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"Javier," Andy suddenly whimpered. It fell into place what was happening.

"He's not here, my love."

"He took Jack. It's my fault. It's my fault. I should die." He continued to rock on his heels, not listening to my words. It hurt so bad to see the one I cared about so much suffering like this.

"No, you shouldn't. Listen to me. We will get Jack back, and everything'll be fine." As hard as I tried, it was clear that there was no use in trying to say the same things over and over again.

"If I love Javier, Jack will be back. Rye, I think I l-"

"No," I said, cutting him off. "You don't love him, baby. He's manipulating you into thinking that. He never deserved you, ever. You are more important to me, and the rest of us, than you'll ever know."

"If I leave," Andy mumbled, ignoring me completely. "He'll let Jack go. That's more worth it. Let me give him a call." He looked frighteningly pleased with himself, and it took all I had not to shake him hard. Instead, I stood in front of the door, looking into Andy's eyes.

"Stop. Andrew, listen to what I'm saying. Listen to me," I repeated. After a minute or so, Andy snapped out of his state, and looked up with tears running down his face. The bruise had covered the whole of his left cheek now, his eye almost swollen shut.

"I'm listening." His voice was barely audible.

"We will find Jack, no matter what, and all you need to do is rest and let us handle it. Okay?"

"Rye, I can help you find him. If I sit around doing nothing, we'll never find him again." At the sound of this, Brook whimpered and buried his face in Mikey's shirt. "Oh, sorry, Brook." Brook nodded his head as a way to say "it's fine".

"No, Andy," I said firmly. "Let the police do their job."

Andy mumbled something about needing air, and walked downstairs. As he did so, his phone next to me buzzed, showing that a hidden number was calling.

"Andy, there's somebody calling you." He shot back upstairs and picked up his phone, looking at the screen for a few seconds. "Aren't you going to answer that?" Mikey asked. Andy nodded, pressing accept.

Put it on speaker, I mouthed.

"Hello?" Who is this?"

"Fowler," chuckled a familiar voice.

"W-why are you calling me that? Just come back. You're not in any trouble."

"I don't want to," he replied. "I'm on holiday." There seemed to be... fear in his voice.

What the fuck?

"Where is he?"

"In the other room. Wait, no. He's here." We heard low voices and a quiet laugh before somebody spoke again.

"Hi, baby."

"Don't you dare call me that, Javier," Andy growled.

"Awe, babe. Don't be upset. We can always be together again."


As I opened my mouth to speak, Rye interrupted me.

"Can't you take a fucking hint? You're over. Done with. What do you even want with Jack?" With each word, Rye's anger grew more and more.

"Oh, Ryan, it's not Jacky boy I want. It's your precious Andy. Well, my Andy, actually. See, Andy, you made the biggest mistake, breaking up with me. And you're going to regret it. Unless..."

"Unless what?" I said.

"Well, you can choose to come to me, and I'll let Duff go. Or, you can choose to live your life right now and forget about him. Your choice, Andy. And you've got 3 days. Tick tock," he chuckled. I heard him hang up, falling into Rye's arms.

"I've got to."

"No." This time, it was Brook. "We're not going to risk losing you too."

"Brook, Jack's more important than me. I have to do this."

"Andy, how do we even know he'll hand Jack over?" Rye's eyes glistened with tears he struggled to hold back.

"Because he only wants me," I replied. "Rye, you heard. He doesn't want anything to do with Jack."

"No, Andy. You're not going," Brook replied firmly.

"Yeah, he's right, mate. We'll get Jack back without you going."

"We need you," Rye said softly. "Andy, I need you."

"I'll be back. I promise. He's my ex-boyfriend, I know what he's like."

"You also know what he's capable of! If it means not having Jack here, we have to go ahead. We can't stay stuck in a moment forever, Andy." Rye was fully crying now, refusing comfort from Mikey. Instead, I slipped my arms around his waist, resting my head on his chest. For a minute or two, I just familiarized myself with his steady heartbeats, taking in his lingering scent of aftershave, a hint of orange on his sweet breath.

"Andy, don't go," Brook whispered. I pulled away from Rye and Brook replaced him, his tears soaking my shirt. Bless him. He was one of the youngest and had the most pressure on him than even me right now. I felt so bad for him. His boyfriend had disappeared, not even a week since they got together. I just couldn't do this to him.

"Just, just give me some time to think. Okay?" Brook nodded, sobbing less than before. 



"Just let me go, please!" I knew my pleads would have no effect on him, and pulled my legs up to my chest. Javier sneered, shaking his head.

"It all falls on Andrew, doesn't it? He can either choose to join me for the rest of our lives, or you can. But here's the thing. If I do let you go, and you tell someone, I will know, Duff. Don't ask how, just expect an early death." With that, he patted my knee, put some food in front of me, and left. 

"B-Brookie," I whispered. Please find me, baby. I know you will.

I decided to try and get as much rest as I could, and lay my head on the pillow of the uncomfortable bed. Well, mattress. Thoughts of Brook, his adorable smile, his soft hair, his sweet kisses, clouded my mind and took over me as I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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