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I went back to the hospital the day after, with Brook and Jack. It didn't go well. Brook glanced at Andy and burst into tears in Jack's arms.

"Shh, he's okay, Brookie. Andy's fine," Jack whispered. His hands ran softy through Brook's hair, making my heart swell with... jealousy, I guess. I wanted Andy to wake up so I could whisper sweet nothings in his ear, run my hands through his soft blonde hair, rub my thumb across his flushed cheeks. I wanted to do the indescribable to him, but I couldn't. I couldn't because he didn't like me back.

I was so deep in my thoughts I barely registered Andy stirring from his position, his eyes fluttering open. Oh God, those gorgeous blue eyes.

"Hey," I whispered, smiling. Jack looked up, and whispered into Brook, who looked up immediately.

"Hey," Andy croaked. He broke out into a grin, and I couldn't just stand here anymore. I leapt forward and pulled him into my arms, hugging him tightly. There was no way I was letting him go again.

"Andy," Brook whispered, running towards him. His arms went round Andy's shoulders as he sobbed quietly. "I missed you so much."

"Brook, I was only out for what, a day?" Andy chuckled, still in the younger boy's embrace.

"I know, but it felt like a year." Brook pulled away, back into Jack's arms. Andy smirked at them, then looked at me. I nodded back, sitting beside him.

"Y-you like me?" He whispered softly so Jack and Brook wouldn't hear. Shit.

"You heard me," I said, shocked, and he nodded. "Uh, yeah, I do. I know you don't like me back or anything but I just-"

Andy's finger on my lip made me shut up, and he smiled a big smile.

"Um, Brook, let's get something to eat. You guys want anything?" I could see Jack saw we would be better off alone, and nodded. "Just crisps. Thanks, Jack."

Jack smiled and took Brook's hand, leading him out of the room. Seconds later, I heard a faint moan and me and Andy both smirked.

"They'll end up coming out tomorrow or something," he commented. I laughed, and just for a minute appreciated how lucky I was to have this beautiful boy as my best friend.

"I want to be with you," Andy whispered.

"W-what?" I stuttered. No. Fucking. Way.

"Y-yeah. I like you. I really like you, Rye. I hate being with Javier. I want to be with you more than anything right now. I'm sorry about what happened before, with everything in your life. I wish I could have been there to support you in any way."

I took Andy's hand and kissed it softly. "Andy, you being here with me now is support enough. Okay, I only managed to meet you through Blair, but you have been the reason I stopped self harming. You are the reason I'm still alive, and want to carry on living. You are the reason I've slowly started to trust people more. You are the first one I've opened up to. About everything that happened. It is not your place to say sorry, because you didn't cause it. The fact I was too comfortable around people I thought I loved and people I thought cared for me was the reason I became so, so distant. After meeting you, I never isolated myself anymore. I've even worked up the courage to speak with my family every once in a while, but only when I'm ready for it. They understand. But you are the reason I've been brave enough. Only you. And I don't want to be with anyone else right now."

Andy sat there in silence, just smiling at me. He then pulled himself up a little more, and tugged at my shirt.

"Cuddle with me," he said quietly.

"What about these?" I questioned, gesturing to the many tubes and wires connecting to his body.

"We'll work around those." I climbed up onto the bed slowly, and Andy rested his head on my chest with my arms around him. His hair smelt of vanilla, his skin was so soft.

"Mm, you smell good," I breathed. My hands ran through his hair, fingers tangling in his blonde locks.

"So do you," he replied. His head moved off my chest and I whined at the loss of his touch, to which he smirked. He moved his face closer to mine, our noses pressed against each other's. "Kiss me," he ordered.

I didn't hesitate and cupped his face, closing the gap between us. Our lips moved in sync, and I gently bit down on his lip, making Andy gasp. With that, my tongue slipped between his teeth and danced with his, fighting for dominance. Of course, I won. He moaned softly, climbing on top of me. My lips moved from his own to his neck, softly biting down until he gasped. His sweet spot. I sucked on that spot and pulled away to reveal a dark mark.

"R-Rye, it's so obvious," he whispered huskily.

"So what? I want the whole world to know you're mine, and mine only. Understand?" I growled. He hummed in response and pulled my face up, our lips crashing together once again. I breathed in his sweet taste, a taste of chocolate.

"We're b- oh shit, sorry!" I pulled away quickly to see a flushed Jack in the doorway, who looked equally as embarrassed as Brook.

"No, it's okay," Andy reassured him. His eyes landed on the chocolate in Brook's hand, and the younger boy laughed, handing it to him.

"I think you need this. When can you come home?" Brook was already stuffing his mouth with some more chocolate he'd pulled out and I rolled my eyes.

"Not sure yet, but here comes Niamh."

She entered the room, smiling at the two of us sat together.

"Oh, hey, Rye. Hey, Andy. I see you're awake. How do you feel?"

"A little tired, but fine, thanks."

"That's good. I'm guessing you're Brook and Jack?" They nodded.

"How's Andy doing?" I asked eagerly, and received a smile from Niamh.

"Well, as soon as we're done with our tests and other stuff, you're free to go home," she answered.

I cheered, hugging Andy tightly, then Niamh.

"Thank you," I whispered to her.

"It's alright," she whispered. "But can I talk to you outside quickly?" This time, the others could hear us.

"Uh, yeah, sure. Be right back," I said to Andy. He nodded, turning back to Jack and Brook.

"Rye, don't wait for your chance to come around. Seize it now. Deal with his boyfriend later. Andy really likes you. I can see it in his eyes. Don't hurt him," she smiled.

"Never. Thanks, Niamh," I replied, hugging her again.

"You're welcome, honey. Oh, but one thing before you guys leave. Could you maybe say hey to Blair for me? He was definitely the best singer in East 17."

"Haha, of course." I pulled out my phone and took a picture with her, sending it to Blair.

Picture sent

Me: Niamh says hey :)

Blair: Tell her she's my number one fan ;)

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