- Chapter 2 -

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Justin's pov:

Tuesday morning I walk into the tall building filled with tons of obnoxious kids. I squeeze through the crowd of people and reach my locker, finally. I punch in my code and open it, quickly taking out books I need for the day.

As I turn to the side because of a loud noise, my eyes catch Raegan. He's walking down the hall with Kale, laughing about something. His smile is the cutest thing you'll ever seen. He catches me staring and I freeze. I turn back around to my locker and bang my forehead on the locker door. I slowly rub it, shutting my locker and feeling like an idiot.

The day went by quickly and before I knew it, I was walking to my car. I opened my car door but someone yelling my name caught my attention. I froze once I recognized the voice and looked up. Raegan was walking over to me.

"Hey." He says a little awkwardly. I take my hand off my car door and turn my body towards him.

"H-hi." I stutter, feeling embarrassed that I did.

"So uh, i'm flattered, really. It's just that i'm straight and Laura and I kind of just got back together." He says, using his hands to express himself a little. I shake my head, confused.

"Wait, i'm sorry. What?" I ask squinting my eyes a bit at the sun. He takes a breath and shows me what's in his hand. My love letter. MY love letter I wrote about him.

"H-how did you get that?" I ask, wanting to rip it out of his hands. He read it, he knows.

"It came in the mail this morning. Didn't you mail it to me?" He asks seeming just as confused as me.

"No, you were never meant to get that." I start. "I don't know how you got that. I didn't mail it. I never wanted you to get it or even read it, I just-"

"Justin, Justin." He says stopping me from rambling. I catch my breath and put my hands over my face in frustration.

"It's okay." He says and put out the letter for me to take it. I look up into his eyes and he shoots me a little smile. My heart flutters and I take the letter from his hand.

"I should've known it was private, i'm sorry for reading it." He says and I feel myself blush a bit as I look down.

"I'm sorry." I mumble.

"No worries. Ive got to go. I'll see you around, Justin." He grins and puts his hand on my shoulder before walking away, his hand sliding off my shoulder.

As he walks away, I quickly get in my car and lock the doors. I grip the steering wheel and let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. Raegan Beast knows I love him. It's not even like, it's love. I've loved him for so long, and he finally knows. I didn't even want him to!

I drive home, my heart still racing. He's so sweet, why!? How? I arrive home and run inside, slamming the door behind me. Jenna comes running up to me from the couch, smiling widely.

"Justin!" She yells hugging me. I hug back, but as I do, my brain clicks.

"Jenna?" I ask pulling away. She gives me a questioning look.

"Yeah?" She asks. I hand her the letter and she takes it.

"Have you seen this before?" I ask, curiously.

"Yeah, last night I sent it to the address." She says looking more closely at it then looking up.

"Why would you do that!? Where did you find it? You went through my room?" I ask, rambling off a bunch of questions.

"I wanted to find the board game and I just happened to find that. I figured you were going to mail it anyway so I did it for you." She says, playing with her fingers like she's nervous.

"I never wanted to mail it."

"Then why did you put an address and a stamp on it?" She asks sounding very confused.

"I-I don't know. Okay? Just please stay out of my room, this is my business." I say and take the letter back from her. She nods.

"I'm sorry." She says looking down.

"I need some time. Will you be okay here if I drive down to the diner down the street?" I ask.

"Please don't be mad at me Justin I only-"

"I'm not mad." I cut her off. "I just want to be alone." I say. She nods, understanding.

"If i'm not back by the time dad comes home, tell him i'm there." I say to her, opening the front door again.

"I will. Bye Jay." She waves.

"Bye Jen." I walk out and go to my car slowly. I get in and hide the letter in my backpack, throwing it in the back seat. I sigh, starting my car and driving down to the diner.

I always come here to think. And especially right now I need to really think. Raegan knows. That's bad. My chances of ever being friends with him are over. My chances of being when him were always unlikely, but now they are even more unlikely.

Sorry it took so long, hope you enjoyed and stay tuned! Vote and comment ❤️

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