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(This will be based off a Tumblr post that you can find on my insta @/therussosruinedmylife)

Steve's P.O.V

For some reason, Bucky decided to take me to a dog shelter. After a lot of persuading, I agreed to go on one condition. He could not get a dog. We already had Korey, we didn't need any more animals.

Hats on and with a jacket covering Bucky's arm and both our faces, because apparently, that's the best disguise we have, we left. The whole of the way to the shelter Bucky was going on and on about which were his favourite breeds of dog and which were his least favourite breeds. It was very annoying but I had to admit, it was also quite adorable.

We opened the door and the little bell jingled. 

"Hi, welcome! Are you looking for anything in particular today?" Said the bubbly girl behind the counter. She looked to be in about her mid 30's and had bright eyeshadow. Her brunette hair was the back in a tight ponytail.

"Oh, no thank you. We're just browsing." I informed her, making it very clear that we wouldn't be leaving with a dog. She gave a small smile before telling us a few simple ground rules and showing us where to go. Bucky was running ahead getting very over-excited when suddenly he stopped.

I slowly strolled over to where he was. He was sat down in front of one of the kennels playing with a small brown Labrador puppy. As I came closer I noticed that it was missing its front left leg. Bucky looked up at me with his puppy dog eyes. I shook my head. 

"No, we do not need another dog in the facility. Besides, what if Korey doesn't like it?" Bucky looked down sadly. I sighed.


Bucky's face lit up as he engulfed me in a hug. 

"Thank you." He mumbled into my shoulder. I sighed again, wrapping my arms around him and smiling.

We left the shelter with two bags of food, two bowls, some toys, a lead, a collar, a bed and a Labrador puppy called Pal.


When we arrived back home Tony was not very impressed. 

"Did I authorise another dog?" He questioned, agitated. 

"I know, but Bucky looked so upset when I said he couldn't have him. He's missing the same arm as him, Tony." I pushed. Tony sighed.

"Fine, I'll go make him a matching prosthetic." He gave in. I smiled. 

"Thank you."  Then there was a squeal as Violet came in with Korey behind her. They both rushed over to Pal. 

"OH MY GOD, HE'S SO CUTE!" She squealed. Korey cautiously sniffed pal before barking happily. Pal barked back softly.

"What's his name?" Violet asked while petting him. 

"Pal," I answered. 

"Because of something Bucky said to me back in the '40s and then I said back to him back when he...was compromised." Bucky looked over at me knowingly and smiled. That moment was something I would never forget.

Bucky grabbed my small, frail shoulder. "The thing is, you don't have to. 'Cause I'm with you till the end of the line, pal."


Violet's P.O.V

Korey had taken a real liking to Pal over the last couple of days. He was almost like a father to him. It was adorable. While we're on the subject of things that are adorable, I was on the phone with Deya. We were, yet again, arguing about Sherlock. I thought that Moriarty was the best villain (he was and always will be) and he deserved a comeback (not just the bad one in TFP) but Deya thought Eurus was the best villain.

"Moriarty is so adorable. He's such an adorable child, he's my baby. His little 'Jim Moriarty. Hi.' UGH, I died. Chills, literal chills. He's so great." I argued.

"No, no, no. A villain is supposed to be evil, bone-chilling, not adorable. Eurus was so well written, you didn't see it coming. And how they built it up across the series? Perfect." Deya argued back. I groaned.

"Let's just agree to disagree," I suggested. Deya sighed. 

"Yeah, that's probably best." I smiled. 

"You're a dork."

"I love you too."

I smiled wide.

She loved me.


"Don't worry, it's okay. It's for your own safety." The man told me calmly. He tried to be soft but the gruffness of his voice still came through. I was eleven, I knew not to trust this man but I had no choice. Besides, anywhere was better than home. He led me to a black car and sat me down. "It'll be okay, you'll be safe soon." He lulled.

I woke up in a dark room. My head was spinning and my palms were sweaty. I looked around. Well, I couldn't exactly look around much. Mostly because I was tied down put partially because it was a very small room.

The door clicked unlocked and swung open. A figure dressed in all black walked in, he had some kind of octopus symbol on his jacket but I didn't know what it was. In fact, that octopus symbol was everywhere.

"Violet, I see you have awoken." He almost cooed. His voice sent chills down my spine and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I didn't like him already. I didn't like him one bit. "My name's Kaiser. Kaiser Grimm. You'll be seeing a lot of me from now on."

He wasn't wrong. He would become a big part of my life.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I sat up and put out my hand in front of me. I was shaking. I could hear my heartbeat and feel myself starting to hyperventilate. Throwing on my slippers, I headed down to the quiet room. The quiet room was a calm room with bean bags, lava lamps and relaxation techniques. It was built in mind of me, Bucky and Steve when we had nightmares or when Dad or I had panic attacks but anyone could use it.

Right now I was using it for a nightmare and waking up and having a panic attack. The nightmare of when I first got taken by Hydra.

I sat cross-legged on the soft floor, running my hands over the carpet. I took a deep breath in and sighed out. The walls of the room were soundproofed so that it was calm and peaceful. This also meant that I couldn't hear people coming in. I closed my eyes almost in meditation.

The door opened and there was a small 

"Hi." I gasped and almost fell backwards. Since I was still vulnerable from my last panic attack, this triggered another. Peter rushed over to me.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't  mean to." He panicked, flustered. I tried to focus on my breathing. I put my hand up to signal for Peter to just leave me for a second. He nodded and stood back as I took deep breaths.

"It's okay. What's up?" I asked once I had composed myself. Peter looked at the ground, embarrassed. 

"I couldn't sleep." He mumbled. I stood up, lifting his chin. 

"Hey, it's okay Pete, we all can't sleep sometimes. It's normal. Don't worry about it, okay?" I tried to reassure him. He gave a small nod.

I hugged him. 

"I love you okay? You're the best big bro."

"I love you too."

Trust me, it's not ~ Adopted by Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now