Is This The End

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Anna's mom had come to visit Jake didn't show up the entire week she was there. Anna hadn't heard from him about coming to Noah's soccer game, so she continued to just focus on the boys.

Noah: Mommy, do you think daddy is going to come to any of my soccer games?

Anna: I'm not sure buddy, but Auntie Britt and Auntie Hailee are coming and Kelley and Chrissie they will all be there to watch you.

Noah: Ok, Ethan said daddy doesn't want to be here anymore, that's why he left.

Anna: Noah daddy left, because he needed to work some things out not because he doesn't want to be here.

Noah: Does he still love us?

Anna: Of course he does.

Noah: How come he doesn't come to see us anymore?

While Anna and Noah were talking Britt came into the house she walked into the room and just watched Anna talk to Noah she felt her heartbreak for them as she watched Anna try to explain why Jake wasn't around anymore.

Anna: Noah, can you go and play with your brother so I can talk to Auntie Britt. We will talk later, alright.

Noah: Ok, mommy.

Noah ran off upstairs, and Anna stood up so she could hug Britt.

Anna: Hey, how long have you been here?

Britt: Not long I saw you talking with Noah have you talked with Ethan has he asked about Jake?

Anna: Ethan hasn't asked me anything yet, Noah seems to have all the questions; If I'm being honest, I think Ethan is still afraid of Jake.

Britt: I don't blame him the way Jake acted with him would scare anyone he scared me, and I'm an adult.

Anna: Well it's been a week and a half, and I haven't heard anything from Jake, so I think I'm going to file for divorce.

Britt: What did your mom say when she was here?

Anna: She told me I had to do what is best for the boys she said if I'm not happy, then I should decide what I want.

Britt: Do you know if she went to talk to Jake?

Anna: I don't think she did. She asked me if I would be ok with it. I told her it was fine. Should I call her and ask if she did?

Britt: I think you should.

Anna grabbed her phone and called her mother when she finished she walked back into the room with Britt.

Anna: Well my mom didn't talk to him, she was going to but decided to let us work it out by ourselves.

Britt: Do you want me to talk to him?

Anna: You don't have to do that, if he wants to come back then he will and if not, then we will be fine just the three of us.

Britt: I wish I was able to fix this for you guys.

Anna: The only one who can fix this is Jake. Noah Ethan, It's time to go.

Noah: Mommy, I can't find my soccer ball.

Anna: Did you check the backyard?

Noah ran outside to look for the ball. 

Anna: Ethan, have you seen Noah's soccer ball?

Ethan: I think he left it in the car.

Noah: Mommy, it's not out there?

Anna: I think it's in the car come on we have to go or we will be late for your game.

Anna Britt and the boys left for Noah's game when they got there they met up with Kelley and Anna C. they all sat and watched Noah's game. Noah's team didn't win, but everyone had a great time Noah scored his first goal. 

Noah: Mommy, did you see I scored a goal.

Anna: I did buddy I'm so proud of you. 

Noah hugged his mom, and his Aunt's and everyone congratulated him, then Anna noticed that the smile Noah had was gone.

Anna: What's wrong baby, why are you sad?

Noah: Daddy didn't get to see my first goal. I wish he was here.

Anna: I know buddy. Do you want to get some pizza and ice cream on the way home?

Noah: Ok, can we go to the park after we eat?

Anna: Of course we can.

Anna Britt and the boys got in the car so they could meet with Kelley and Anna C. so they could celebrate Noah's first goal.

After they finished having pizza, and ice cream Anna Britt and Kelley took the boys to the park so they could burn off some energy the boys ran around for an hour while the girls sat on the bench and talked.

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