Chapter 53

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I guess that could be a second line... But it also could not be a second line. It's really faint, but it's there.. Or it's just my imagination.

I've been sitting on the bathroom floor for 20 minutes. I even changed into pajamas so I would be more comfy on the bathroom floor. This stupid home pregnancy test is messing with my head. I need to get another. But I can't go out and get one myself, I might get recognized. There's only one person I know that will take me.

I grabbed my phone from off the counter and scrolled through my contacts until I found the right one. It rung a few times before they picked up.

"Can you come get me?"


I have no idea how long I was on the floor until I got the text that my ride was downstairs. Quickly I launched off the floor and ran towards the door, still in my pajamas I may add. As I reached for the door handle to leave the door opened from the other side. Jin, Jungkook, Jimin, and Tae stood on the other side.

"Oh. Hi (y/n)." Jin spoke as they walked into the dorm.

"(Y/n), are you going somewhere?" Tae kissed the top of my head.

"Yeah. To the store, I'll be back soon."

"I'll come with you."

"No!.. It's fine. You just got home, relax." I quickly kissed him on the lips before running down the hall.

For a quicker route to the parking garage I opted out of the elevator and bolted down the stairwell. A line of similar black cars lined the street. The dorm happens to be part of a very large and well protected apartment building, lots of other celebrities neighbor us. A few of the familiar residents were walking towards their cars while I ran to mine.

Slamming the door closed I finally realized how out of breath I was.

"So where are we going?" Kang spoke from the driver seat.

"The store." I spoke through my heavy breaths.

"You dragged me out here to go to the store?" He scoffed. "I promised my kids I'd be home for din-" I looked straight forward as I placed the test on the center console. He was quiet, not too quiet.. It was the kind of quiet I expected from someone like him.

"I need another one. To make sure." Finally I looked at him. "I can't go in myself."

He turned the car on and began to drive. It was only a minute before he started talking again.

"Nice outfit by the way." I looked down at my clothes. I didn't exactly look at what I put on, more if just went into the drawer and pulled out something. I was wearing fuzzy pajamas pants I got from target 3 years ago and one of Tae's $1400 Gucci sweatshirts. It's definitely not the worst I've looked. "What are you gonna do if it does end up positive?"

I took a second to think. My nerves caused me to speak in english. "I don't know. I thought the doctor said it was close to impossible for it to happen." I paused and pictured it situation. "It's always been Taehyung dream to have a family of his own. If I could give him that it would be amazing.. But I'm also scared."

"You're young. It's understandable. My wife was 20 when we had our first daughter." A smile grew on his face. His family always made him so happy, maybe Tae and I will be like him when we're older.

He parked close to the entrance of the store and left me in the car. I know I shouldn't be but I feel like if it's negative I'll be disappointed. We both didn't want kids yet but what if this is our only chance. The thought of raising a child with the man I love makes me feel like I fell in love again.

A few minutes later he walked out with a plastic bag. Once he got in the car he handed it to me. 'Digital Pregnancy Test: Over 99% Accurate'.

"Thank you."

"No problem kiddo."

As he started to drive I realized he wasn't heading towards the dorm but out of town.

"Where are we going?"

"I figured you might not want to take it at home with a bunch of nosey boys around. You can take it at my house, take a second to calm yourself, and then I'll take you home."

I nodded in agreement. My mind was going 20 different directions at once, it was getting harder and harder to come up with a response. So I remained quiet.

I've never been to Kang's house before. I've met his family a handful of times. His wife, Rachel, is American and super kind. He has 2 young daughters and an even younger son.

As we made our way further from town we reach a quiet suburban neighborhood. The houses were all one story and close in proximity, but most were well taken care of with beautiful flowers planted in the yards.

A few houses in he pulled into a driveway next to a larger blue mini van. The windows were lit up and laughter could be heard from one of the open windows. He unlocked the door and was immediately tackled by the 2 young girls.

"Daddy's home!" They yelled. Suddenly their attention turned to me. "Miss (y/n)!"

"Hi, it's been awhile since I've seen you."

"(Y/n)!" Rachel walked around a corner. "Just in time to join us for dinner." She hugged me, her smile was large and warm.

"That would be great." She nodded before running off back to the kitchen.

"Hey," Kang spoke in a quieter tone. "The bathroom is the second door to your left. Take as much time as you need." He went to join his family in the kitchen, leaving me alone. Slowly I walked towards the bathroom and locked myself inside. Sliding the small stick out of the box I took a deep breath.

This is it.

A/N: Next chapter will defiantly be a long one ;) Thanks for being patient. Don't forget to vote and comment, I love reading what you guys think about the story!! -M

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