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At the beginning of the pregnancy everything was great she had a little morning sickness but other than that things were going well they found out the baby would be due March 22, 2016. Jake was always checking on her making sure she was ok. Jake was filming at this point but he had a few days off so he could make their 20-week scan the doctor asked if they wanted to know the gender of the baby they said no we want to be surprised Dr. Smith said ok i'll see you at the next visit.

As they walked to the car holding hands Jake looked at Anna.

Anna: What I said as I looked at my husband.

Jake: Are you sure you don't want to know?

Anna: Yeah, why are you not?

Jake: I kind of want to know.

Anna: I thought we agreed we wanted to be surprised?

Jake: I know I thought I did but now I want to know.

Anna: Then go back in and ask I want to be surprised.

Jake: I laughed at my wife and said ok we will wait if I go back in there I won't be able to keep it to myself.

They got in the car and drove home. In the middle of the night, Anna woke up and couldn't get back to sleep she tossed and turned eventually waking Jake up in the process.

Jake: Babe, whats wrong?

Anna: Nothing I just can't get back to sleep. I'm going to go downstairs and watch tv.

Jake: Babe this is the third time this week is there something you're not telling me?

Anna: No I'm fine just leave it, go back to sleep. 

Anna got up from the bed and went downstairs to watch tv she sat there with her hand on her bump rubbing it back and forth. Jake came downstairs 10 minutes later determined to find out what was bothering his wife.

Anna: What are you doing down here I thought you were going back to sleep? 

Jake: I can't sleep until you tell me what is bothering you.

Anna: I told you I'm fine.

Jake: You're a bad liar, Whats up talk to me.

Anna: I can't I said as I started to cry.

Jake: Hey you can tell me anything does this have something to do with you not sleeping?

Anna: I keep having this bad dream and I can't sleep I have the same dream every time.

Jake: What's the dream about?

Anna: I don't want to tell you.

Jake: How am I suppose to help you if you won't tell me?

Anna just shook her head as more tears fell her hand still on her bump. Jake was confused he wanted to help his wife but didn't know how he sat next to her and pulled her close she cried on his chest then pulled away. Jake put his hand on her cheek and wiped away her tears.

Jake: Come on babe talk to me tell me what's going on.

Anna: I have this dream every night I lost the baby.

Jake: What do you mean lost like put it down and forgot where you put it?

Anna: No I have the baby early and he dies.

Jake: Babe why didn't you tell me this?

Anna: I thought if I said it out loud then something bad would happen and I don't want to lose this baby.

Jake: Have you been stressing about this?

Anna: A little.

Jake: Babe everything is fine we heard the heartbeat the baby is fine you are fine. Please stop stressing over this come back to bed I'll hold you and keep you both safe.

Anna: Ok I'll try and go back to sleep.

Jake took Anna by the hand and led her back upstairs they got in bed and Jake held Anna close to him they both put their hands on her bump and fell asleep. 

The next morning Jake got up to run he got ready without waking Anna. He walked over to her kissed her head and her bump then headed downstairs. When he got back from his run he started making breakfast. Anna walked down the stairs just as Jake was finishing breakfast.

Anna: That smells amazing.

Jake: Hey good morning how did you sleep?

Anna: I slept great for the first time this week.

Jake: I'm glad you finally told me what was going on.

Anna: I'm glad I did too, I was just so worried. 

Jake: You don't need to worry ok try not to stress about anything it's not good for you or her I said as I put my hand on her bump.

Anna: Her, I thought you said we were having a boy.

Jake: I'm thinking a little girl would be amazing.

Anna: I thought you wanted boys so you didn't have to play with dolls.

Jake: I just want the baby to be healthy I don't care if it's a boy or a girl.

Jake and Anna ate breakfast then there was a knock on the door. Anna got up and answered while Jake cleaned up from breakfast. Anna opened the door and Britt was standing there.

Anna: Hey I didn't know you were coming over I said as I let her come in.

Britt: I haven't seen you guys in a while I was out so I thought I would stop by and say hi.

Anna: I gave her a hug and told her to come in we just finished breakfast.

Britt: Perfect timing then I said as I said hi to Jake and sat on the couch.

Jake went upstairs to get ready for the day and to give Anna and Britt some privacy.

Britt: You look great.

Anna: Stop I do not I'm getting big.

Britt: That's good it means the baby is growing, speaking of the baby do you know what you're having?

Anna: Oh, I see now, you came by to find out the gender.

Britt: Ok maybe I did I'm excited for you guys.

Anna: Well you wasted a trip we don't know the gender.

Britt: They couldn't tell?

Anna: No the doctor knew we just want to be surprised.

Britt: Really?

Anna: Yep we are waiting until the baby is born.

Britt: What is your guess?

Anna: I'm thinking boy today Jake said girl but he has been saying a boy for a while. What do you think?

Britt: I'm with you I think you are having a boy. Have you thought of names yet?

Anna: I have a ton of names for a boy not much for a girl.

Britt: Then let's hope its a boy.

Anna: I just looked at her and laughed the baby kicked while we were laughing. Britt, give me your hand, feel this I said.

Britt: Wow baby kicks hard. That's amazing. So how are you feeling?

Anna: I'm feeling great at first I was scared because it was soon but now I can't wait to see who the baby looks like.

Anna and Britt continued to talk for a while then Britt said she had to get going but they should get together with all the pitch-perfect girls one night Anna said that would be fun to see everyone so they set up a date and Britt said she would call everyone.  

Jake and Anna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now