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A month later

I forced myself to push Javier to the back of my mind, not the least of my worries but not so significant. Right now, I was focused on getting us back in the studio and waiting for Andy to wake up. He'd been in the coma for three months now, and I had no idea how much longer I could wait. I refused to spend one day away from him, and the boys updated their Instagram stories with studio pictures.

"I miss you, my love. Please just wake up. I can't go any longer without you. I need you. The boys need you. The Roadies need you. Your mum needs you," I said quietly.

Andy's mum had moved into the house for a while so it would be easier for her to see Andy, and Aiden came when he could. I could see how much of a strain it was on her as it was for us, having to wait helplessly when her son was fighting to wake up.

I set the flowers I'd bought for Andy by his bed and sat down, going through my phone. When I heard scuffles, I assumed it was outside as doctors, nurses, patients and family members hurried past.

I heard a soft moan coming from beside me and turned my head, unable to believe it.

Andy was waking up. He was finally waking up.

"Oh my God, Andy," I cried, sitting on the bed. I pressed the button on the wall, waiting for Niamh to come in. Andy turned in the bed, eyes screwed shut. "Baby, you woke up," I sobbed.

Andy (Finally!😂)

I felt the bed dip next to me and tried to open my eyes, only to be blinded by the lights. I cried out, screwing them shut again. My throat felt like it was on fire any time I made a noise. How long had I been out for?

My ears were filled with a piercing, high pitched ringing.

"Rye," I said, barely able to hear myself. I felt the tears run down my cheeks, heard running footsteps come towards me. I felt someone grab my hand and hold it comfortingly, kissing it.

"God, I missed you."

That voice. His sweet voice. I missed it so so much, words honestly couldn't describe.

"You're okay, Fovvs. You're okay. Can we get the lights dimmed or something?"

I slowly let my eyes flutter back open, when the overhead lights didn't glare as badly. It was still painful, but I could actually see.

Rye. His beautiful, tired, worn out face. His gorgeous smile as he cried happy tears, pulling me into his arms tightly.

"Careful," I said horsely, flinching.

"Try not to talk, Andy," I heard another voice say. I tried to turn my head. Key word: tried. I saw a doctor smiling at me, clipboard in her hand. Niamh? "You need as much rest as possible."

How long was I out? I mouthed to Rye.

"Three months, babe," he replied, voice cracking. "Three months. Do you remember anything that happened?"

I nodded. A car crash... with a blonde boy. Jordan.

A couple of days later

I got my voice back after a few days, grateful I could talk to the boys and Mum. Fuck, I'd missed her so badly.

"You ready to go home tomorrow?" Rye asked me, hand holding mine.

"Yeah. But, I remember something. You... you love me."

Rye nodded, eyes glistening. "I do. I really fucking do."

"I love you too, Ryan Beaumont. Thank you for how happy you've made me."

I pulled him down so our lips connected, my hands circling around his neck. I felt his hands on my waist as the kiss deepened and became more passionate.

"I had no idea how much I missed this," I moaned softly against Rye's lips, pulling away a little. He smiled and opened his eyes to meet mine, our foreheads pressed together. His hand rested on my cast, and his head dropped sadly.

"I just wish I could've done more to stop this. To stop all of it."

"I know. And I'm so sorry I left in the first place. I shouldn't have. But I'm here now. And we're going to find Javier, however we can."

"Yeah. Okay, you get some rest now, it's getting late. Plus, I've got a surprise for you. I'll be back in the morning, okay?"

"Okay. I love you," I giggled. I still couldn't believe he'd confessed. It was the best feeling in the world. Truly.

"I love you too. Night." And he left, where I was now looking out of the window at the lights of the city.

A/N Double update bc I'm struggling to get this story finished within 3 days😂 Not that many chapters left though...😭❤️

This book and the process of me writing it has been an emotional rollercoaster, but one I'll miss xx

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