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2 days later

I growled in anger, slamming the door behind me. Of course, my guys had to be the stupidest I could find. Why I ever thought giving them all guns was a good idea, I have no idea.

As soon as one had fired a gun, I turned around and killed two of them on the spot. They just angered me so much. We were bound to get found out if I hadn't got them out on time. But I knew it wasn't a good idea to leave the bodies behind. Oh, well.


I woke up, a little surprised when I saw Harvey sat up in his bed.

"Harv? I thought you weren't getting back til next week."

He gave me a small smile, turning his phone off and hugging me. "I heard about Andy. I'm so sorry, Rye."

"Don't be. It wasn't you that killed him, was it?"

"What are you feeling right now?"

"Honestly, everything. But mostly anger."

"With Javier?"

"Of course. I want to be angry at Andy too, because he left when I told him not to. But I care about him too much, Harvey. I could never be angry with that boy. Even if he becomes the death of me."

Harvey nodded. "I think we should get out of here for a bit. To help you forget about everything for a moment. Do you want to?"

I sighed. "Okay. Do you want breakfast here or out?"

"Let's go out to eat. It can be a treat day for us," he grinned.

We got ready and told the boys we'd be back later. Mikey gave me a hug, and we stayed like this for a few seconds.

"Stay safe, okay? We don't want to lose you too, Rye."

I nodded, knowing he meant well by what he meant. Jack hugged me too, joining Brook in their room after. I tried hard to ignore the fact I missed Andy's touch so fucking much.

"Come on, Rye."

I followed Harvey out the door and we drove over to the shopping centre.

"You want Nando's?"

I looked over at the younger boy, and couldn't help but grin back at him. Of course, he'd suggest Nando's.

"Yeah, why not?"

He pulled me over, and we went to the counter to order our food.

"Hey, how can I...? Rye?!"

Shit. No way.

Nina stood in front of me, gobsmacked.

"Uh, yeah. Hi."

"Take a seat," she stuttered. "I'll be right over..."

Harvey and I sat down, and he gave me a look. "So?"

I sighed, playing with the napkins. "Ex-best friend. I cut everything off with my friends after the relationship, when I started going downhill. I couldn't live with the thought of being a burden to anyone but myself."


I turned, offering the seat next to me. Nina shook her head.

"What happened? Why did you just end things? With everyone?"

"A lot happened, Nina. A relationship that only sent me into a downward spiral. I couldn't bring you down too. That would be cruel of me."

"Oh, love. I'd have helped you in a heartbeat. All you had to do was ask," she replied. Nina was older than me by a couple of years, the big sister I never had.

"I know. I'm sorry, Nina."

"Don't be, Rye. Who's this?" She smiled over at Harvey, who nodded.

"Harvey. He lives with me and my band. Yeah, I'm in a band."

"Shit, Rye. Look at you," she laughed. "How's the love life? You know, after that relationship. You never told me about it."

I nodded, trying not to break down yet again.

"What is it, Rye?"

"Um, I'm gay. The relationship I was in before, I was with a boy; I told myself I was bi until recently. My band mate, my best friend, Andy. I really like him. He's funny and gorgeous and an incredible human being. He's everything to me and more, Nina. You'd have loved him."

"Would have?"

I gulped. "He... he got kidnapped. By his ex-boyfriend. And, he was found dead a couple of days ago. It was on the news," I breathed out shakily. Nina disappeared and quickly came back with a glass of water, bringing it to my lips.

"I'm sorry, babe. I saw the story on TV. He was your best friend? Shit."

"Yeah. It's shit. I have no clue how I'm going to move on, to be honest."

"It'll take time, baby. This is my number. Call me sometime and we can arrange a day out together, okay?"

She wrote her number on a slip of paper and pushed it towards me, smiling as she picked her notepad back up.

"So, are you ready to order? By the way, it's on the house."

We ordered and the food came, which we devoured quickly. I thanked Nina and hugged her, following Harvey out of the restaurant.

"Come on, Rye. Let's go crazy," he smirked.


We struggled up the stairs and I sighed in relief as I placed my bags on the floor, taking out my keys to the flat.

"Wait. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Well, as okay as I can be, I guess. As long as you guys are here with me, I'll survive."

We got in and found the boys asleep on the couch, a movie left playing. Jack was curled up in Brook's arms with Mikey's head on Brook's shoulder. I chuckled, snapping a picture.

"Huh? Oh, hey guys," Mikey said sleepily.

"Go back to sleep, Mike. We'll be okay," I assured him.

"Nah, it's okay. I won't be able to go back to sleep anyway. Had fun?"

"Yeah. I... I think we should make a video. If the fans don't already know about Andy. I mean, our socials are blowing up with questions about why Andy's been so inactive as well as our YouTube channels."

"Only if you're ready to, Rye."

I nodded, letting the raven haired boy hug me.

We waited for Jacklyn to wake up and decided to film it on the stairs, with Harvey offering to film us. Mikey sat next to me, an arm around my shoulders.

"You ready? If you can't go any longer, I'll take it. Okay? You're free to leave at any time, Rye," Mikey whispered. Jack and Brook were cuddled up to each other, having decided that they would also announce their relationship. (A/N Did they already come out to the fans? I can't remember)

"Yeah. Thanks, Mike. Roll it, Harv."

We started the video and I was doing pretty good at explaining everything that had happened. Me coming out, Jack being kidnapped, then Andy, and then... well, you know. Jack and Brook also announced that they were together. We decided to leave out the stuff with Javier and Andy being beaten up; it was too horrific and personal. We also told the fans we would stay as a four piece, not trialling anybody else. We would still upload vlogs, covers, as if were all together, like it was before. But things wouldn't ever be the same.

Lesley called me later on, unable to speak. I asked her and Blair if I could go up to Manchester, both of them saying yes. It would be hard, and painful. But I had to do it for Andy.

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