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"Shut the fuck up! You will never get to call me that again, do you hear?! Never, Jordan," I screamed. He sat there unshaken by my fury. "It's all your fucking fault Andy's laying half dead after being held captive for fuck knows how long it's been now. You do not get to be sorry."

I clenched my fists, ready to bring them up. I didn't care he was injured. He deserved it. He should've been in Andy's position. Especially because of what he'd done.

"Please, Ryan! Just listen to me," he pleaded.

"Why the fuck would I listen to the guy who cheated on me, not even two hours after I confessed my love for you? (A/N Surprise. Go back to chapter 15, namely the conversation between Rye and 'Unknown'🤐) You can go burn in hell for all I care." I stormed out and slammed the door behind me, collapsing into a chair. I couldn't believe it. Here I was thinking I'd never see my ex ever again, and he's the one responsible for me being close to losing Andy. I wondered if he ever told Andy.

"Hey, babe. Please wake up. I can't spend any more time without you. It's too much for me. I don't even know if you can hear me, but I'll tell you what I wanted to anyway. That guy that was driving you, Jordan, he's the one that ruined love for me. He was the one that fucked everything up, Andy. If I could, I'd kill him right now for hurting you. I really would. But, I just want to forget him. I want to forget that anything bad ever happened and I want to take you home, so we can snuggle.

I tried to move on. I wanted to make you happy. But I just couldn't find myself to forget that there was something between us. I don't know if you remember him, but Lesley told me to stay with her for two weeks in Manchester, and I met Aiden. Auburn hair, green eyes. Of course, your eyes are a million times more beautiful. I miss seeing them. Aiden was really helpful. He understood that you meant a lot to me, and didn't mind having to wait. He told me he'd be there for me as a friend and more if I wanted it. But I just want you, baby. And if I lose you, I'd rather die than live the rest of my life with someone as beautiful, inside and out, as you. And I realised one other thing, too.

I love you. I always have and I always will," I finished, sobbing into Andy's ripped hoodie. It'd been lying on the chair. How he'd managed to survive like he did for so long baffled me. He deserved none of it.

Mikey walked up to me, hand on my shoulder. "I'm proud of you, Rye. Especially with you finding the courage to say I love you to Andy. Not many people would be able to if they went through what you did, you know."

"Thanks, Mike. I really, really do love him. I don't want to live without him. He's my everything," I choked out.

"I know. And, listen to what I have to say. I know it's hard to be positive given this situation, but try. For Andy. We've got him back now. And we'll be patient and hopefully it isn't too long before he wakes up." I looked up to see Mikey smiling weakly, Alex with the same expression.

"How long do you wanna give it before we tell the Roadies?"

"I don't know. I haven't even let Lesley know he's alive yet. I couldn't build up the courage."

"We're going to get the boys here. You gonna be okay by yourself?"

I nodded. "Could you phone Aiden and Lesley and let them know, too? And tell Blair as well."

Alex and Mikey nodded, leaving. I turned back to Andy, kissing his forehead. He looked so beautiful even lying in a hospital bed, yet looked so destroyed. He had prominent bags under his eyes, his blonde hair was scruffy. I could only imagine if his voice would be hoarse or not. The nurses had cleaned him up pretty well, but nothing could mask what he'd been through.

A/N Excuse any mistakes, it's unedited xx

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