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I looked in the mirror, sighing. The suit looked far too fancy for this. Or was I just overreacting? I pulled off the blazer, deciding on just the waistcoat. I heard Rye walk in and he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"The boys are all ready," he said quietly, then kissed my neck tenderly. I closed my eyes, just wanting to forget that all the bad things were false, just a figment of my imagination. But this was all the harsh reality. I had to deal with it, one way or another.

I took in Rye's appearance, where he looked very similar to me.

"He'd be pleased you want this," he said. "Really. It's weird but you know as well as I do that beneath all that tough exterior and everything else bad, there was a soft side to Javier. He showed it to you, And. He did love you."

"Let's not talk about it anymore," I mumbled, staring down at my shoes. I took Rye's hand and let him lead us out, in my own world far away from this.


The ceremony was nice. Not beautiful, because it was more somber than that. I couldn't watch as they lifted the body into the ground, falling into Rye's arms. I made sure that Jordan got the same ceremony, as much as it hurt. Rye let me cry into him, the boys holding each other, too.

"They're at peace now," Rye said in my ear, his own voice wavering. I looked up, a little surprised to see tears in his eyes.

The only people who'd been at the funeral(s) were us boys, Blair and Ginger, and Mum. She said she wanted to tell me something after, and I saw her eyes light up, the only happy moment in this all.

I waited for the others to go ahead and walked over to where Javier was, kneeling down onto the dirt. I had white orchids in my hand, his favourite flowers. Placing them on the top of the grave, I closed my eyes.

"Hi, Javi. I hope you're at rest. You didn't have to take your life. All you had to do was ask for help, and you know I'd have said yes. I loved you, and to be honest, that was most likely the case whilst you'd held me captive. All you had to do was ask me to help you, Javier," I sobbed. "I so wish our last times together were good, but I can't lie to myself or everyone else and say they were, can I? Thank you for getting me that guitar; now I sort of wish I'd kept it. Thank you for being a lovely boyfriend for a while; I'll never forget any of that. Thank you for loving me, and letting me know I had your support."

I felt a hand on my shoulder and put my own on top. Mikey smiled at me, helping me up before pulling me into a hug.

"Where's Rye?" I asked, closing my eyes and resting my head on his shoulder. Mikey's arms closed around tighter, and I never realised how much I really had missed it.

"Jordan's grave. He asked to be alone for a little bit."

"What the hell happened, Mike?" I asked, pulling away.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, how long has it been since we went to studio? The last time we recorded a cover within these few months. The last time we released new music. The last time we went on tour, properly."

"It's going to take a little adjustment to fit back into that routine, you know that. It's so full on and we've all needed the rest," Mikey said, and I knew he was completely right.

"I miss the fans. I really do."

"I know, so do I. Come on, they'll be waiting for us."

Mikey put an arm around my shoulders and we walked back, where Rye took my hand silently.

"You okay?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Your mum and everyone else are already at the house. Come on."

At the house

I remembered Mum wanted to tell me something and she was smiling as I approached her.

"I know this isn't the best time to have to tell you this, but..."

She held up her hand, and I saw a ring on her finger.

"You're getting married? I didn't even know you were seeing someone."

"I wanted to tell you, love, but I was scared you wouldn't like him."

"Of course I would, Mum. When's the wedding, then?"

"In a few months time. Will you walk me down the aisle?"

I nodded, unable to stop smiling. I let out some kind of sound of joy, hugging my mum tightly. I had to admit, it was weird for her to only tell me about the guy she was seeing when she got engaged, but if he made her happy then I was, too.

"What did she want to tell you?"

"She's getting married," I laughed. "And we're all invited."

I made sure to tell Mum about Aiden, and she cut him off from her guest list.

"Anyone who hurts my son like that will never be welcome."

It made me wonder, though. If Javier was still here, would she have invited him? I knew she hadn't liked him but he'd been my boyfriend for 2 years. He'd loved me, he'd cared for me. Was that all going to be forgotten?

I let out a sigh, playing random notes and chords. I decided to write a song for my mum's wedding.

Though myself and the boys had been through a lot, there were good things that definitely came out of it.

Next chapter is the epilogue...

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