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This song is so fucking cute and beautiful, and just made me think of this chapter. Enjoy :) xx

I can't deny that you've got my heart on lock ~ Andy Fowler 


Two weeks had passed since Javier had kicked me out of his apartment, and it hurt, to be completely honest. Yes, our relationship was bad, but he was my first boyfriend, the whole reason I had realised what my sexuality was. Yet I had no clue what being loved felt like. He'd never actually shown me that affection. So, I hesitated sending him a text message.

Me: Can we talk? In person?

Javi: Whatever you have to say to me, you can say here.

Me: Please. I can't do this knowing you can just blatantly ignore me.

Javi: Fine. Maddie's, in 15 minutes.

Me: Okay. See you later x

Javi: Whatever.

Seeing his response, no kisses or anything, made me question why I even cared about him anymore. If he didn't even want to make an effort to make me feel happy with him, it was pointless trying to save what was broken already.

"Rye? I'm going to see Javier quickly. I'll be back soon." I made sure to tell Rye so he wouldn't worry too much.

He looked up from his phone and gave me a small smile. "Alright. Be safe, yeah?"

"Of course. See you, Rye-Pie," I laughed.

"In a bit, Fovvs," he chuckled. 

I made sure I had my phone with me and left, not wanting to be late. What I was going to say was bad enough; I didn't need Javier any angrier with me.

He was hunched over his phone at one of the booths in the back of the cafe as I entered, and didn't even realise I had sat in front of him. 

"Javier?" I said softly. He looked up and sighed, putting his phone down.

"Hey," he muttered.

"Um, how are you doing? With, you know, everything?" I couldn't just tell him straight away, not when he looked so broken.

"Getting by, just about. I miss you, though. Andy, I'm sorry about everything. All the times I've abused you physically and verbally. Fuck, even mentally. I know that you won't even forgive me, but I really do care about you. You mean a lot to me, and I can't imagine being in a relationship with anyone but you."

I definitely couldn't say I wanted us to break up now, could I? I sighed, so torn in the middle.

"Javier, I do forgive you. I'll be honest, I don't trust you. But I also think there's nothing to work on anymore. You've hurt me so much. I've never had any experience with love, ever. I've been cheated on so much, and you're my first boyfriend. It should have been special, but it wasn't. And I don't think I can do this anymore."

"So, what? You're breaking up with me?" I could sense anger in his voice.

"Javier, I have sacrificed so much for this relationship, I've risked so much for you. But I have to do what's best for me now. And being in a relationship that's so... toxic, it's not making things better. I don't want to have to do this, but I just have to. I'm sorry. I really am," I whispered. His expression was unreadable right now.

"You're fucking delusional right now. You think finishing things means you won't get hurt anymore? Oh, Andrew. You've only just entered Hell, my love. And as for that little friend of yours, Ryan? Well, just make sure you keep a close eye on him."

My hands started shaking uncontrollably with anger, but I composed myself before speaking. 

"You fucking hurt Rye, and see what happens, Javier." I knew it wouldn't be enough to scare him, but it was worth a shot.

"Awe, you scared of losing your precious BFF, huh? Don't worry, honey. As long as you follow my rules nicely, I won't lay a finger on him," Javier sneered. As I went to stand up and leave, Javier jumped in front and shoved me to the floor. He chuckled and walked off.  "See you, babe!" 

As soon as I got back to the flat, I threw my shoes off and grabbed a blanket, wrapping myself in it. I got my laptop and turned on Twilight, indulged in the film. 


I opened the door, to find it surprisingly quiet. Brook, Jack and Mikey must have gone somewhere. I walked past the Mindy room, and heard quiet sobs from within. Opening it, I found Andy wrapped in a blanket, headphones on. I could tell he was watching Twilight, and my heart broke into more pieces. Andy only watched the movie when he was especially upset, and it didn't take me long to figure out it was because of Javier. I just didn't understand why he didn't finish things with him, but that's his business.

I smiled as he lost himself in the film, and although he was wearing headphones, I could tell he was at the part where Edward saved Bella from the car almost slamming into her. I quietly closed the door behind me and he suddenly looked up. If it was any more possible, my heart shattered at the sight of tears in Andy's eyes, and I rushed over without hesitation, putting my arms around him. I knew what happened, even though he didn't say anything.

"I can't do it," he whispered, and I knew exactly what he was talking about. "I'm sorry for lying to you, Ryan."

"I'm here. Through everything, Andy. He's not right for you, and you need to face up to him. I won't let him hurt you anymore. I believe in you. I believe you can do it." I paused the movie and pulled him even closer to me, and he ended up straddling my waist. He sighed with... happiness and we closed our eyes, foreheads then touching. His hair lightly tickled my ear, and I smiled a small smile. 

"Thank you," he whispered. "You're one of the only people I feel safe with. You make me look forward to waking up and living another day of my goddamn life. I'm so glad you're my best friend and nobody else. Thank you."

I opened my eyes, staring at his plump, most likely soft, lips, his perfect skin, just everything on his face. I rubbed my thumbs over his piercings, to see him open his eyes. In that second, the gap closed between us and my eyelids shut again.

Andy and I were kissing. And it felt amazing, so right. His lips moved in sync with mine, one hand clutching the fabric of my shirt, and the other tangled in my hair. I moved my hands from his ears and placed them on his perfectly shaped waist, pulling his hips towards me. I ran my tongue along his lip, asking for permission, and his lips parted, granting me entrance. As hard as he fought for dominance, I won, and grinned into the kiss. We pulled away slowly, both of us panting heavily. Andy's eyes were full of lust, and I was insanely happy to see there wasn't a single shred of regret in them.

"You wanna know something?" Andy whispered, our foreheads still pressed together. "I don't fucking regret that one bit. You mean so much to me, Rye. Javier, he means nothing to me anymore."

"I'm glad," I whispered softly. 

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