Ten Paces, Fire! (PT. 1) {Jon x Ensemble! Reader}

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this is based off of something I saw except it was with jon and thayne. now it's reader-chan. this'll also be two parts

pairing; jon rua x ensemble! reader

time; modern

warnings; blood & short mention of abuse

type of oneshot; angst

requested?; nope


Your POV

Today had been your average two show Saturday so far... almost. We were rehearsing for our second show of the day, after our first show, when we got an...  unexpected visitor.

Flashback -

We were running through Satisfied, when suddenly someone burst into the auditorium. I almost couldn't see who it was because we were a decent distance away, but I knew the voice immediately.

"Where the hell is (Y/N)?!" It was (Ex/N). He was my crazy-*ss ex who was rude to me and would hurt me. I still have scars from what he used to do and use on me. Physical and mental scars. The cast already knew about him and swore to protect me. They were honestly the best people ever.

The music stopped and everyone looked toward the entrance. My current boyfriend, Jon, made his way quickly over to me and stood in front of me.

"F*ck off, bud. We don't need you here," Jon said. Jon grabbed my hand from in front of me and I held onto it tightly, feeling myself shake.

"Oh don't worry, I just wanted to say hi to you lovely people and my even lovelier (Y/N)."

I was about to yell at him when someone spoke up first.

"Listen here; enter this damn auditorium or building one last time, and you'll be sent to the police when I'm done with you." Oak.

Despite looking tough, I knew (Ex/N) was a little scared of Oak, and Oak knew it. Oak was one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet, but don't mess with him or anyone he loves.

(Ex/N) took a few steps forward to us from the entrance. Oak was about to get off the stage, Jon too, when he put his hands up.

"I don't mean any harm right now, but you," he pointed to Jon, "better watch out tonight. I'd hate to see you really turn into Charles Lee."

That's when an unexpected voice yelled. "Listen up damnit! You get out of this building now or you're gonna get reported!" Pippa growled.

(Ex/N) looked shocked. He backed away, but smirked and said something before leaving.

"Remember Jon, watch your back. Or should I say, your side."

Flashback End -

Yeah... today wasn't fun. Well the show was, just not my crazy-ex showing up.

Now, we were about to start the show. I was cuddled into Jon's side, and his arm was around my shoulder. In his free hand was his phone, scrolling through Instagram. I was still a little shaken up, and maybe that's why I felt Jon's arm around me a little tighter than usual.

I looked up at Jon, just taking a minute to look at him. His dark brown eyes illuminated by the phone's screen, his even darker fluffy hair, swept to the side. To me, lucky was an understatement having such an amazing guy.

Jon saw me looking at him and looked back at me, smiling. I smiled back and he rubbed my shoulder before going back to look at his phone. As much as I had calmed down, (Ex/N)'s words echoed in my head.

"Or should I say, your side."

What did he even mean? I didn't have time to ponder before Lin clapped his hands. "Showtime! Let's do this!"

Jon shot me a reassuring smile and we stood up, his arm only moving from my shoulder to my waist as we walked. When we got to the wings, he gave me a quick kiss, lingering as he pulled away. "Break a leg. You'll do great like always," he said. I smiled. "You will too." I watched him as he got ready to get on, before I did too.

~ skip to Ten Duel Commandments ~

As I was on stage, I couldn't help (Ex/N)'s words chanting in my head. What did he mean? What did it mean? What's he going to do? I'm surprised I could still actually dance properly.

"Number nine!"

"Look 'em in the eye, aim no higher. Summon all the courage you require, the count!"

I watched Jon and Anthony pass each other on the stage, moving around fluently. My nerves only seemed to increase the closer the end of the song came. I usually loved doing this song, but now I was so scared.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9."

"Number ten paces..."


The scene unraveled faster than I could process. No one expected the sound of a real gun firing to overlap the sound on the track. No one expected Jon to fall over for real, bleeding out of the side.

The auditorium went into chaos. I was frozen to my spot until I snapped back into reality. I rushed over to Jon's side, tears already streaming down my face. I was already a shaking mess as I dropped down to Jon.

Anthony had already bent down next to me, covering Jon's side as best he could, but I could see the pooling red liquid seeping through onto the stage floor. "Someone grab a rag or just something!" he shouted. Pippa had already ran on-stage, tearing a chunk of her dress off. She would've been on in two songs anyways, bless her. Anthony grabbed the piece of fabric and pressed it to Jon's side, Jon hissing in pain. I watched as red seeped through Pippa's blue dress, some drops dripping onto the already reddened floor.

I grabbed Jon's hand. "You'll be fine... you'll be fine..." I couldn't tell if I was reassuring him or me at this point. I saw paramedics hop onto the stage. Jon squeezed my hand lightly. "D-don't cry..." he mumbled. His eyes fluttered closed as paramedics took him. I knew he wasn't dead but I was practically hyperventilating at this point.

"Don't take him away! Please! Don't take him from me!" I was screaming. Everyone on the stage was either crying or in tears, hugging each other. Emmy ran over to me and wrapped her arms around me. Then Betty. Then Sasha, Morgan. The whole female ensemble was hugging tightly, even some of the guys of the ensemble.

In that moment, everything clicked. "Or should I say, your side."

(Ex/N) had rigged the gun when we thought they couldn't be rigged. And now he was going to pay.

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