Chapter 29

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"Are you sure your okay?" Amaya said while helping Connor put bandages on his shoulder.

"Yeah, anyways we can't rest. Adam is out there and we need to stop him." Connor said looking at his team. "Wait where's Aidan? He was at school wasn't he?" 

"Yeah, he was. Probably something went wrong." Greg said looking at Amaya, who shook her head.

"No, he was coming. I don't like this, guys." Amaya said looking at her friends worried.

Pj Robot started beeping crazy making the team look at him. They ran to the computer to see the video of bright light coming out of the park. Everyone was confused so they went out their base and saw it outside to see if the computer wasn't malfunctioning.

"I NEED YOU HELP!" Luna Girl shouted looking at her boyfriend and others. "It's Leopard!"

"What wrong bae!?" Greg said holding his girlfriend up and looking at her with concern.

"He did something crazy. He got Romeo and Night Ninja already." She said making Amaya and Connor worried.

'It already has begun.' Faline said worriedly to Connor.

"No..." Connor whispers while looking at the bright light.

"Come on we need to stop him!" Luna Girl said worriedly. 

"I'll go with you!" Connor said looking at Luna Girl nod. "You three stay here just in case he comes here."

"Okay just be careful Catboy," Amaya said looking at Connor nod and climb on the hoverboard and be flown to the park. 

They past the park and went to the hill where the light was coming from and jump off but Connor looked around confused. These were only shining rocks that Leopard stole from them and he gasps.

"It was a get..." He turned around but groans when he was getting blasted by Luna Girl's magnetic beam.

"Sorry, kitty. Boss order. He just wanted you out from your HQ." Luna Girl said showing her glowing yellow eyes at him.

"Luna Girl..." Connor gasps and looked back at HQ. "Please! I have to help them!!"

'No, his plan was to separate us from your teammates so he can control them through their spirit animals...Namir what are you doing...' Faline whined standing next to Connor, who looked at her and at the HQ.

Amaya was walking back and forth worrying for Connor that she had enough and went to her Owl Glider. 

"Owelette where are you going?" Greg asked with Aidan behind him.

"We have to check on Catboy. I have a bad feeling about this." Amaya said looking worried.

"But Catboy told us to stay here just in case," Aidan said looking at his lover.

"But I just want to make sure he's okay. I just have this feeling..." Amaya sighed making her friend and lover nod.

"We understand let's go!" Greg smiled making her smile back.

"Not so fast bird brain..." Amaya, Greg, and Aidan gasp and turn around to see Leopard but in a different form. 

'No...' Lilith said flying next to Amaya. 'He completed the transformation.'

"W-What do you mean?" Amaya said backing up when Adam was smirking with his sharp teeth.

'He finally became one with his host. Namir is powerful enough to gain control of other spirit animals...YOU MUST GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!!' Lilith screamed making Amaya nod.

"Let's GO!!!" Amaya shouted flying up.

"Not so fast bird brain!!" Adam growled throwing his sharp nails at them. 

"Super Gekko shields." Greg blocks each one and ran got inside the Owl Glider.

Amaya and Aidan were running toward the glider but Adam jumps in front of them smirking deadly with his claws out.

"You're not going anywhere." Adam laughed while looking at his brother and Amaya.

"Owelette get going! I will handle this." Aidan said standing in front of her.

"W-What! No Mongus we're not leaving you behind!" Amaya cried out looking at her lover.

"Go now! Go save Catboy and stop Leopard from destroying the world. GO NOW!!!" Aidan order and charge toward his brother.

Amaya teared up and ran to the Owl glider and flying in and pressing the button to get them out. She looked at Aidan being slam down to the ground by Adam that she left crying. Adam growled angrily watching the two spirits he wanted to leave and look at his brother who was trying to get lose from his grip.

"Let see how you work brother," Adam smirked at him.

"I rather die than serve you, Leopard," Aidan growled back.

"Heheee keep wishing brother," Adam growled back and touch his forehead making him scream in pain and fall unconscious. 

He looked at the body fall and walk toward Pj Robot who was shaking in fear. Adam chuckled and looked at the robot and looked at the middle.

"Hey, I know that you know how to get the crystal out of the middle so get working or I will tear you apart,"  Adam growled deadly watching Pj Robot shake his head. "Very well I'll figure it out myself!"

He smacks Pj Robot away making him crash into the wall and power out. He rolled his eyes and went to the computer and started typing in a code that he knew and was looking for anything about the crystal. He smirks when he found some information and press on the button to open the hatch. He watched the crystal come out showing the main spirits of the Pj Masks. 

"Soon I'll rule the spirit world and after that, I will rule this pathic place with you Faline. Together will make everyone and spirit fear us. Hahahahaaa." Adam laughed looking at the crystal coming out slowly showing the colors of it and how bright it was shinning.

"Let's get started."Namir voice said clearer holding all the relic of the time beyond his time.

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