A New Start

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Staring out the window made me feel like I was trapped. That the glass between me and the outside world was an unforgiving barrier, and no matter how many times I believed I could go and run free, I had to stay cooped up in my small world inside. This was one of those cases. The clouds rushed passed my little compartment and the waves below splashed against each other. I searched for any sign of land, but I couldn't see a single spot for miles around. Let's just say waiting isn't my forte.

Ever since I got a call from my brother, Jae-Sun, telling me that his hypothyroidism has gotten increasingly worse, I had always wanted to leave home. And so here I was, sitting in an airplane heading to Seoul, South Korea, where my brother was studying the arts. Hopefully, my stay there will make both our lives better. Even though I can't say that I have it worse than my brother, my life isn't exactly great. I graduated from Medical School about 2 years ago, and ever since I got a job as a doctor in a small clinic, my life after college was completely different than what I expected it to be. I absolutely hated my job and finally got the opportunity to quit when I got the call from Jae-Sun.

But what worried me now more than anything was that I was unemployed. In my high school years, I had been a hip hop dancer, and I spent all my time locked up in my room remixing my favorite songs on my laptop. Even though I have always wanted to dance for a living, there aren't many jobs available. I couldn't depend on my parents for money anymore, and since I'm moving to a totally new country, I have no money at all. I looked down at the hundreds of audio bars all crammed together on my laptop screen and suppress a chuckle. I guess old habits never die. This was my passion, and no matter how useless, I would never give up on it.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud, droning beep emanating from my ears. Earlier, I had set an alarm for a little over 12 hours from my departure. I almost slammed my face into the window to look down below, and sure enough, there it was. Seoul, South Korea. I breathed in a sigh of relief as the ground expanded before me. I felt the plane rumble as it touched the ground and slowly come to a stop. Once we were allowed to stand, I pulled my luggage out of the upper compartment and headed outside and through the terminal. The sun was just starting to set when I emerged from the airport to see my brother standing by the curb, waiting for me. As our eyes met, he pulled his hands out of his pockets and grinned.

"Jae-Sun!" I cried as I hugged him, "What are you doing here? You're supposed to stay home!"

He patted me on the back, "Don't worry, I've had HT-H ever since I was born. I know how to handle myself."

"Are you feeling well enough to go out?" I asked in concern as I pulled away from his embrace.

"Jae-Hwa, don't worry too much. I'm fine. Now what do you say the two of us head home. You can tell me all about your life on the way home," he said, grabbing my shoulders.

I bit my lip and followed him to his car. I didn't like the idea of him walking around so casually, especially since he's gotten worse. It wasn't that I wanted to take away his freedom, like my job took mine, but he had to remember the possible scenarios where he might become fatigued in public. I wondered how long he had been doing this. Dismissing the thought, I pulled the car door open and sat in the passengers seat next to him.

"So how have you been doing with you're studies?" I asked him.

"To tell you the truth, not too well. Recently, I've been having a hard time concentrating on my classwork, and I was feeling very tired and a little weak, even. That's when I realized that I might have to take some time off my studies and rest," he admitted.

"So then you called me?"


I glanced at him, but he was too focused on the road to notice me. By the way he gripped the wheel, I knew that he was putting every part of his mind to try to focus. "I hope that we can pull through this soon."

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