Girls Night

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Britt and Anna set up girls night with the rest of the pitch-perfect cast it took a few weeks to plan it, almost everyone could make it. Hana couldn't make it but everyone else could so they gathered at Anna's.

Anna: Babe, you don't have to leave you can stay and hang out with us. You're going back to film in a few days why don't you stay.

Jake: Honey, it's fine you have a great time with the girls I'm going to hang out with the guys.

Anna was about to say something else when the doorbell rang. She went downstairs and opened the door and everyone had arrived everyone came into the house then went to set up in the family room. Jake came down the stairs after getting ready to meet the guys. 

Jake: Alright babe I'm out of here I said as I walked into the family room where everyone was.

Anna: I stood up so I could give him a hug, ok have fun with the guys.

Jake: You have fun with the girls I said as I leaned in to give her a kiss when we broke apart I leaned down and kissed her bump. 

Anna: I love you.

Jake: I love you both have a good time.

Jake walked down the hallway and out the door. Anna turned back to face the girls.

Anna C.: You guys are too cute.

Britt: Does he always kiss your bump when he leaves?

Anna: He does.

Hailee: I think it's sweet.

Kelly: He's excited about being a dad.

Anna: He is so excited he's always talking to the baby he reads to the baby.

Shelly: That's adorable you're so lucky to have him, Anna.

Anna: I know I don't know what I would do without him. He's been amazing with the pregnancy so far.

The girls continued to talk and laugh and eat ice cream. Then they played some games and everyone took turns guessing whether Anna's baby will be a boy or a girl. Hailee, Britt, Kelley, Rebel, and Alexis said a boy and Shelly, Anna C., Chrissie, and Ester all said a girl. Then the girls asked Anna what she thought?

Anna: I really think it's going to be a boy.

Chrissie: What does Jake think?

Anna: For the longest time, he said boy then a couple weeks ago he said a girl which surprised me. 

Rebel: Why do you think he changed his mind?

Anna: I don't know, when we babysat his nieces he said when we had kids they would be boys so he didn't have to play with dolls.

Kelley: Maybe he thinks playing with dolls won't be so bad.

Anna: I don't know.

Hailee: Did you ask him why he is saying a girl now and not a boy?

Anna: I did and he answered back with he just wants a healthy baby. I mean that's what I want as well but I just feel like this baby is a boy.

Britt: You can still find out.

Anna: I know, I just feel like I want to be surprised Jake wants to know I told him he could find out but he said he wouldn't be able to keep it a secret.

All the girls laughed they continued to talk about other things like everyone's upcoming projects and who was dating and who was still looking. Some of the girls took off because they had to be up early the next day. Britt, Hailee, Kelley, and Chrissie all stuck around.

Chrissie: So does Jake have anything coming up?

Anna: Yeah he is filming Nocturnal Animals now but after that nothing, till summer I think.

Britt: Have you been ok while he's been gone filming?

Anna: Yeah things have been ok I miss him when he's gone but I'm handling it.

Britt: Well if you need anything while he is gone just call us.

Anna: Thank's guys I will.

Jake came through the door 5 minutes later and stumbled Anna got up to see what was going on.

Jake: Hey baby you look good.

Anna: You look drunk.

Anna went to help him up the stairs but Britt stopped her.

Britt: Hey let me help your pregnant Hailee stand on the other side and help me.

Hailee: Sure I got up and stood on the other side of Jake we got him upstairs with Anna following us when we got to the room we set him down on the bed.

Anna: Thank's for helping guys.

Britt: No problem we are going to leave you to it. I have a key I'll lock the door once we leave.

Anna: Ok thanks for tonight guys I had so much fun.

Hailee: Anytime.

Britt and Hailee walked down the stairs and saw Chrissie and Kelley cleaning up Hailee grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. Britt helped Chrissie then they all left Britt locked the door once they were all outside.

Back in the bedroom, Anna was helping Jake take off his jacket and shoes. She took his jacket off and hung it in the closet put his phone on the nightstand, then helped him take off his shoes.

Anna: Babe how much did you drink?

Jake: I'm not sure but you're really pretty.

Anna: Okay, you're really drunk tell me you took a cab home?

Jake: I got a ride from someone.

Anna: Well your safe that's what counts.

Jake: I love you so much.

Anna: I love you too.

Anna got into bed Jake was already passed out she turned out the light and fell asleep soon after. The next morning Anna woke up first and looked at Jake she brushed her hand against his cheek. Jake slowly opened his eyes.

Jake: Hey babe.

Anna: Hey how do you feel?

Jake: Not great my head is pounding.

Anna: You were very drunk last night.

Jake: Please tell me you didn't help me up the stairs?

Anna: No Britt stopped me before I could.

Jake: Good I'm glad she did you could have got hurt.

Anna: Babe I'm fine Britt and Hailee helped you upstairs.

Jake: I'll have to call and say thank you.

Anna got up and got in the shower while Jake was still lying in bed he grabbed his phone and called Britt. 

Britt: Hey Jake, what's up is everything ok?

Jake: Yeah everything is great I was just calling to say thank you for helping me upstairs last night and not letting my pregnant wife help me.

Britt: No problem it's what friends are for.

Jake: Tell Hailee thank you for me as well.

Britt: I will.

Jake: While I have you on the phone could you do me a favour?

Britt: Sure anything. 

Jake: Can you take Anna out in a few weeks I'll be done filming so I'm planning on working on the baby's room but I want to surprise her with it so I need her out of the house.

Britt: Yeah no problem just text me later on in the week and I'll come up with something.

Jake: Thank's Britt, I'll talk to you later bye Britt.

Britt: Bye, Jake.

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