- Chapter 1 -

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This is pretty much the same so you don't have to read it. Just remember that I added Justin is transgender like always!
Justin's pov:

Some people say high school crushes are bogus. Some people say they lead to relationships that last forever. For me, I feel like it's just a fantasy.

I'm Justin Blake. Junior year in high school and a straight A student for the most part. I'm a nerd, what can I say? I don't have many friends, a few mutual ones. I don't even have a best friend. I guess i'm not very likable. Maybe because i'm female to make transgender and gay.

I live with my dad only. My mom passed away when I was three. Tragic car accident. I have a little sister named Jennifer but we call her Jenna. She's twelve. We're very close, I guess you can call her my best friend.

One last thing, I have a major crush on a boy. His name is Raegan Beast. Hottest boy in school by far. Yes i'm gay, and sadly he's not. Well half, bisexual. He has a girlfriend right now and he kind of doesn't know I exist you could say. It sucks. What sucks even more is that I wrote a love letter for this boy and I keep it in a box under my bed. I don't plan on giving it to him, ever. I couldn't face the embarrassment.

I'm home from school now, sadly it's only Monday. Just another day, lonely at school.

"Justin!" Jenna comes running down the stairs and runs over to hug me. I hug her back, smiling all giddy. She always knows how to make me happy.

"Hi baby sis." I kiss her head and she takes my hand.

"As you promised." She points at me with her finger and I nod, rolling my eyes playfully.

"Yes, yes let's go." We go upstairs and into my room. She sits on my bed and I grab the board game from my closet. Her favorite game is shoots and ladders.

I set it on my bed and she opens the box frantically. She sets it up and hands me my character. As we play, I think she notices i'm a bit down.

"What's wrong Jay?" She asks me. I shake my head, grinning at her.

"Oh nothing, i'm fine." I say, nodding my head.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." I assure her and we continue to play the game.

I could never tell her i'm upset over having a crush that doesn't know I exist. It's hard sometimes, seeing Raegan with his girlfriend. Oh how bad I wish that was me. My feelings are so strong, and I don't even know him really. He's just so handsome.

Later that night, I was laying in bed. I have a piece of paper in my hand. I open the folded paper and start scanning the paper.

'His big brown eyes are so beautiful, yet I never really catch them'

'His wide, gorgeous smile makes my cheeks fluster.'

'I want him to be mine, all mine.'

The letter, it's so long, but I notice the small sentences. The ones that talk about his traits, and how bad I want him. Even for someone like him to notice me would be a miracle.

I read the letter almost every night, and all I want to do is show him, so bad. I could never though, i'd be too weird. He'd think i'm stalking him or something. I can just see the look he would give me, and it wouldn't leave my mind. He'd think i'm crazy, but i'm really just crazy about him.

I feel like I don't want anyone but Raegan. I only want him, but I know i'll never get him. He leans more towards girls and it breaks my heart. I love seeing him so happy, but not with someone whose not me.

This is short, but they will get longer :)
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, it's cheesy, but aren't they all haha!

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