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The drive to Manchester was painful, to say the least. All I could hear was Andy's sweet laugh and just his happiness. Lesley told me I could stay in his room, almost breaking down. Of course, she would. She'd just lost her only son. She'd never see her grandchildren, never see Andy get married, nothing. And as selfish as it sounded, I wanted her to see he was happy with me, and nobody else. She'd never approved of the relationship Javier and Andy had, always warning him. She'd also asked me to keep an eye on him, the full 2 years they were together. She was ecstatic when I confessed I liked Andy, wishing us luck.

I pulled up to the house, and saw the door thrown open almost immediately. Lesley pulled me into a hug. "Let it all out, babe," she sobbed. And I did. After a lot of crying, she helped me take my bags upstairs, looking around the room with a distraught look on her face.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't keep him safe, Lesley. I'm so sorry."

She shook her head, wiping away the tears. "Rye, please don't blame yourself. You weren't to know that he'd leave, let alone, well..."

"But I could have done more to make sure he felt safe, and at ease, and that he was happy in the first place. If I'd kept him safe from the start, Jack wouldn't have been pulled into it all and Andy wouldn't have taken his place. I could have done so much more," I replied, in both anger and sadness.

"I know, babe. I know. But I also know he would want you to move on from him."

"I can't, Lesley. I know we weren't together officially, but he was everything to me; I was too oblivious to it all, and missed out on the chance to ask him."

"I'm so sorry," she whispered, kissing my head. I hugged her, closing my eyes. "I'll leave you to sleep, okay? It's getting late. Try and get some sleep."

I nodded, watching her leave.

I turned back to look around the room, smiling at everything he had in the room. He'd obviously changed since moving out of his mum's house, but it was all still a reminder of him when he was with us at the flat. After getting undressed, I climbed under the comfy duvet. As soon as my head hit the pillows, I was out.



I woke up to a knock on the door and Lesley calling my name. She opened the door slowly.

"Morning," I mumbled sleepily.

"If you'd like to join me, I have some people coming over. To consolidate me, I guess," she said, rolling her eyes. "They're people who didn't give a shit about Andy and I before, so why now? Anyway, you're more than welcome to come down," she smiled.

"I'd love to, Lesley. Thank you."

She left me so I could get dressed, and I went downstairs, where she was making pancakes.

"Andy had mentioned once you loved pancakes. Oh, and I know you love your tea, of course," she chuckled. This woman was amazing. No wonder Andy had the utmost respect and love for her. Even as a single mother, she'd raised a wonderful person.

We ate together and talked, until people started knocking on the door.

"Rye, would you get that, hon?"

"Sure." I went and opened the door.

"Um, hello," the lady said warily.

"Come in," Lesley said, appearing behind me. The couple walked past me, and a boy with auburn hair was stood behind them, catching my eye. He smiled, shaking my hand.

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