Chapter 60

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"Here's your water." Ryu handed me the clear bottle. Wearing a giant sweater in summer isn't the best idea but it's the best at covering my baby bump.

"Thank you. Any news?" I asked eagerly. Smiling he passed me his phone. The screen showed flight information with the status of 'landed'. I jumped up from my spot on the couch and allowed the many security guards to surround me once again as they escorted me to the gate exit.

In small groups people began to emerge from the doors leading to the gates. Many running to reunite with friends and family that came to pick them up. Suddenly the once quiet environment was filled with cheers from two newcomers.

"(Y/n)!" Mason's voice boomed through the airport. I lunged from my stationary position and ran into their arms. "Wow you really are pregnant." He laughed.

"Shh, keep it down, someone might hear."

"We're just happy to see you." Misha clung to me. "But, wow, you really are." She quietly squealed with excitement.

"I know. It's going to be so nice to finally announce it." We started walking back to the guards. The loud reunion brought unwanted attention to my presence. "The boys are working today so we have the dorm to ourselves." I smiled.

We were immediately brought to the van that was parked close to the exit.

Pulling away from the airport both of my guests faces were glued to the windows. It reminded me a lot of the first time I came to Korea. Everything was so exciting and new.

"I can't believe we're in Korea!" Misha exclaimed.

"I've only ever used my passport once and it was to go to Cabo." He smirked.

A few more twists and turns throughout the city we made it to the outskirts that had the more expensive and luxury housing. Aka where we live.

The giant gates to large community of tall apartment complexes could be seen in front of us. I always thought the outside of the dorm was a bit.. Extra. But it's nice having so much security.

We pulled in front of a large white building and I opened the door for the other two. Workers rushed over to retrieve their luggage from the back and I could tell by the look on Mason's face he was loving life.

After a long, rowdy elevator ride we made it to our floor. The marble floors echoed the sound of our sneakers as we approached the last room of the very long hallway. I laid my hand on the door handle and turned to them.

"I recommend not going into any room that has a closed door. It's either full of expensive equipment or the home to disgusting, messy men." I warned them. Finally I threw the door open and they launched themselves into the living room, gasping at the large room and expensive decour.

"I can't believe you live here!" Misha exclaimed.

"Yeah I can't either." I looked over to Mason who was taking pictures of almost everything. "What are you doing?"

"The girls back home are going to die. Literally die." The sound of his camera shutter could be heard from all parts of the room.

Suddenly I snapped into tour guide mode and took them around the entire house. Showing them where the home offices were and which room belongs to who. The only room I let them in was Jungkook's closet because I find his giant collection of white shirts very funny.

After a little while more of showing them around we made our way back to the living room.

"So what's like a normal day for you?" Misha spoke as she ate some candy she had with her.

"Well usually I go to the office with them. I take Korean classes and just watch them practice. I honestly don't have much of a life outside of them."

"You don't go to big parties or like.. I don't know, what else do famous people do." Mason asked.

"No. They really don't have the time to attend any Idol parties. If they ever get freetime it's spent sleeping." I could tell from their face they found it very sad. "Enough about me, let me hear about you guys. Are you excited for college?"

"Oh my god (Y/n), you have no idea!" Mason went off. "When I visited the campus there was dozens of hot gays.. I'm going to thrive." He stood up like he was having a religious experience. He was about to continue when the door of the door opening cut him off.

"Hello?" I called out. No one should be home yet.

"Hello!" Jin yelled excitedly. "Hello (Y/n)'s friends." He threw his arm around me. He spoke confidently in english. Behind him was Yoongi and Jhope.

"What are you guys doing here? Don't you have rehearsal?"

"They let us go home early. The others wanted to practice more." Yoongi called from the kitchen.

"(Y/n)!" Hobi smiled. "We brought back Tteokbokki for your friends." With the news I jumped up and ran to the kitchen.

"Is it okay to eat spicy food when you're pregnant?" Yoongi held the food hostage.

"Yes dad it's okay." I snatched it from his hands and retrieved 3 sets of chopsticks. Running back to the others I found the four of them huddled close showing each other something on their phones, Jin's windshield wiper laugh echoed throughout the house. "What are you guys doing?" My eyes immediately went to Misha's phone. A derpy photo of me displayed on the screen.

"We're sharing funny photos of you." She explained. My cheeks started to heat up. I might not have known any of them long enough for them to share cringy baby photos but they all have disgusting recent photos of me.

"No no no enough of that." I panicked and threw the food onto the coffee table. I shooed the men off while shoving chopsticks in my guests hands.

"They're fun." Misha laughed.

"Yeah they are."

"Hey, when do your parents get here?" Mason struggled to position his chopsticks.


A/N: Here's a nice domestic chapter for y'all! I'm loving all your comments, you're all so funny. Keep it up! -M

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