.

Anna: I'm a bad mom.

Jake: Why would you say that you're a great mom. 

Anna: If I'm great then how come I can't calm my own baby and why does my other son hate me.

Jake: Ethan does not hate you he loves you he's just having a hard time adjusting to the new baby, and Noah is just having a bad day.

Anna: I yelled at Ethan you should have seen his face.

Jake: Why did you yell at him.

Anna: He wanted to sit on my lap but I was holding Noah he almost fell on the baby and I yelled at him to get off the couch. 

Jake: Ok this is what we are going to do you are going to take a relaxing bath or shower whatever you want then you are going to take a couple hours to yourself call one of the girls and leave for a while I will watch the boys.

Anna: I can't leave Noah is only two weeks old.

Jake: Yes you can we will be fine you have had a stressful day I need you to relax.

Anna went to take her shower when she got out she got dresses grabbed her purse and keys kissed Jake and left the house she drove to Britt's and knocked on the door Britt answered and Anna walked right into her arms and just started to cry.


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