- Chapter 18 -

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omgg when people still vote on my old books i cringe, they are sooo bad aksjsjh
Justin's pov:

The next morning I wake up to the sound of the sink running. I sit up in bed and look up. Raegan comes out of the bathroom still shirtless, brushing his teeth.

"What time is it?" I ask. I hear him spit into the sink and come back out and look at me.

"nine o'clock. Come on get up. We have a big day." He smiles and rummages through his bag he brought.

"Aren't we leaving today?" I ask. He shakes his head, putting on a shirt.

"Nope, get this. The teacher who is in charge texted the football group chat and said we are leaving tomorrow and we even get the day off from school tomorrow!" He says sounding excited. I let out a sigh in relief.

"Oh thank god. But what are we doing today?" I ask. He takes my hand and drags me out of bed. I whine at him.

"Come onnn!" He whines back. "We are going to see a movie with some of my friends and maybe something after." He says.

"Ugh! Fine."

I get ready and meet Raegan by the door of our room. We walk out and meet his friends in the hallway. We all greet each other but then I see Laura.  She's with another guy. I catch Raegan staring at them for a second.

"Why don't we get going." I say taking Raegan's hand and squeezing it. He snaps out of it and looks down at me. He nods.

"Yeah let's go." He says. We stay behind his group of friends a little. He keeps our hands locked the whole time.

We get to the movie theater and get all the stuff we need. Raegan and I got some popcorn to share. He talks with his friends down the hall to the movie and I stay behind. We walk to our seats once we enter the movie and I sit next to Raegan. The seats are in groups of two. It's Raegan, me, an arm rest, and then Laura and the guy she's with. And the rest of his friends.

I look over and see Laura looking over at us and once she sees me looking, she starts getting all over the guy. She kisses him and pulls at his hair. I look back over and Raegan and he's staring at me?

I move closer to him and take his hand again. He keeps his eyes glued to my face and wraps his arm around my waist. I lean my head on his shoulder and look over. Laura is looking at us.

"Don't look at her." Rae says quietly grabbing my jaw and making me look at him. He glances down at my lips but then back at my eyes. I nod, swallowing hard. I want to kiss him so bad.

The movie starts and Raegan and I pay attention to the movie. I keep my head on his shoulder and smile during the movie. I love spending time with him, but is he just here to make Laura jealous?

The movie ends and Raegan and I go back to the hotel and up to our room. It was winter so it got dark quickly.

Hours later of hanging with other kids on the trip and just chillin, it was getting dark. Raegan and I were on our phones and I got up to look out the window.

"Woah there is a hot tub out there." I say and feel Raegan come up behind me. He puts his hands on my waist and I turn around. Before I know it, I see him leaning in. I did the first thing my brain told me to do.

I quickly dodge his I think kiss and walk back over to the bed.

"I'm going to go in the hot tub. Want to come?" He asks turning to look at me.

"I don't have a swim suit." I say shrugging.

"Me either." He says taking off his short and shorts. He's left in his boxers as he goes into the bathroom and grabs a towel.

"You coming?" He asks. I shake my head silently. He frowns.

"Well, if you change your mind. Come down. You won't regret it." He says and walks out of the room. I start to think.

He said I wouldn't regret coming on the trip, and I didn't. He knew I was going to have fun. Maybe I should go chill in the hot tub with him. (Two bros chillin in a hot tub..)

I mean what's the worst that would happen? No one else is down there. He's by himself. Fuck it.

A few more minutes of procrastinating, I get off the bed and take off my shirt but keep my shorts on. I grab a towel and go down to the hot tub. I open the door to the outside and Raegan hasn't noticed me yet. He's just sitting there, looking down. I walk closer to him and he looks up. I walk in front of the hot tub and he stares at me.

I take off my shorts and keep them on top of my towel outside the hot tub. He watches me as I get in slowly, gripping the sides of it and getting all the way into the warm water. I smile at him and get a little closer to him. I'm standing, and i'm short so the water is like up to my stomach. I get closer and closer to him and his eyes meet mine.

"Hi." I say quietly and he smiles. His eyes stay glued to mine and I feel his hands on my thighs.

"There's no one like you Justin." He says and my heart skips a beat at his words. Also at him picking up my legs by my thighs and putting me on his lap, with my legs on either side of him. He stares into my eyes again, but then he glances at my lips.

"Raegan.." He leans in and when his lips are a centimeter away from mine, he stops.

"Shh." He whispers and I close my eyes. His lips touch mine and I wrap my arms around my neck. He tugs at my boxers as our lips start to move with each other's.

His tongue slides across my lip quickly, asking for entrance. I let him in and he takes control. He squeezes my thighs and I play with the hair on the back of his neck as we make out, actually.

I can't pull away, the feeling of the warm water, his hands roaming around my body, and his lips on mine are just so captive. He's so captive. Everything about him.

We slowly pull away after what felt like years but was really maybe 5-7 minutes. We stare into each other eyes, our faces still close. We are both breathing heavy also. I love him.

"There's no one like me?" I ask quietly, thinking about what he said before. He shakes his head.

"No one could ever be like you."

I'm trash :)
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