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"Should we get up now?" Andy asked, looking up at me.

I nodded, rubbing my face. "I guess. I need some food." 

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Come on, then." He then jumped out, pulling me with him. 

"How are you not freezing?" I stood there shivering.

"I guess because I'm wearing your hoodie?" 

"Oh yeah," I muttered. I looked back up to see Andy start to take it off. 

"You can have it back, if you want."

"No, it's alright. I've got loads more. And it suits you, anyways." I didn't mention that he looked adorable in it too.

"Aw, thanks." I reached to the top of my wardrobe to grab a hoodie, and as I turned around, collided into Andy, sending us both flying. I fell on top of him, my legs straddling his waist, mouth near his. My hair tickled his forehead as our noses touched.

"H-hey," he whispered huskily.

I smirked as he turned red, an uncomfortable look on his face. "You alright?"

"Um, n-not really. I need to go to the b-bathroom." I looked down slightly to where he was looking, and smirked. 

"Go on, then." I got up and he shot out the door, muttering an apology. 

Mikey popped his head round the door, and gave me a small smile. 

"Can we talk?" He asked quietly. 

"Sure. Come and sit," I beckoned, patting a spot on the bed in front of me. He slowly made his way over.

"Um, I'm really sorry about yesterday. It really was a joke. I had no intention of hurting you or Andy, and what I said was completely out of order. He has a boyfriend and you guys are just best friends. I'm so sorry, Rye." 

"Mikey, look at me," I said, and he lifted his gaze from the floor. "I know it was a joke. It's fine. And as long as Andy is okay with you, then so am I. You're like a brother to me, man. But can I just confess something? Promise you won't say anything to Andy or the others."

"Promise. What is it?"

"Um, it's just... lately, whenever me and Andy spend time together, something just feels different inside of me, and I can't place what. Seeing him uspet about things, which I'm going to keep private for his sake, it breaks my heart. What do you think it is?"

Mikey paused for a bit before he spoke up. "In my opinion, I think you like him. Yes, you're best friends, but feelings can change, especially seeing as you guys are already so close."

"But if I do like him, it could ruin everything. Our relationship, and the one he has with Javier. And I've only just realised my sexuality and who I like. And after what happened last time, loving him is too dangerous, Mikey."

"You are allowed to like boys even before you realise it. It's normal. It's what helps you realise who you are. But you're right. It could have the potential to ruin relationships, and maybe even the band. Think about it, okay? If you need someone to talk to further, I'm here. And loving someone doesn't always have a bad outcome."

"Thanks, man," I smiled, giving him a hug. "I appreciate it a lot."

"Anytime," Mikey replied. "Now, let's go eat."

We left and soon after, Andy joined us. I gave him a look to ask if he was okay, and he nodded. 

"Sorted your little problem?" I smirked, and he punched my arm. "Ow!"

"Exactly. Shut the fuck up," he smirked back. 

"Right. You're getting it," I said under my breath. As soon as he diverted his attention to something other than me, I started tickling him. 

"R-Rye! Stop! P-please," he laughed hysterically. "I'm s-sorry."

"You're what? I didn't catch that," I said, continuing to tickle him. By now, the others were in hysterics, watching us.

"I'm sorry!" Andy exclaimed. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! Please stop!" He continued to squirm until I stopped. "Thank you," he panted.

"You're most certainly not welcome. You distracted me from my food!" I pretended to pout, making the others laugh again. Andy just shook his head. 

"Well, I'm sorry. But you deserved it," he said quickly, and as soon as I looked up, I saw he regretted it. "I'm sorry!" 

I chuckled, giving him a side hug. "I'm kidding, calm down." 

Andy smiled before checking his phone. "Shit," he growled. "I'm late."

"What are you going to do?"

"Well, I promised Javier I'd meet him. I can't disappoint him." As he said this, there seemed to be sadness or rather, fear, and I was praying so deep down in my heart it wasn't because of Javier possibly abusing him. 

"But he'd surely understand if you need to have your breakfast?"

Andy just shook his head. "I'll pick something up on the way. I'll meet you guys in the studio later, okay?" 

The boys all nodded and turned back to what they were doing, whilst I stayed silent, staring at Andy. I couldn't let him go. 

No. Stop. He's only your best friend. Let him have his freedom, for God's sake.

As hard as I tried, I knew the voice in my head was right. I mean, I don't own him, and it's his relationship, so I don't have any say in it. I would only be a good best friend if I let him go. God, it sounds like I'm trying to move on from an ex.

"Kay," I said. I hugged Andy and he gave me a small smile and left.

Later, in the studio

"Right, Andy will be here later, so Brook, do your bit for now," Blair nodded at Brook. We were recording a cover of our original song, Don't Hurt Yourself (A/N Freaking love this song, it made me cry). It made me think of Andy right now, and what he's possibly going through. I didn't want him to suffer in silence; anything could happen and I wouldn't know.

I was so lost in my thoughts I barely felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, and was surprised to see it was Andy.

"Hey, Andy, how long are you going-"

"Rye," he whispered. He sounded scared.

"What is it?"

"I need you here. Make up a lie or something, I just need you here. Alone."

"Where are you, Andy?"

"Uh, Melrose Street."

"I'll be there soon."

"What is it?" Jack questioned me as I hung the phone up.

"Um, Andy just needs me to unlock the door to the apartment. He accidentally left his keys inside. I'll bring him here afterwards."

"Well, hurry up. Andy needs to record his bit," Blair ordered. He didn't say it, but I could tell he was frustrated. 

I nodded, and quickly left. 

Please be okay, Andy. 

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