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I waited for Andy to finish his shopping, taking his hand as he stepped outside.

"We need to go home a little earlier if we want to go to the police station," I said gently.

Andy sighed and nodded. "Let's get it over with." He pulled me along and we made our way onto the train, his head on my shoulder. There was nowhere to sit, so we stood close together.



Andy turned to face me, his hands curled up on my chest.

"Where do you see us in ten years?"

I was slightly confused. "Do you mean us specifically, or the band?"

"Both, I guess."

"I see us as a couple, maybe married, I don't know yet. I do know, however that I want to be with you for the rest of my life, regardless of our marital status. With the band, if we're still together, touring the world with sell out concerts. I truly believe we can achieve that."

"You know I'm just... not ready to be with you right now, don't you?" Through his small smile, I could tell Andy was as upset with this as I was.

"Of course, my love. Take all the time you need." I kissed his soft lips and wrapped my arms around his smaller figure, trying to ignore all the pairs of eyes burning into us.

"Everybody's staring," Andy whispered.

"Let them. If they don't like what they see, they need to learn to be more open minded. That's all. As long as I'm with you, nothing else matters. Yeah?"


"Would you guys like to sit here together?"

Me and Andy turned to see a woman smiling up at us.

"No, it's alright, you can sit there," I replied.

"Oh nonsense, come on. I'm fine with standing up, honestly." She gathered her stuff by her feet and made sure we were sat down, smiling triumphantly. Andy had his arms around my neck as he sat on my lap, and tangled his fingers in my hair. "You guys are adorable, by the way. You remind me of when I first met my wife. One of the best days of my life." The woman stared off wistfully.

"Aww, thank you. I hope you two are very happy together." Andy continued to talk to her whilst I was on my phone, and tugged at my shirt a little while later.

"Are we here?" I asked. Andy nodded. We picked up our stuff and said goodbye to the woman, who told us her name was Chloe, before heading home.

When we got in front of the flat, multiple police cars were scattered around the area. We got upstairs as quickly as we could, finding the inside of the flat completely trashed and Mikey comforting Brook, who was sobbing uncontrollably. Jack was nowhere to be seen and I could see Blair getting more and more stressed by the second as he talked to the officers. 

"Mikey, what happened?" Andy looked between Brook and Mikey, who struggled to find words.

"Um, Jack... he was kidnapped. By Javier. He left his phone on this." Mikey handed us Jack's phone, and played a video. Javier had propped the phone up somewhere and was holding a gun to Jack's head as Jack stood there crying silently.

"Stop fucking crying and tell me where Andrew is!" Javier screamed in Jack's face, grabbing his neck.

"I-I don't know! He went out somewhere but I d-don't know where!"

"You'll fucking pay for this! You all will, especially Fowler. Tell me where he is, and you won't get hurt," he sneered.

"I don't know! I don't have a fucking clue! Brooklyn!" Jack screamed at the top of his lungs in the video, having collapsed on the floor. Javier yanked him back up.

"Aw, who's Brooklyn? Oh wait, let me guess. Your boyfriend! Well, your precious Brooklyn can't save you now. He's not here," Andy's ex laughed derisively.

"Please don't hurt me. P-please. I s-seriously don't know where they went." Jack's pleads had no effect whatsoever.

"Well, you're just going to have to come with me, won't you?" Javier picked Jack up and carried him out, but not before stopping the video.

"W-what the...?" Andy broke the silence, bar Brook's crying.

"M-my baby... he's gone," Brook croaked.


I looked up at Andy through my tears, who looked as guilty as Javier would when I would find him, ready to kill him. I saw red, and lunged for the blonde, held back by somebody else.

"It's all your fucking fault he's gone! If you didn't get with that fucking psychopath in the first place, we wouldn't be here with Jack missing! It's all your fault!" I broke out of Mikey's grasp and shoved Rye out of the way, knocking Andy to the floor, throwing in a punch when I could. His knee came up and knocked into my jaw. It still didn't stop me. It was his fault my boyfriend was gone, and was probably dead by now. I'd never see him again.


"Brooklyn, stop!" Mikey took hold of my arms and used all of his strength to pull me off of Andy.

Andy had stood up already, his lip flowing with blood, an eye already going black. His cheek had swollen up massively.

"What are you doing? Fighting Andy isn't going to solve anything!" Rye was fuming, and a small part of me felt bad. A small part. "You're not going to get Jack back like this."

I wiped the blood that was on my lip before looking at Andy. He was staring at the floor, hands on his ears.

"Andy, I'm really sorry. I guess things were just in the heat of the moment. I miss Jack, that's all."

He didn't reply and slumped to the floor, legs pulled up to his chest.

"A-Andy?" Rye knelt down to Andy's level, taking his hands. Andy flinched away and shut his eyes, bringing his hands back to his ears. "Andy, say something," Rye whispered. Still no reply.

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