HYDRA sucks

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I ran my hand through my hair. Yet again everything I knew about myself seemed like a lie. I had spent a year of my life being tested by Hydra because they knew I had powers and that wanted to make me a super soldier. Ever since I'd been adopted by Tony, my whole life seemed to have been flipped upside down. Everything I thought I knew was chucked out the window.

I sighed. I didn't know what to do with myself. I knew it was all in the past but I couldn't help but worry that Hydra might come back for me. Especially now I've been adopted by Tony Stark. Nobody except S.H.E.I.L.D, the Avengers and my school know that Tony's my Dad but I'm scared that it will get out into the media. I don't want to have to hide who I am, but I don't want to be taken by Hydra either.

I know how much Georgia hates me and if she finds out that we're trying to hide the fact that I'm a Stark, everyone will know in seconds. She will literally go on the news and tell them, with a recording of me saying it. That's how extra she is and how much she hates me.

There's no hiding it. I'm scared.

In fact, I'm not just scared, I'm petrified. I'm petrified that people are going to find out who I am. I'm petrified that that will mean Hydra will find me. I'm petrified that I'm going to be kidnapped and experimented on again. I don't want to be taken again. I don't want to leave this place anymore, it's the only place I feel secure.

That's a weird feeling, thinking you're only safe in one place. Then again, of word got out I was a Stark, everyone would know I was here. I needed to protect my identity and if anyone found out who I was, I'd have to go to somewhere else, somewhere secure. I'd been talking alot with Logan, I guess I could stay with him.

I sighed, deciding to go see Bucky. He'd delt with Hydra before, maybe he had some tips. Either way, I needed to get things out of my system.


I knocked on Steve and Bucky's door, hoping they weren't in the middle of something. Steve answered. 

"Hey is Bucky here? I need to talk to him about something." I asked. Steve nodded, leaving. I sat down with Bucky. I sighed. 

"Do you ever worry that Hydra is still out there, trying to hunt you down?" I questioned. Bucky looked taken aback at first but nodded. 

"All the time." He admitted.

"When you lose someone who was such a big help to you and you know they're still out there, you're going to keep looking for them." He admitted. I ran my hand through my hair. I was stressing. 

"One second," I said getting up and opened the door. I whistled for Korey. I sat back down with Bucky. 

"Sorry, I could feel myself getting stressed and I thought Korey would help." I pet my dog, trying to channel my nervous energy into something else.

Bucky looked confused. 

"Why are you stressed and why do you ask about Hydra?" I sighed. I had specifically asked Nat not to tell anyone about my year in Hydra yet and that I would tell them when I was ready. 

"I was talking with Nat yesterday, about how I learnt Russian. I explained how I spent a year in a secure location. She asked why I was there and I said I was taken there by men who did experiments on me. We figured it was Hydra and I'm scared they might come back for me." I explained.

Bucky ran his hand through his hair. 

"I, I don't know what to say." He sighed. 

"Do you reckon you would have been any help to them?" He asked. I nodded. 

Trust me, it's not ~ Adopted by Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now