- Chapter 5 -

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Justin's pov:

I avoided Raegan the next day at school, which i'm surprised I could. I saw him in the hallways look at me. And I saw him at lunch shoot me a few looks. He didn't seem to have any emotion all day. He always wasn't around Laura a lot?

I got home, happy to have not talked to Raegan today. Why does it look he wants to talk to me so bad? I know he feels bad, but it's the truth. He shouldn't feel bad.

I'm laying down on the couch with Jenna, she's focused on the tv. I'm zoning out, thinking about Raegan. He's perfect. Why him? Why a popular football player? Why not a shy, non popular boy. One who's actually gay.

*knock knock knock*

I almost jump out of my skin from the knocking on the door. Jenna looks at me confused and I get up, walking to it. I open it and see non other than Raegan.

"H-hi." I say a clear my throat. Clam down, I need to calm down.

"Hey Justin. Uh, can I come in?" He asks. I look back at Jenna and she's staring at us.

"How did you know where I lived?" I ask, avoiding his question.

"I asked an old friend of yours. Can we talk?" He asks now cracking his knuckles gently. I nod, moving away so he can come in. I didn't want to talk to him today, but I want to be around him.

He walks in and sees Jenna sitting on the couch. I shut the door and start walking towards the stairs.

"Jay, who's this?" I hear Jenna ask and I turn around. Raegan looks at me.

"A friend from school." I spit out a little shaky. "Come on Raegan." I say and start walking up the stairs. I barely hear him behind me because the sound of my heart beating is overwhelming.

We walk into my room and I shut the door after he comes in. He sits on my bed and I sit beside him. It's quiet at first, but then he speaks.

"Laura broke up with me." He says and I feel weight being lifted off my shoulder.

"Why?" I ask him. He runs his fingers through his hair.

"You." He says quietly but I hear him. I look at him, my eyes narrow.

"So it's my fault?" I ask and his head shoots up.

"No no I didn't mean it like that."

"You just said-"

"I didn't mean it." He cuts me off. "I'm saying that she broke up with me because she gets jealous very easily. When she saw us talking, she thought there was something going on." He explains, not keeping eye contact from me.

"Stupid." I mumble, shaking my head.

"I need to get her back somehow. But how?" He asks looking at me.

"Why did you come to me for this?" I ask, curiously. He shrugs a bit, biting his lip.

"All my friends would think i'm soft for wanted to get her back." He says quickly. "I need her in my life."

"You're obsessed with her." I admit and he looks at me like i'm crazy.

"I am not!" He says loudly. I nod, looking down.

"Yeah you kind of are." I say and it gets quiet. He stares at me, like he's thinking. Then his eyes widen.

"I have an idea." He spits out.

"What?" I ask.

"What if...what if we pretend we are dating? Laura will get mad and want to get back with me." He says, his words spilling out of his mouth. My heart starts to race.

"W-why me though?" I ask, not meaning to stutter. He's making me nervous.

"Because if it's you she'll be even more mad." He says.

"Raegan that's not a good idea." I tell him, shaking my head.

"Come on Justin. Do it for me?" He says in almost a statement way, even thought it was a question.

"Are you kidding me?" I ask standing up off my bed.

"What?" He asks confused.

"You think it's a good idea for me, a boy who thinks he loves you, to pretend to date you?" I ask truthfully. His mind seems to click.

"Oh shit." He says quietly. I keep quiet now knowing what to say.

"Think about it?" He asks and I look at him in the eyes. I sigh.

"Sure, i'll think about it." I tell him. He nods, standing up. He gives me a slight smile, pleading me to do this.

"I should get home." He says.

"Yeah, i'll see you tomorrow, and i'll have my answer by then." I tell him.

"Okay, don't stress. I'll understand if you don't want to do it." He says and I nod. He then comes closer to me and my body tenses up. He very swiftly lifts his arms and wraps them around my neck. I respond back by wrapping my arms around his body.

I've never been so close to Raegan. And I don't want to say it but I like it. He's a good hugger, but I wish I wasn't in this position right now. I don't really want to pretend to date him. I'll get attached to him and then he'll go right back to Laura. I won't matter to him. It'll be a little game. I don't want to just be a game for Raegan.

Sorry this was a little short but it's something. Idk what's wrong and why i'm not in the mood to write so much but i'm trying. I want to, I really do. But idk it's weird. See you soon hopefully :)

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