- Chapter 10 -

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Justin's pov:

Raegan and I are laying on my bed, against the head bored. He has his arm around me and and I have my head on his shoulder. We already put some comfortable clothes on to sleep in. I just wish this was real. How is he doing this so easily? He must really not like me.

"I'm bored." I say. A moment of silent comes before he slowly gets up and I get off of him. We both sit up and he smirks at me.

"Let's play never have I ever." He says. Oh no.

"Uh, okay." I shrug. That smirk never means anything good.

"I'm first." He says. I nod and hold on five fingers. He does the same.

"Never have I ever had a hickey...I'll start off easy." He says. I take a deep breathe and keep all my fingers up.

"Wait." He says, realizing i've never gotten a hickey.

"I've never gotten a hickey." I say, and he waits before nodding slowly.

"Never have I ever failed a class." I say and he immediately puts down a finger. My jaw drops.

"What? How?" I ask.

"Come on Justin, everyone has." He chuckles.

"Not me." I shake my head.

"Goody goody." He whispers. I hit his arm and he laughs. "It's true!" He says loudly, smiling.

"Whatever." I day, crossing my arms.

"Never have I ever had an STD." He says and I make a disgusting face, keeping all my fingers up.

"Raegan! I never-" I stop myself from talking. His eyes widen!

"You haven't lost your virginity have you?" He asks. I feel my eyes start to burn. I'm not ashamed of it, I'm not ready and I haven't found the right person.

"N-no." I stutter. He starts laughing.

"Raegan it's not funny." I say, being serious. He tries to stop laughing but fails. Why is it so funny?

"I'm sorry Justin, i'll stop." He says and looks down, but I can still hear his slight laughter and his body moving.

"You know, It's not bad that I haven't yet. I've never had a boyfriend Raegan." I say and he looks up at me, shocked. "I've never been into anyone but you, but that doesn't matter. I've never done anything sexual, i've never done anything. All i've ever done was kiss you because of this stupid agreement we made which I should of never agreed to!" I snap and stand off my bed. I cross my arms and take a deep breath, feeling tears in my eyes. I can feel my hands shaking.

"Justin." I hear him say and get off my bed. I can't help but feel the warm tears trickle down my face as I keep my head down. I should have never done this, my feelings are growing even more.

"Please." He says. "Don't cry." He touches my shoulder gently, but I don't move.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. I'm just a douche." He says tugging at my arm. I turn around, sniffing my nose and wiping my face.

"You are a douche." I say looking up at him and laughing a little. He smiles and comes to hug me. I wrap my arms around him, hugging him back.

"No more." He says quietly. I look up at him confused.

"What?" I ask.

"No more kissing you and making you feel like all we are, is just a fake couple." He says.

"But we are that." I say, shrugging a bit. "I don't care Raegan. We can still do this, but let's not go all out."

"Okay, i'm fine with that." He says. He smiles at me and I glance down at his lips for a second but quickly look back up to his eyes. I walk away from him and go to lay on my bed. I gesture for him to come over.

We lay with each other, a few inches apart. I'm turned towards the wall and I think he's on his back, looking up. I want him to come closer, but I don't want to say anything. I slowly close my eyes, wishing he was just a little closer to me.

Maybe five minutes later, right before I was about to go into a deep sleep, the bed starts to shift. My heart rate goes up a little when I feel his arm go around my waist. His body comes against mine and I feel his head right behind mine.

Why does he act so much as if we are real? Is he really that good at not watching feelings? I mean I guess it's different, he's straight. And i'm a boy. I close my eyes once again and relax into his body. I fall asleep quickly.

The next morning, my eyes open and I feel the bed is empty. I turn my body to see Raegan beside the bed shirtless. He's turned around, about to put a new shirt on. Jesus christ.

"Hey, good morning." I hear him say and I zone back in.

"Morning." I say and get off my bed as well. I go to take some clothes from my closet and go in the bathroom to change.

A little time skip to school now, Raegan and I walk in together, hand in hand. These little things don't bother me as much, I just wish more than anything that it was real.

People look at us once again as we walk into school. Raegan brings me to my locker and smiles at me. He gives me a quick hug and winks before walking down the hall to his locker. The wink omg!

"Justin!" I jump as someone hits the locker next to me and says my name loudly. I look over and see Laura looking like she wants to bite my head off next to me.

"What do you want?" I ask, closing my locker and looking at her.

"I want you to stay the hell away from Raegan." She says and I laugh.

"You know it's really hard to do that when you're dating the person." I say and smirk at her. This is why I agreed to this, to piss this bitch off.

"You know, Justin, I know for a face Raegan would never date you." She says and I don't say anything. Some other people in the hallway are looking now.

"Raegan is straight and he always has been. He's always dating popular, pretty girls like me. He's never wanted a boy, and if he did he would never have chosen you!" She says loudly and I hold back my tears. Words hurt me so much worse than I wish they did.

"Well he did." I say through my clogged throat trying to hold back. She shakes her head at me.

"No, he didn't. He will soon be back with me and want nothing at all to do with you. You're just a lowlife piece of shit." And before I do or say anything else, her hand collided with my cheek, and I feel her long nails scratch my face. I hold my cheek in pain and look at her with tears in my eyes. Don't cry! Don't cry!

I quickly look around to see everyone staring, even one guy recording. I don't look back at Laura, I just run the other day, down the hall. I'm still holding my cheek. I need to find Raegan.

This bitch 😡😡
We all love cliffhangers don't we ;) hahaha
Stay tuned, i'll try not to leave this cliffhanger very long! Comment and vote plzzzz 🤩

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