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2 weeks later

"You got everything?"

I turned to see Lesley in the doorway of Andy's room. I nodded, and zipped my bags shut. She walked over and pulled me into a tight, but comfortable, hug; the feeling was something I hadn't realised I'd missed. The feeling of knowing your family are with you wherever you go, and will be supportive through everything.

"You know you're like a second son to me, Rye," Lesley said softly, reading my mind. "You were all Andy would talk about when he came home. He really cared about you."

"I can't even begin to express how happy he made me, Les, and how much I cared about him too. I would do anything for that boy. He deserves the world."

"You know, you're one of the only people I've heard talk about him as if he's still here with us. And he is. He's in our hearts, right?" She smiled.

"People aren't dead until they're forgotten. And besides, I have this... feeling he's not gone. And I can't shake it."

"Maybe it's just your mind doing that?"

"Maybe," I agreed.

There was a knock on the door, and we went downstairs, where Aiden was stood with a small smile on his face. I walked up to him, letting his arms wrap around me. Lesley cooed, leaving us alone for a bit.

"Text me?"

"I'll call, A," I replied, resting my head on his chest. Feeling his heart beating rhythmically made me feel a lot calmer.

"I promise I'll visit you, okay?"

For the time I'd been here in Manchester, I had gotten close with Aiden, and he was a good guy. I appreciated that he knew I wasn't ready to completely abandon what I'd felt for Andy, and had promised me he'd help me through it. During a FaceTime call with the boys, I'd introduced him. Mikey nodded, telling me I deserved it. I blushed hard when Aiden had kissed the side of my head, and I cuddled into him.

"Drive back safe, Rye," Brook said. Jack kissed his boyfriend, hugging him close.

"I will, bro. See you guys soon."

"They're so sweet," Aiden laughed.

"Yeah. There's nobody I'd rather have than them. I kinda fit in with their craziness."

Aiden helped me bring my bags down, taking them out to my car for me. Meanwhile, I said goodbye to Lesley.

"You know you're welcome here any time, okay? If you need me, just come up and I'll be here."

"I know. Thank you. And, I'm sorry I couldn't have done more to keep Andy safe."

"Like I said, it's not your fault, Rye. Drive home safely," she smiled, pulling me into a hug. I said goodbye and closed the door behind me, hugging Aiden.

"Be safe, Rye. I'll come soon," he nodded.

"I'll look forward to it."

Aiden kissed my cheek, and watched me get into my car. I saw him waving from the rearview mirror as I drove off, back home.


I opened the door slowly, instantly greeted by screams and laughter. I hugged the boys as we crashed to the floor, wiping my tears of laughter.

"I'm glad you're home," Brook whispered, smiling at me softly.

"So am I, Brooky. I missed you guys," I whispered back, kissing his forehead.

"How was it?"

"Good. It relaxed me a lot. I didn't even realise I needed it, to be honest. And, you guys met Aiden."

"Are you happy with him?" Mikey asked.

I nodded, smiling at the thought of him. "He's not Andy, but he cares about me a lot. In the way that Andy did. He told me he wouldn't force me into a relationship if I wasn't ready, but he'd be waiting."

"I can't wait to meet him," Harvey smiled. "Come on."

I was pulled up and as we got the living room door, my eyes were covered.

"What are you guys doing?"

The door opened and there were suddenly more screams. My eyes were uncovered, revealing my little brothers, Robbie and my parents. The twins ran up, hugging me tightly. Mum started crying a little as she kissed my nose, pulling me into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry, baby. Neither of you deserved it. None of you."

"Thank you, mama. I love you guys so much," I said softly, kissing the twins' heads. They latched onto me as I took a seat on the couch, with everyone sat around together. I had the twins to one side of me, with Mikey on the other, his arm around my shoulders.

"Come on, then. Spill, Beaumont," he laughed. The others stopped their conversations, looking at me.


"You and Aiden!"

"Oh. Right. We're friends, but he told me he would be there if I ever needed someone to rely on. He didn't want to force anything on me, which I was grateful for."

"You think you'll want to go further?"

"Who knows? A lot can change in such little time," I said, trailing off.

"Is he going to visit?" Sammie asked, resting his head on my shoulder. I put an arm around both the twins, pulling them closer to me.

"He said so. I'm not sure when, kiddo. But I'll ask him if he wants to come with me when I come back home for the holidays, okay?"

Jack mumbled something, getting up to walk out of the room. Brook called after him.

"You want me to come, babe?"

Jack shook his head, shutting the door firmly behind him. I pulled Brook to the side.

"What's up with Jack?"

Brook shrugged, looking down. "He's just not been himself lately. Ever since everything with Andy, you going up to Manchester, I think he's still blaming himself, even though I told him it wasn't his fault."

"Do you want me to see if he'll open up to me?"

"Please." I hugged the younger boy, leaving to knock on Jacklyn's door.

"Jack? It's me, Rye. Open up please, mate."

He was silent, even when I continuously knocked on the door. I got a little worried, forcing it open. Jack was on his bed, head resting on his knees as he mumbled to himself. I sat next to him, to have the Irish boy fall into my lap, sobbing into my chest. I held him, watching Brook sit on his own bed silently.

"I'm so s-sorry about A-Andy, Rye," Jack hiccuped.

"Don't apologise, Jack. We can't get him back, but we'll always remember him."

"Can we do something?"

"Of course."

A/N Sooo, it's been a while. I'm sorry I've taken this long to upload, but for a long while I felt really unmotivated to write up chapters, and writer's block got the absolute worst of me. I'm going to cut down on chapter lengths just so it carries on continuously, so they'll be around 700-900 words or something. Btw, this story almost has 3k views what the hell?! I love every single one of you so much xx

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