Sides {Hamilsquad x Reader}

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bishes we crossin two of my fav fandoms iM SO EXCITED--!

pairing; hamilsquad x reader (x sanders sides)

time; modern

warnings; v cute?? idk lol

type of oneshot; fluff

requested?; thanks for the super awesome request 0HamiltonUnicorn0 i'm so excited to write this--


Your POV

Logan, Patton, Roman, and Virgil.

Alex, John, Lafayette, Hercules.

I never thought I'd live to see the day I had a crush on more than two people... let alone two polyamorous groups of four. I guess that's what I got for being polyamorous.

It was always fun to see the two relationships interact. Logan and Alex would always have the most interesting debates, using their big words that only they understood one-hundred percent. Patton and John were always making jokes, keeping everyone in high spirits. Roman and Lafayette liked to discuss anything 'royal', and talk about their families. And Virgil usually told Hercules a few of the things that bothered him, Herc even doing the same.


I was sat in-between John and Patton, watching them play Mario Kart. Logan and Alex were who knows where (wink wonk- jk no don't picture that) having their usual debate. As for everyone else... who knew.

"Ha! Take that-- what?! What the heck; how did you do that with a green shell?!"

John and I both laughed as he had somehow caught up to a first-place Patton, hitting him with a shell and eventually speeding by. However, it was only their second lap. What happens on Rainbow Road though, stays on Rainbow Road.

Patton used one of his hands to quickly adjust his black glasses, and I couldn't help but stifle a giggle at the amount of determination in his eyes.

"You're so innocent, y'know that?" John said to Patton as his Inkling Boy drifted around a corner. "You never curse and barely know anything about... things. It's pretty amusing actually."

Patton gasped dramatically as Baby Mario sped by an item box. "I only never curse because our friend Thomas has such an influence on me! And I'm smarter than you think!"

I snickered, standing up and looking around for the other humans in the 'Sides' household. I didn't notice John's slight pout as I left the room.

Walking into the kitchen, I found Laf and Roman, no surprise there.

I leaned against the door frame. "Hey, lover boys, have you seen everyone else?"

"We haven't, but I do believe Virge is in his room with Hercules," Roman answered.

"Oui. My guess is Logan and Lex are in Logan's room. They said they 'ad things to discuss."

"Probably about Jefferson and Deceit or whatever," I mumbled, looking around the kitchen. From the looks of it, the pair was making some French dessert. Typical. They both enjoyed romance and all the nicer things.

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