- Chapter 7 -

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Justin's pov:

The next day, I couldn't wait until gym class. It finally came, and I made my way to the picnic table. A few minutes later, I feel a presence beside me. I look over and see Raegan sitting very close to me. He leans his elbow on the table glaring at me. He smiles and my heart explodes.

"Just so you know, that was a good kiss and I bet Laura already knows about us." He says. "So good job." He adds.

"Thanks I guess. But that's not what this means." I tell him. He furrows his eyebrows. I lean down and take out my notebook and a pencil.

"You're serious?" He asks. I nod, picking up the pencil.

"Would you like to start?" I ask him. He sighs before agreeing.

"I can kiss you." He says.

"No." I say quickly.

"Justin how is Laura and everyone else going to think we are dating if I can't kiss you?" He asks and raises his eyebrows. He takes the pencil out of my hand.

"Raegan." I stop him before he starts writing on the paper. He stops and looks at me. "Dating isn't all about kissing."

"But it mostly is."

"Wait. What if you just call me cute names in front of people and... oh, you can put your hand in my back pocket." I say.

"What the hell is that?" He asks.

"Ya know couples do that. Just- no more kissing." I say. He sighs softly and writes on the paper. A few minutes later he gives it back.

I see on the paper he wrote about the hand in my pocket thing.

"Oh, you also need to come on the football trip with me. Every football player takes their girlfriend, but it'll be boyfriend now." He says.

"That's like a month away. You think we will still be doing this by them?" I ask. He shrugs.

"You never know. But let's say if we are then you have to come. Alright?" He asks.

"But Raegan, I-"

"Come on Justin. This is for fun, make it fun." He says, cutting me off. I nod slightly and he writs it down.

"Fine, then you have to come to my house and watch movies with me every so often." I say. He smiles.

"Fine with me. I'll also pick you up for school everyday." He says writing more down.

"And my sister." I add. He laughs a bit.

"Perfectly fine." He finishes and puts down the pencil. "Wait, one more thing." He adds.

"What?" I ask.

"I can take pics of you whenever I want and post them on my snap. I always did that with Laura." He says. I nod.

"Fine, but let me add you on snap then." He pulls out his phone, having no problem.

We both sign the paper, and I rip it out of my notebook putting it in one of my folders. I put all my stuff away and realize we still have about five minutes of class.

"One question." He says. I turn my attention to him.

"What?" I ask.

"Why did you want to eliminate kissing?" He asks.

"I just- I don't know. I guess I just don't want too much." That's totally a lie. I just don't want to get attached to him.

"Mhm. Alright Justin, see you at the end of the day. I'll meet you at your lucky. Which luckily is across from Laura's." He smiles and gets up, walking away. I turn my head and watch him as he finds his way back to his friends.

Was that worth getting a bad grade in gym today?

It was finally the end of the day and I made it to my locker. I opened my locker and put a few books away. I slightly jump at arms being attached around my waist from behind. I turn around and look into Raegan's eyes. He's so beautiful.

"Hi babe." He says, pretty loud. Then I see him look to his right and I glance too. Laura is looking straight at us.

"Let me kiss you." He whispers. My heart rate increases just from those words.

"Raegan, the rules." I whisper back. His hand rubs my side, and I get goosebumps.

"Please." He whispers, looking down at my lips. Fuck it. I bring my hand to the back of his neck and pull his head towards mine. Our lips touch and my arms wrap around his neck.

He moves his lips in sync with mine and I've never felt anything like this. This is fake, it's all fake. I love it, but I hate it.

I pull away and the first thing I see is Laura stomping down the hallway. Rae turns around and looks. Then he turns back to me.

"Good job." He says and smiles at me. I nod, but then take his hands off my waist.

"You too." I say and regret it. He smirks at me.

"I have practice today. I'll pick you up for school tomorrow?" He asks.

"Yeah. See you then." I say and walk down the hall quickly. I make it to my car and sit there for a second. Everyone was looking. Everyone knows, and it's not even real.

I get home, saying a nice 'hi' to my sister and going upstairs. I drop my back pack down and sit myself on my bed.

Why did Jenna have to give my letter out?! Why me? Why did I put a stamp on it, I myself was never going to mail it to him. I'm stupid, i'm so stupid. This would have never been happening now. I fucked up, and now I have to pay for it.

Chapter :)) I actually wrote...yw ahaha
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