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Javi: Come over.

Me: I have to go to the studio today.

Javi: Just fucking come over after you're done, then. And you better not be late, or you'll get it, Fowler.

Me: I'll come after I'm done. I promise.

I turned my phone off, and sighed heavily before getting out of bed. Rye stirred after a minute or so, smiling when he saw me. We'd fallen asleep in my bed, me still straddling him. Mikey had woken us up so we could lie down properly and went to sleep in Rye's room with Harvey.

"Come on, we've got studio today," I said, pulling Rye up.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming. Do you have anything you want to do after we're done?" Rye looked at me for an answer.

I groaned. "Um, Javier told me to go over to his today. But I don't even want to."

"Do you want me to come?" Having Rye there would be so much more reassuring and safe. Javier surely wouldn't do anything in front of anybody, would he?

"I doubt he'd let me bring you, but I'll just say I won't come unless you do."

"I'm glad you're standing up to him, Fovvs. It's about time," he chuckled.

"I know, no need to remind me," I smiled back.

After studio

"Don't worry, Andy. I'm here," Rye whispered, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Yeah," I breathed out. "Come on."

"Surely he won't do anything if I'm here, will he?"

I shook my head. "Definitely not. As much as he hates being with me, he wants everyone to know we're together. But if you're together, both people have to feel a connection. Emotionally, mentally, fuck, even physically. That's natural. We just fail at that. Our relationship fails in every fucking aspect of one."

Rye nodded, frowning as we got to Javier's door. I stepped forward and knocked slowly. I heard a voice inside, obviously Javier's, telling me it was open, and we walked in, Rye quickly dropping my hand.

"Hey," Javier said. Completely emotionless. "Oh. Hey, Ryan."

"Hey," Rye replied. He glanced over at me as Javier beckoned for me to cuddle with him. I gave him an apologetic look and he smiled sadly, taking a seat in front of us.

"Do you guys want anything?" Javier usually wasn't this nice, even with the boys.

"Um, no, we're good," Rye said. He gave me another look as if to say, "Tell him". I nodded and sat up, facing Javier.

"Javi, can we talk?"

He gave me a slightly angry look but nodded quickly after, leading me into his room. "What is it?" He growled.

"Okay, I don't understand why you're being nice all of a sudden." I almost apologised for the outburst, but stopped myself. I was sick of everything. I couldn't take it anymore.

Javier laughed softly, gripping my waist. He pulled me into him, tightening his hold on me. I whimpered and he let go, lifting my jumper. There were already dark marks coming through on my waist.

"If I'm nice to you, that dickhead in there will leave us the fuck alone." That was the last straw. I got up on my tiptoes, right in Javier's face.

"He's not a dickhead," I growled. "And we're breaking up. I'm not going to put myself through something as toxic as this if you're just going to continue hating me and abusing me. I don't need this shit in my life."

"Aww, you want him as your boyfriend," Javier replied in a baby voice, smirking. "You think he's good for you?"

"I know he is. More than you ever were."

"Would you look at that? You like him!"

"I don't like him. And even if I did, what does it matter? You don't give a fuck about me. You never have."

"Bloody hell, Andrew. Why the hell are you hiding something so obvious? You. Like. Ryan."

"I don't," I said firmly. But the truth was, he made me feel something greater than I ever expected. Javier had never once shown me what it was like being loved, but Rye... Rye was different. Did I like him? "We're done."

I turned away to leave, but Javier pulled on my wrist and yanked me back. I suddenly felt a familiar, sharp stinging pain on my cheek, and on my eye. I brought my hand up, trying not to wince. My fingertips were covered in blood. This hit was different to the others. It fucking hurt so much worse, and the flow of blood didn't stop. 

"You're leaving," Javier said, pushing me out the door. Rye looked up and ran over instantly, pulling my chin up. As everything started spinning around me, he picked me up and got into his car.

"We have to go to a hospital, to the police. Andy, we need to go home."

"But the boys," I croaked. "My concea-"

"We can worry about that later. Your safety is the most important thing here right now, and the boys deserve to know. You don't have to suffer alone anymore." Rye clipped my seatbelt in and got into the driver's side, and before I knew it, we were home.


"Hey, Rye, hey An- woah!" Brook appeared in the doorway as we entered the flat, finding ourselves in front of the boys. They were all laughing but stopped as they caught sight of Andy, and Jack jumped forward to open the bathroom door. "What happened to Andy?" I barely heard Brook's voice, which cracked when he said Andy's name.

"Let me deal with this first, mate." By this time, Andy had fully passed out in my arms, but was still clinging to me.

"Rye, we need to take Andy to a hospital before it gets worse. Look at him," Mikey said. He was the only fairly calm one out of us all, as Jack and Brook sobbed in each other's arms.

"After I clean him up, Mike. We'll worry about the hospital after. I need to focus on Andy only." My hands were shaking uncontrollably and Mikey took the antiseptic out of my hand, sitting me on a chair in the bathroom. I held Andy as he cleaned up the flow of blood. Once he was done, he grabbed a towel and pressed it to Andy's cheek.

"Hold it, and press down as hard as you can. It will decrease the amount of blood coming out. Give me your keys. I'll drive us. Jack, stay here and look after Brook. If Blair comes, tell him we're at the hospital. Okay?"

Jack nodded, tears still streaming down his face. "Don't worry, Brookie. I'm here. Andy's going to be okay," he whispered softly to Brook. In those few seconds, I could tell there was something more between the two younger boys.

Mikey pulled on my sleeve and I got up with Andy, and we went down into my car. I climbed into the back, strapping myself in. We did not need anything else to go wrong.

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