The Room

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Jake had texted Britt later on in the week like he said he would. Britt called Anna and asked her to come shopping with her and the girls. Jake and his friends started to put the room together they painted the walls first, Jake decided to go with light green because it was gender neutral.

Matthew: Does Anna have any idea that you are doing this?

Jake: Nope no clue at all.

Michael: Are you sure you want to surprise her, I mean what if she wanted to help design this?

Jake: She loves surprises, plus I was filming for months I mean I know I was in town but my days were so busy I barely saw her so I want to make up for not being around.

Matthew: Why she knows that's your job?

Jake: The baby was a surprise I would never have done a project if I knew we were having a baby.

Michael: Then why did you continue after you found out.

Jake: It was too late to back out and Anna said she would be fine I should do the film. What if something had happened while I was on set I would never forgive myself.

Matthew: Everything is fine what would you have done if you were not filming sit home and watch her all day? 

Jake: If that's what I had to do to keep them safe then yes.

Matthew: That would have driven Anna nuts you know that right?

Jake: I know I just feel bad for leaving her so this is my way of making it up to her. Ok, this paint has to dry let's go watch football.

Anna and Britt were shopping with the girls.

Kelley: So what do you think Jake is doing right now?

Anna: He's probably watching football and drinking beer with his friends.

Britt: Was he suppose to be doing something else?

Anna: We got a new coffee table so I'm hoping he is putting it together.

Hailee: But you don't think he is.

Anna: Nope I'm going with football and beer.

Shelley: Well maybe he will do both put it together while watching football and drinking.

Anna: let's hope so.

Chrissie: Are you guys going to work on the nursery soon?

Anna: I think we are going to wait a little longer before doing it.

Kelley: Have you picked a theme yet?

Anna: Nope.

Britt: I told you that you should have found out if it was a boy or a girl.

The girls laughed as Anna rolled her eyes at what Britt said.

Jake and his friends were watching football when he remembered he had to put together a coffee table.

Jake: Hey guys I have to put this together Anna asked me a couple days ago.

Michael: Sure we can do both, watch the game and build.

Jake and the guys built the table in no time then went back to the baby's room. Jake brought out the furniture and started to assemble it. Matthew and Michael worked on the bookshelf Jake worked on the crib. Then they got to work on the dresser. Jake put the finishing touches on the room by adding a rocking chair in the corner and some pictures on the wall. Matthew and Michael put some stuffed animals and books on the shelf.

Later on that night Jake was watching TV when he heard the front door open.

Anna: Hey babe, how was your day?

Jake: Hey, my day was good how was yours?

Anna: Great we had fun shopping I am tired though.

Jake: Well, come here and sit down.

Anna walked over to the couch and sat down next to Jake. She noticed the new coffee table all put together.

Anna: You put the table together for me.

Jake: I did sorry it took a few days.

Anna: That's ok. It looks great in here.

Jake: It does, great pick. I have something else I want to show you if you're not too tired?

Anna: I am tired but I would love to see whatever it is?

Jake: We can wait till morning if you want to go to bed?

Anna: No it's fine let's see what you have.

Jake: Okay close your eyes I'm going to help you up, do you trust me?

Anna: Of course I trust you.

Jake led Anna to the room he stood her in front of the door then turned the handle and walked her inside the room. 

Jake: Okay you can open your eyes now.

Anna: Jake I can't believe you did this I said as I looked around the beautiful room that he had created. He had painted the walls light green the furniture was dark brown he went with an animal theme because it would work for a boy or a girl.

Jake walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

Jake: You like it?

Anna: I love it, it's perfect. I turned in his arms and leaned up and kissed him.

Jake and Anna continued to kiss then they broke apart and Jake led Anna to their bedroom Anna sat on the bed and took her shoes off. Anna put her hand on her back and started to rub it. Jake noticed.

Jake: You ok babe?

Anna: Yeah my back is just a little sore.

Jake: You want me to rub it?

Anna: That would be great.

Jake got on the bed and sat behind Anna and started to rub her back he could feel Anna start to relax.

Anna: That feels amazing please don't stop.

Jake: Okay I won't. When did the back pain start?

Anna: Like a week ago.

Jake: Really you didn't say anything?

Anna: I know I meant to but it wasn't that bad.

Jake: But now it's getting worse?

Anna: Well yeah I'm getting bigger so more pressure on my back.

Jake: Should you see the doctor?

Anna: No babe it's fine I read about it in the book it's normal.

Jake: Okay.

Jake and Anna cuddled up together in bed Anna tossed and turned a few times trying to get comfortable. When Jake put his arm around her she was able to fall asleep.  

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