- Chapter 23 -

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Justin's pov:

The next day, I went to school and walked straight to my locker. I planned on avoiding Raegan as much as possible today. I don't want to talk to him, what's the point of being friends?

I shut my locker and turned around, stopping in my tracks. I see Raegan talking to Laura. I can't hear what they are saying, but I see Raegan's eyes meet mine for a second. I break eye contact and walk away. This is exactly why I didn't want to see him.

The day went by very slowly, and by the end I was ready to go home. I actually didn't see Raegan through the rest of the day. But I knew he was still here when I saw him walking to his car after school. I quickly got into mine and drove home, not bothering about anything. I didn't need that today anyway.

As I got home and went inside, no one was home. Jenna is usually always on the couch, watching her favorite show. Maybe she went to a friends house?

I walked over to the couch and sat down, putting my phone next to me. I turned on the tv and relaxed, loving this feeling of alone time.

And just then, there is a knock at my door. I groan, getting up and walking to the door. I open it and Raegan is standing there. We lock eyes and my heart skips a beat. Calm yourself'!

"Why are you here?" I ask. He's tapping his foot, almost like he's anxious.

"I need to talk to you." He says quickly. I look at him a little weird.

"About what? We don't even talk any more." I ask confused. I thought he'd be done with me like I am with him.

"Just- please let me in so I can talk at least. Please." He begs, still tapping his foot.

"Fine." I sigh and move, he takes a step into my house and walks in. He walks near the couch and paces back a forth a little. "Raegan?" I ask.

"What?" He answer quickly, locking eyes with me again.

"Are you okay?" I ask curiously. He's acting weird.

"I, uh yeah but I just need to tell you so much." He says and my mind goes blank. What could he want to tell me.

"Then tell me." I say crossing my arms, slowly walking a little closer to him. He comes closer and quickly takes something off his wrist. He puts it in front of me and my eyes go wide.

It's my bracelet. The one he supposedly gave to Laura. I take it from his hands, shocked I didn't notice it on his wrist.

"It's yours, i'm sorry. I really never gave it to Laura, she took it and she wouldn't give it back. She wanted to make you jealous." He says and I smile a little, putting it back on my wrist. 

"Thank you, but why did you have to go to her room on that trip? I had a feeling that was ours. not yours and Laura's." I say quietly, a little disappointed.

I notice now that as I was talking, he was just staring at me. Our bodies are not actually very close, and our faces too. I feel his hand on my hip and I look down at it.

"That was our trip." He says and I look back up into his beautiful brown eyes.

I put my hand on his that's on my hip. I carefully take it off and drop his hand from being on my hip. His eyes, from what I can see, slowly drop. Not like drop to the floor, but his whole mood seemed to drop. 

"But you went to her room." I say and back away from him. "I know you've wanted her all along." I add.

"N-no..I haven't." He quickly says and I look at him once again confused. He seems like he's mentally preparing to say what he wants to say.

"I only went to Laura's room to tell her i'm done and it's over. I-i don't want her anymore. She tried to make moves on me but I wouldn't let her, she took your bracelet though. I would never give her a bracket you let me wear and told me to look after." He rambles quickly. Now my eyes are wide again, and my stomach has a weird feeling in it.

"You don't want her anymore?" I ask and he shakes his head slowly, coming closer to me again. "Then what was all that for?" I ask confused.

He takes a deep breath, and walks close to his body is touching mine. He swiftly puts one hand on my hip again and the other on cheek, and I'm forced to look into his eyes. My heart is beating out of my chest by now.

He slowly leans in and I close my eyes, frozen in my place. I feel his lips touch mine with no hesitation. I kiss back as he roughly moves his lips with mine. What the fuck is happening?

I feel both of his hands slide down to the back of my thighs. He squeezes and I jump slightly, wrapping my legs around his waist not breaking the kiss. I feel him walk and the next thing, he's sitting on my couch and i'm on laps still kissing him. My stomach is turning at this feeling and I don't know what to think. He can't like me, right?

A few more minutes of us practically making out and my mind spinning, I pull away and put my hand on his chest. I'm breathing a bit heavy and so if he. We look into each other's eyes and he just keeps his hands on my hips.

"Woah, please don't tell me you did that to get your mind off of Laura." I say, and he shakes his head.

"I love you." I hear come out of his mouth and I get this feeling like i'm going to throw up. I just stare at him, not knowing what to do. (I love my girlfriend 💗)

"Rae please-" I start but he cuts me off.

"I do love you Justin. I've been in love with you ever since before the football trip." He says slowly and just stares at me again.

"you do?" I ask quietly. He nods slowly, relaxing a little. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I ask.

"I was scared, and I didn't know how to say it." He says, rubbing my hips.

"What about Laura?" I ask.

"I don't care. I don't like her anymore, i'm so attracted to you." As he talks I can feel my cheeks get red. I put my hands on my face and smile.

"I love you." I say. "I want to be yours, but I don't know yet." I add.

"A lot of people think we are already dating, let's just keep it going." He says intertwining our fingers.

"Can I think about it?" I ask, and he smiles.

"Of course." He says, bringing his head up and he kisses me. I kiss back, freaking out inside. Oh my god.

It's almost Christmasss :) I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Love you all and plz comment and voteeee 💖

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