Chapter 37

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Aelia's POV

It's Dad! He's alive! He's sick as shit though! Grandpa layed him down on the couch and he won't stop coughing up blood! Yang runs into the room "I found him at my mother's tribe! They poisoned him or something!"

Ivo and Cinder run over to him to see what they can do, Ivo starts to get scared "This isn't just the poison! Salem is using her powers to forcibly awaken his powers and control him! His body can't take it!"

Cinder runs back into the living room and cones back with the tome hoping to find something to help. I can't move because I'm so scared of seeing him die in front of me. I run over and hold his head still since he won't stop fidgeting and squirming from the pain. I feel hot tears run down my face "Dad you need to calm down! W-We can help you!" I look at my aunt "Please tell me you can do something!! I don't want him to die!"

Everyone is freaking out, everyone grabs anything that can help while me, Mom, Ivo, Cinder and Grandpa stay with Dad. "I'm thinking! Just...... Cinder give me the tome!" She practically throws it at her and she skips through it. Her eyes widen and she hands it back to Cinder "We have to say this chant for the spell and we can save Darnell!"

Cinder looks at it and looks back up "Ok! I'll follow after you!" They start to say the chant and Dad starts to scream from the pain. His body starts to light up with a red and black aura as they start the chant and power up. His veins start to glow as well.....

Darnell's POV

I can't see and I can barely hear anything..... I can't even hear my pained yells. I can taste iron in the back of throat.... someone tilts my head to the side and I puke out blood.... this is how I'm gonna die.... in the hands of the people that know me better than I know myself. My vision is blurry but I see red hair.... Is that.... damnit I can't even remember her name... the person who was holding my head let's go of me as the girl gets closer... I feel more tears hit my face and I can hear her voice..... over everyone else's... I stop screaming from the pain as she holds my face.... Her hands are so soft, soothing to the touch. "Darnell you can't go! I just got you back and you will not leave me again!" I can see her green eyes.... crying for me.... I try to reach out to her but the pain goes through me again and I try to hold my head and squeeze my eyes shut as an attempt to numb the pain. "You've been through so much! You can't stop now! I don't care about this damn war! I just want you to be alive and well!" I open one eye and hold her hand tight "I'm right here with you and I'll never leave you! You're with your family now and you have nothing to be afraid of!" I hear more people run into the room, I can't see a damn thing! The only person I can see is her..... I can't stop hyperventilating and grunting in pain! She holds my hand even tighter and I slowly start to calm down.... but I hear mother's voice in my head.

"I hate to do this to you Darnell.... I love you so much but you just simply refuse to be by my side.... I'm never letting 'her' out again... I'm currently reconnecting my link to you in the most painful way possible..... I miss the old you....... but it seems Ivo and young Cinder are doing their best to save you..... hmph I'll let them have you.... I have someone just as good as you... the true you on my side... this is goodbye Darnell... just know that I gave you a chance."

I feel myself start to lose consciousness, my grip looses up on the woman's hand and she notices. The amount of blood I coughed up and puked up with my wounds bleeding as well doesn't surprise me..... but I'm afraid I won't wake up. "NO! NO NO NO NO!" She looks around in a panic... I'm guessing she's looking at everyone "WE'RE LOSING HIM!" She gets closer to me "YOU HAVE TO STAY AWAKE! P-PLEASE!" She holds my hand tighter hoping I hold her hand back with the same amount of strength "YOU CAN'T LEAVE US AGAIN!" She gets closer to me but my mind is starting to slip away "Y..... can't..... lea.... me....." those are the only words or pieces of words my mind can process before I pass out.

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