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I looked around me, a distant lamppost illuminating the long road. Feeling the light patter of rain, I pulled my hood up, confused why I was out here alone. How did I get here? It was in the middle of nowhere. I heard police sirens far away. Why was I here? Where was here?

I felt around for my phone, grateful it was in my back pocket. There were probably about 50 texts from Rye, going crazy and asking where I was. I clicked on his name, but getting no answer. I huffed and checked my surroundings, trying to shelter from the slowly worsening rain.

A growl from behind me made me jump, but surprise surprise, nobody was there. I tried to compose myself and took my phone back out, deciding to call Mikey or Alex. Nobody was picking up. I walked down the road a little, using my phone as a flashlight. Suddenly, I could faintly hear a second pair of footsteps, becoming closer as every minute passed by painfully slowly.

My first instinct was to run, but my feet didn't seem to agree. I stumbled and tripped onto my knees, wincing at the blood already starting to show through my jeans. I hid my face with my hood, facing the gravel as the footsteps came even closer. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a man, around 6 feet, make his way over with a dagger or something in his hand.

"Hey there," he laughed, and I screamed, knowing there was no way out...

I woke up with a jolt, gasping for breath. I was in Rye's bed, thankfully. Not some forest side road or about to be killed by a stranger.

"Baby, what is it?" Rye asked sleepily.

"N-nothing. I had a nightmare, that's all," I said shakily, lying back down. Rye kissed my head and wrapped an arm around my waist, making me feel 100 times safer.

"W-will you sing something?" I asked quietly. Rye nodded.

"A dangerous plan, just this time
A stranger's hand clutched in mine
I'll take this chance, so call me blind
I've been waiting all my life
Please don't scar this young heart
Just take my hand

I was made for loving you
Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through
Every bone screaming (I don't know what we should do)
All I know is, darling, I was made for loving you

Hold me close
Through the night
Don't let me go, we'll be alright
Touch my soul and hold it tight
I've been waiting all my life
I won't scar your young heart
Just take my hand

'Cause I was made for loving you
Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through
Every bone screaming I don't know what we should do
All I know is, darling, I was made for loving you

Please don't go, I've been waiting so long
Oh, you don't even know me at all
But I was made for loving you

I was made for loving you
Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through
Every bone screaming I don't know what we should do
All I know is, darling, I was made for loving you."

I smiled, having missed his singing voice. It was so beautiful, and I wanted to hear it forever, until my dying breath.

"What would I do without you, huh?" I grinned, leaning in as he kissed my forehead.

"I don't wanna think about that," Rye smiled sadly. "What matters is that I'm holding you here in my arms, completely in love with you, and I want that for the rest of my life, being able to call you mine."

I looked out of the window, seeing that it was getting light. Rye looked the same way and I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye.

"You want to watch the sunrise together?"

I nodded and Rye's hand clasped mine, as we made our way out to his balcony. He got a chair and sat down in it, sitting me on his lap and wrapping a blanket around us.

"I haven't had something like this in years," I said quietly, playing with my fingers. It reminded me yet again of the beginning of my relationship with Javier, how lovely and intimate it had all been.

"Get used to it, love. We're going to do these whenever we can," Rye laughed. I leaned back into him, and we watched the sun come up. Rye took a photo for our Instagram stories, uploading it. It was of him kissing my cheek whilst I had my eyes closed, the sun in the background. We sat in silence for a long while.

"Please never leave me," I said suddenly, turning to Rye. I didn't bother wiping away the tears that were falling now, just looking my boyfriend in the eye.

"Never, Andy. I'll always be here."

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