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A few hours later

I was sat with Brook, whilst Jack was asleep in his boyfriend's bed. Brook looked exhausted, having only slept no more than 2 hours every night.

"Rye, I don't know how much more I can take. I love Jack with everything I have, but his mental health is just deteriorating. It's not good. He keeps saying that he'll go to his therapy sessions next time, but ends up missing every one. I don't know what to do anymore," the younger boy sniffed, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"I know what you mean, mate. Maybe he'll do the sessions if you promise to do something with him afterwards? It might work," I shrugged, feeling bad. My phone started ringing, and I saw it was DCI Gates.


"Um, hello, Ryan. We're sorry to inform you that Andy was found severely injured in a car accident, and he's in Wexham Hospital right now. If you'd like to go now, I'll meet you there with more details."

And the emotions came back. The anger, confusion, everything I felt when I read Andy's letter, then seeing the news story.

"O-okay, thank you," I said shakily, hanging up. My phone fell to the floor, the screen cracking a little. I stared at my lap, the tears welling behind my eyes.

"Rye, what? What is it? Is it Andy?" I nodded, now crying.

"He was in a car crash. H-he's in hospital."

"Do you want me to come?" I shook my head.

"Jack will need you when he wakes up. I'll take Mikey. I would've taken Aiden, but he's gone back to Manchester."

I grabbed my keys and ran to Mikey's room, and as I explained everything, he was getting dressed.

"Let Alex drive. You're in no fit state to drive, mate."

His hand on my back was nice. It reminded me that no matter the situation, Mikey would remain my best friend and stick by my side through it all, until the very end. (A/N Gotta love some Rykey😂)

I could barely sit still. I fidgeted in the seat of the car, feeling like the seat belt was suffocating me. As soon as we pulled up in front of the hospital doors, I yanked my door open and ran inside, asking where Andy was.

"Unfortunately, Mr Fowler is under extremely close observation but you can wait outside of his room - C328 - and the doctor can speak to you," the receptionist smiled, pointing down a corridor.

"Thank you so much. If two other guys come in, will you point them in the same direction?" She nodded, handing me a visitor's pass before going back to work.

I quickly made my way down the corridor and lo and behold, Dr Niamh stepped out.


She turned around, shocked at my presence. "Oh, Rye! I'm sorry for what happened."

I let her give me a hug. "Don't be. I, uh... helped him break up with his boyfriend. It didn't end too well. He kidnapped Andy and let people believe that someone else who'd been killed was Andy."

"Holy shit," she gasped.

"Yeah. Uh, how is he?" I asked nervously.

Niamh looked down at her notes, looking more upset than I'd thought she would be. "It's not good. He's slipped into a coma, and we don't know how long for. There are severe external injuries to his head, and we're waiting for the MRI scan results to come back, seeing as it looks like there might be some damage to the brain. Three ribs are fractured as well as his right calf, and his left wrist has snapped. We're not expecting him to-"

"Die?" I squeaked.

"Uh, yes. He will remain in ICU until he wakes up, but again, the length of his coma is indefinite. I'm sorry, Rye. You can go in and see him."

I walked in, my heart dropping when I saw Andy. Behind the breathing mask, there were cuts and bruises all over his face, and his arms. I ran over, taking his free hand in my own. The tears started, falling freely. I wiped them away, angry at myself.

"Andy," I sobbed. I'd only just found him, and lost him at the same time. "What the fuck is wrong with me? Why couldn't I have been enough for you? Why didn't you just forget about Javier completely?"

I heard Mikey and Alex run in, but couldn't find the energy to lift my head. Instead, it dropped down onto the pillow, my lips brushing Andy's cheek as I continued to let my emotions and pent up anger flood out of me.

After about 10 minutes of me crying, Mikey brought me a cup of water for my dried out throat, which I drank in a few seconds. My tears had receded, leaving my eyes puffy. Niamh walked back in and gave us all a hug, turning back to me.

"Someone wants to talk to you. Says he knows you?"

I followed her down the hall after telling the boys I'd be back in a bit. She stopped in front of a room and let me go in first. Who I saw in the bed made me stop in my tracks, blood instantly boiling.

"I'm sorry, Rye."

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