Ethan's First Birthday

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Anna was finishing rehearsals when Jake came in with Ethan they stood off to the side and watched as Anna danced with the other girls. When A.J. said they were finished for the day Anna walked over and gave Jake a kiss then took Ethan form him then gave Ethan a hug and a kiss.

Anna set Ethan on the ground so he could stand by his mom all of a sudden Ethan stated to take steps towards Hailee. When Anna collected her things and went to pick Ethan back up she noticed he was taking steps towards Hailee.

Anna: Jake get the phone he's walking.

Jake: What?

Anna: Our son is taking steps.

Jake: I grabbed the phone and took video as our son made the short distance towards Hailee.

All the girls watched as Ethan walked towards Hailee they couldn't believe they got to witness this. Hailee bent down and Ethan walked right into her arms she picked him up and gave him a hug then brought him back to Anna and Jake.

Anna: Good job buddy I said as I took him in my arms.

Hailee: Was that the first time he's done that?

Anna: He's takin steps before but that was the first time walking that far and not falling over. I told you he likes you.

Hailee: Sorry he didn't walk to you guys.

Anna: No don't apologize it's fine. 

Britt came over and gave Ethan a kiss Anna asked her if she could pick up the cake for his party later Britt said she could. Anna and Jake took Ethan back to the apartment to get him ready for his party. Jake was setting up the food and Anna was on decorations with help from some of the other girls.

Britt came through the door with the cake they set that up in the kitchen Jake got Ethan up from his nap and dressed him. Jake brought him out and placed him in the high chair and gave him something to snack on.

Anna: Hailee thank you so much for organizing the presents.  

Hailee: No problem. I can't believe he's already one.

Anna: I know it's hard to believe for me too.  

When it came time for cake Anna took Ethan's shirt off so he wouldn't get it covered in cake Jake put the cake down in front of Ethan and all the girls sang Happy Birthday to him which he loved he clapped his hands and smiled Anna and Jake helped Ethan blow out his candle. Ethan put his face right into the cake which made everyone laugh.

Ethan loved the cake he shoved the cake in his face and smiled. Once everyone had cake it was time for presents Anna and Britt cleaned Ethan off then brought him over to Jake so they could open presents. Ethan got new clothes from Britt, Hailee got him toy trucks, Kelley got him toys and clothes, Ester got him books and toys, Anna C. got him stuffed animals and clothes. 

Once all the presents were open Ethan had a lot of new clothes to wear and a lot of new toys to play with books for Anna and Jake to read to him new stuffed animals to cuddle with. All of the girls got a chance to play with him. Ethan was having a great time playing with the girls. 

Anna, Jake, and Britt were in the kitchen cleaning up.

Anna: Well that was a successful first birthday.

Jake: It was he is having a great time. 

Anna: I'm just glad we didn't bring a lot of toys with us.

Britt: Good thing you would have toys everywhere.

Anna: Thank you so much for the clothes Britt he is going to look so cute.

Britt: No problem.

Jake: I love the little cowboy boots you found those are great.

Britt: I saw them and I had to get them.

Anna: He's going to look like a little cowboy with the plaid shirt and jeans and he's going to look adorable.

Britt: He is.

When it got late the girls left so that Anna and Jake could put Ethan to bed. Anna and Jake thanked everyone for coming and for the gifts. Anna gave Ethan a bath then put him in his pj's she brought him to Jake so he could read him a story once Jake was halfway through the story Ethan had fallen asleep. 

Anna: He's out babe I said as I looked at Ethan sound asleep in Jake's arms.

Jake: Okay I'll put him down then we can watch a movie if you want?

Anna: I was thinking we could go to bed early?

Jake: You want to go to sleep it's 9:30?

Anna: I didn't say sleep. 

Jake: I'll be right back I said as I stood up and headed for Ethan's room. All I could hear was Anna laughing as I walked down the hall.  

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