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"Please, Rye. Tell me what's up," Andy said softly, taking my hands.

"I'm scared you'll hate me," I replied with a whisper barely audible. If I told him, who knows what it could do to our friendship. It would change everything. It might even affect the band.

"I will never hate you. You're my best friend. Just say it."

"Uh, okay," I stuttered. "Well... I'm gay."

I closed my eyes, waiting for the shouting and discriminating. Instead, I felt two arms around my waist. I smiled and opened my eyes, hugging him back tightly.

"I'm proud of you," he whispered in my ear. "Why are you crying? It's a good thing."

I hadn't even realised I was crying; I was so afraid of what my best friend would say. He wiped the tears away, laughing softly. "Well, now that my best friend has finally come out, which wasn't much of a surprise, to be fair, you want to tell the others? Only if you're ready though."

I nodded, grateful for Andy's presence. "I'm ready."


I followed Rye into the living room, and our entrance caught the attention of everyone.

"You alright, Rye?" Jack asked. "You're crying."

"I... I need to tell you guys something. And I'm sorry if you hate me after this, but I'm gay."

For a minute, there was silence. Then Brook cheered and jumped on top of Rye, closely followed by the others.

"Proud of you, mate," Brook smiled.

"Thanks guys. You're really the best band mates, and best friends, I could ask for."

"Wait..." Mikey interrupted. "Randy?"

I had to suppress the massive grin about to form on my face. To be honest, it had felt like something changed between me and Rye, and I slightly dreaded to think about whether it was what I thought. However, this feeling quickly stopped when I saw Rye's face. I saw.. sadness in his eyes, then anger before he fled from the room. A second later, the front door slammed.

"Way to ruin the moment, Mike," Jack muttered.

"I have a boyfriend," I snapped.

"I was only kid-"

"Save it." I ran out of the flat, but Rye was nowhere to be seen. "Rye?" He wasn't outside either. "Rye!"

I must have been running around for hours, because when I returned to the flat, it was dark.

"He's not anywhere," I whispered, before falling to the floor. What if something bad happened to him?

"He'll be okay, Andy. He'll come back," Jack softly reassured me.

"I'm sorry about before, Andy. It really was a joke. I didn't mean to upset him," Mikey mumbled. He looked down at his shoes with a guilty look on his face.

"Don't worry, Mikey. It's fine."

"Come and sleep," Brook encouraged. "He'll be back by tomorrow morning when you wake up."

"No," I shook my head. "You guys sleep. I'm going to stay up and wait for him."

"You sure? You look pretty worn out." I looked up and saw Jack's concern.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I can stay awake. Go to sleep, guys."

They all reluctantly said goodnight and headed to bed, and I sat myself down on the couch.



I opened the door as quietly as possible, and went to the living room to put my hoodie down. To my surprise, Andy lay on the couch with a pillow to his chest, legs pulled up. He looked as if he was about to fall asleep in seconds, and was shivering. I didn't see any point of trying to wake him, so picked him up bridal style.

"Rye?" He called out softly. "Where did you go?"

"I just went to clear my head for a bit. I'm fine. Shit, you're freezing." I set him down and put my hoodie on him, before carrying him to my bed. Harvey was in America with Blair right now, so I decided to sleep in his bed.

"Stay with me. Please," Andy whispered.

"Sure." I got under the covers and Andy instantly put his head on my chest, hands curled up at my stomach. "Night, Fovvs."

"Night, Rye-Pie."


My eyes opened slowly as the sun peeked through my curtains, and I looked down to see Andy still curled up on top of me. Our legs were tangled together, and I relaxed in the warmth for a bit.

"Rise and sh-" Brook was cut off as he burst through the room and took in our positions. The duvet was halfway off the bed, exposing our intertwined limbs. "Um, I'll leave you guys alone."

"What's happening?" Andy mumbled as he woke up.

"Don't worry. Wake up, sleepyhead."

"Why are we sleeping together?"

"Um, you were waiting for me last night and I carried you here. And you didn't want me to go."

"Can we cuddle for a bit?" I knew he meant as best friends, but something inside my stomach made it flutter.

"Of course." I pulled Andy closer to me and pulled the duvet back up before closing my eyes. He was still shivering despite the fact the bed was warm.

"You okay, Fovvs?"

"N-no, it's fucking freezing."

"It's... 5 degrees right now." I shivered myself and held the duvet closer to us.

"Ugh, I don't want to get up," he groaned.

"Same, but we have to, sooner or later."

"Yeah. I promised Javier I'd meet him later. He texted me yesterday." As Andy said this, there seemed to be fear in his eyes. Was Javier really abusing him?

"Andy, promise me something."


"If Javier hurts you, you will tell me, won't you?"

"Y-yeah, course." I ignored the fact I knew he was lying.

"Good. I'm here whenever you need me."

"I know. Thanks, Rye." He rested his head on the crook of my shoulder, and turned his head so his lips were near my ear. "You're an amazing best friend." I smiled, taking in this moment.

Seeing Andy cry yesterday broke my heart, and I didn't want to see him upset. He said the bruises weren't Javier, but something didn't seem right about that guy. Andy had only ever introduced him to us once, and Javier was pretty cold to all of us.

"C-can I say something that I feel? The honest truth?"

"Of course," Andy replied, sliding up a little further. "About Javi?" My heart clenched at the sound of Andy's boyfriend's nickname. I don't know why.

"Yeah. In my opinion, something seems... off about him. If you love him, I won't ruin it for you. But that's just what I feel about him. I don't like him, Andy."

Andy was silent for a few minutes before he spoke. "I respect that. But in all honesty, I don't love him. I do like him, he's funny and good-looking. But I don't love him. So if we were to break up, it wouldn't be a torture."

I nodded and Andy hugged me tightly, making me close my eyes. I need to experience these moments before something happens.

And something will happen. I'm sure of it.

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