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Mother's Day was coming up and with Jake still gone Ethan and Noah knew that they would need help planning something for their mom so they decided to call their Auntie Britt for help. Ethan picked up his mom's phone and found Britt's number it rang a few times before she answered.

Britt: Hey Anna what's up?

Ethan: It's Ethan Auntie Britt.

Britt: Sorry buddy is everything okay?

Ethan: Yep Mother's Day is coming up can you help us plan something daddy isn't here to help.

Britt: Sure I can help you plan something I'll pick you up, and we can get some ice cream. I'll be there in 5 minutes.

Ethan: Okay thank you, Auntie Britt.

Britt: Bye buddy.

Ethan: Bye.

Anna came into the room just as Ethan hung up the phone.

Anna: Hey why do you have my phone?

Ethan: Auntie Britt just called she is coming to pick us up so we can have ice cream.

Anna: Why didn't you bring the phone to me?

Ethan: You were busy so I answered.

Anna: Thank you next time though bring me the phone okay?

Ethan: Okay. 

Anna: Please go clean up the family room your toys are everywhere.

Noah: Ok mommy.

The boys ran off to clean up the family room while Anna went back to the kitchen. 5 minutes later Britt walked through the door.

Britt: Hey guys I'm here.

Anna: Hey sorry I missed your call Ethan said he answered because I was busy.

Britt: Yeah I called to see if I could take the boys out for ice cream?

Anna: Yeah that's fine they are cleaning up right now so sit for a minute.

Britt: Sure so what do you have planned this weekend anything fun?

Anna: Nope just hanging around the house Sunday is Easter so I have to set everything up for the boys then in a few weeks it's Mothers Day so I have to get a gift and send it to my mom. What are your plans?

Britt: Tyler has a real estate conference this weekend so I'll just be hanging around the house.

Anna: You're not going home this year?

Britt: Nope I'll go home for Christmas my brother will be there this year.

Anna: Same Mike is going to be there this year.

Ethan: Mommy since it's the weekend can we have a sleepover at Auntie Britt's?

Anna: Well that's up to Auntie Britt?

Britt: I would love to have a sleepover with my favorite guys go pack your stuff.

Anna: You sure it's ok?

Britt: Absolutely, I love those guys now you can enjoy a night to yourself have a bubble bath or a glass of wine do whatever you want I've got them.

Anna: Alright I won't say no to that.  

The boys came downstairs with their overnight bags packed.

Ethan: Ready to go?

Anna: Do you have everything your Pj's toothbrush clothes for tomorrow?

Ethan: Yep.

Anna: Let me check both bags before you go.

Anna checked both bags to make sure they remembered everything once she was done she said goodbye to the kids told them to behave for their Auntie Britt and that she would see them tomorrow.

When they got to Britt's, she put their bags in the guest room then set the boys up at the table so they could start making Mother's Day cards. Britt brought out colored paper, markers, glitter, and stickers.

Noah: Auntie Britt can you help me draw a flower?

Britt: Sure buddy. So what did you want to give your mom?

Ethan: She loves breakfast if daddy was here we would make her breakfast in bed.

Britt: Well I can help with that what if I stay Saturday night then we can wake up early and make breakfast for your mom?

Ethan: Really?

Britt: Of course what kind of food are you thinking about?

Noah: Pancakes mommy loves pancakes.

Britt: We can make them into shapes of hearts and flowers do you think she would like that?

Ethan: Yeah.

Once the boys were finished with their cards, Britt ordered a pizza and set up a movie for them to watch. A little later in the night, they played a few games then got ready for bed. Britt tucked both boys into bed, then went to clean up the kitchen.

Anna was enjoying a nice night to herself she had a bubble bath and a glass of wine she watched a movie that wasn't animated, but she missed the boys a lot it was weird being the only one in the house. She called Britt to check on the boys Britt told her they were asleep and that they were on their best behavior.

After she talked to Britt, she felt better and was able to go to sleep.

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