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Extra long chapter hehe
Excuse any mistakes, it's kind of unedited x


I sat on the bed, my bag next to me with the cards and stuff still on the table. I waited for Rye, slightly confused when I saw Jack and Brook along with Alex walk in.

"Hey, guys? Where's Rye?"

"Oh, he's doing something. He told us to pick you up. Come on."

I followed them out to the car, sinking into the seat. I tried not to let myself be reminded of the bad things that had happened, instead immersing myself into the music from the radio. I watched as we drove the opposite way from the flat, and I looked at the boys, confused.

"Aren't we going home?"

Brook nodded. "Wait. Did Rye not tell you yet?"

"Tell me what?"

"When you were out," Jack started. "We got an 8 bedroom house. It's quite far from everything but the house is really nice. Rye designed your room."

I didn't know what I was feeling at this point. I'd missed so much.

"Sorry you had to find out this way, Andy," Brook said, placing a hand on mine. I smiled at the kind gesture and shook my head.

"Don't worry about it. I'd love to see what the house looks like."

We soon arrived and I stared up in awe. It was massive. The fact we'd been able to work for this to be our achievement was mind blowing. Mum hugged me as I came through the door, taking my bag. She'd told me she was staying at the house but had to go back tomorrow. I ate the food Robbie had made, met with a patiently waiting Mikey.

"Where the hell is Rye?" He was nowhere to be found and instead, Alex was smirking. He handed me a piece of paper.


Hope you like the house, babe. If you follow Mikey to your room, you'll see another note and something else. Be ready by 7.

Rye xx

I giggled and followed Mikey. He told me Rye had designed my room, and I was impressed. He knew exactly how I'd want it.

A black suit lay on the bed, along with a rose. After putting the suit on, I read the note.


Now, I apologise for not being there with you, but I promise we can see each other soon. I need you to go to our usual place. And get what we usually do.

Rye xx

I smiled, realising what he was talking about. The Roadies had never known this, but me and Rye, at least once a week, would go to this cafe we found after we'd met and would spend time together alone. We never told the Roadies because we liked having that private element in our friendship/relationship, having made public a lot of our life. I thought of all the laughs we shared and all the good times we had together, just me and Rye. I heard a knock on the door and opened it, where Mikey stood with an eyebrow raised.

"Damn, Andy. You look good," he laughed. I blushed, looking down at myself.

"Thanks. Can't remember the last time I wore a suit." After Mikey took a picture of me, he grabbed the car keys.

"Come on, we should get going."


"I'll wait here," Mikey smiled. I checked myself in the reflection of a shop window one last time before walking in. My eyes met Isabel's, the elderly lady who'd owned the café for 40 years, and adored when Rye and I came. She rushed me over and kissed my cheek.

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