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Warning: description of self harm.


I'd spent the last 2 weeks in the hospital, only leaving Andy's side when Mikey forced me to change or if I had to go to the bathroom. Nurses walked in and out, checking everything was in order every hour.

I lost all track of what day it was. I got Blair to cancel the tour, telling the boys to apologise to everyone who'd already bought their tickets. They made sure they all got refunds. I had little to no motivation anymore. I just couldn't do anything. I'd sit by Andy's bed, whispering things to him softly. Aiden had brought my guitar.

"I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I know that if you could, you would be proud to know something. I learned Song About A Songwriter. It took me bloody ages, though," I chuckled, picking up my guitar.

(Play video from here, if you haven't already)

I was so lost in the music, all the great things I could picture about Andy came to mind.

His angelic smile that could light up a whole room.

His sense of humour, and God, his laugh. His beautiful laugh that was so damn contagious.

His confidence, and lack of fear of what people thought of him.

His love for music, and his driven passion for something that united not only us and the fans or friendships between the Roadies, but also between us 5 as a band. We all had the shared love of music, and none of us could deny that Andy was the heart and soul of what we created. He, after all, had created some of the best music I'd heard in a long while.

He saw the absolute best in people. I could see it from the start of the relationship he had with Javier. I could see the love in his eyes, and even when it all started going to shit. He wanted to find the best in Javier, to rekindle the fire of their once existent love.

The way he cared for Roadies. The advice he'd given them was really incredible, and he was so intellectual and mature. Well, as mature as we could get.

I was so lost in the music, I didn't hear Aiden walk in, placing a hand on my shoulder. I jumped out of my skin and breathed a sigh of relief, placing my guitar down.

"Sorry," he laughed. His grin didn't stay long as he took in my appearance. "Rye, when was the last time you slept properly?"

I shrugged, turning back to Andy and taking his hand. I stayed quiet, hating how limp he was in my hold.

"You need to sleep. Andy will be okay. He's not going anywhere, you know," Aiden said softly.

"I can't leave him, A. I just can't."

"You love him, I know you do, but if you're going to be there for him, you need to be at your best. To compensate for Andy."

I nodded, giving in. Aiden said he'd stay for tonight whilst I went home to sleep, promising not to leave.

I drove home, and ripped all my clothes off before climbing into Andy's bed. I'd designed it myself, based off of what I thought Andy would have wanted, and I think I did a pretty good job. I closed my eyes, and happy memories surfaced whilst I drifted into a sleep.

I could see our endless amount of cuddles on stage, off stage, on and off camera, in the flat. The fans filled compilations with all these little moments of intimacy.

Our kisses caught on camera, before Andy had met Javier. Whether they were little pecks or long kisses, it had felt like it was only me and Andy in the world, nobody to disrupt our happy moments.

The sexual tension was funny. Yet, I knew we couldn't get enough of each other. All I saw on Instagram and Twitter were comments on how inseparable we were, and the fact we couldn't keep our hands off of each other.

I had memories of each and every hairstyle phase Andy had gone through, including his natural brown.

The next morning

I woke up, still hugging Andy's cactus pillow. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, deciding I was going to have a shower and eat something before going back to the hospital.

I grabbed a towel and went to go to my bathroom, finding the door was locked. I shook it, knocking.

"Can you hurry up?"

Brook and Mikey appeared.

"What's up, Rye?"

"Is Jack in the bathroom?"

Brook nodded. "J, hurry up, babe. Why don't you just use the other bathroom?"

"I left my towel in here."

The bathroom was silent, and I banged on the door again. "Jack, mate. Open up!"

Still I got no answer and stood back.

"What the hell are you doing?" Mikey asked. "Just use the other fucking bathroom, Rye!"

By the time he'd finished his sentence I'd already kicked the door in, and fell back. Jack had his head in his hands, shaking and crying on the floor. I saw blood on his wrists, several blade marks. The razor lay on the edge of the bath as Brook ran to his boyfriend, crying as well.

"Oh, baby," he sobbed. "Why, Jack?"

"I-I'm not w-worth it anymore, Brooky. I can't live like this anymore," Jack said, face screwed up in pain.

"Don't say that. You are everything to me and more, and I love you endlessly. You will always be important and don't you ever fucking forget that," Brook cried, with an underlying firm tone. "Let's get you cleaned up and back to bed, okay?"

I helped Brook clean away the blood, bandaging up Jack's wrists. Mikey cleaned the blood off the floor and put Jack's shirt in the wash, helping him back to bed.

I couldn't believe what Javier had done to Jack. He'd literally destroyed him. Jack had been beating himself up for not being able to keep Andy safe and away from his ex.

But Javier would pay. And I'd do whatever it took to make sure of it.

A/N This chapter was a little messed up ngl, but hope you enjoyed xx

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