- Chapter 16 -

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Justin's pov:

I woke up the next morning to arms around me. I look up and see Raegan's arms security around my waist. I felt my cheeks get a dark shade of pink but then I remembered, it doesn't matter. This doesn't matter.

"Raegan?" I say, looking at his face. He's just so cute. He slowly opens his eyes and sees me. "Hey." I say quietly. He unhooks his arms from around my waist. I sit up and he rubs his eyes.

"Holy shit." He says and I realize, he's having a big ass hangover. "My fucking head is pounding." He says.

"I'll go grab you some medicine." I say and walk out of my room going downstairs. Why am I being so nice? I'm so hurt, I know him and Laura had sex.

I walk upstairs with some medicine and waterto help his hangover and walk into my room. I shut the door behind me and see he's now sitting up, rubbing his head slowly.

"I got you some Advil." I say walking over and sitting on my bed. I hand the medicine and water to him and he takes it, giving me a little smile.

"Thank you." He says. "Don't we have school?" He asks and my mind clicks. I check my phone and see it's already 8 o'clock. Then I see a text from my dad saying he saw Raegan and I and he let us stay home.

"My dad let us sleep, we don't have to go to school if your mom doesn't care." I say to him.

"Oh thank god. No she doesn't care." He says smiling, laying back down in my bed. "Come hereee." He whines, lifting his arms wanting me to cuddle with him.

"Umm, do you not know what happened last night?" I ask, fiddling with my fingers. He makes me nervous still!

"No." He says slowly sitting up again. "What happened?" He asks. Dammit.

"Besides me seeing you and Laura kiss and her drag you into a bedroom, nothing." I say a little annoyed, but I know you can feel the hurt in my voice.

"What? We didn't..?" He asks slowly losing his worlds.

"I'm guessing you did." I say, my eyes filling with tears but I quickly wipe them away.

"Justin, I- I feel like shit." He says. I look away from him, crossing my arms. It's silent for moment until I speak.

"I was expecting to be hurt Raegan, but I didn't expect you to treat me like i'm nothing." I say quietly looking at the ground. I feel the bed shift and I look over to see her next to me now.

"You're not nothing. Justin." He says and I feel his hand touch mine. I look down and see his hand molding onto mine. Why?

"Well you treat me like it." I say looking away from his eyes. They are too captive.

"I didn't know. I was so drunk." He says, squeezing my hand. I wanted to burst out crying.

"Stop." I say pulling my hand away from his. "I know you wanted that with Laura, but I thought we had something." I said a little nervous of his reaction.

"We do." He says but I know he doesn't mean it the way I do. I know he doesn't.

"I might skip the football trip tomorrow." I say out of no where. "I can't do this anymore."

"No wait-" He starts but I cut him off.

"No, no I can't wait anymore Raegan. I don't want this anymore, i'm tired of this. I'm being used, and I know i'm so much better than that." I say staring into his eyes. He looks back at mine and just stares into mine.

"If you trust me you'll come tomorrow. You won't regret it." He says, slowly putting his hand on my face. I look at it and then back to his face.

"Fine, but I already regret everything." My lips quiver a bit when I say that. I want him all to myself, but he wants a fucking brat.

"Don't lie to me." He says, slowly leaning in to kiss my check gently. I immediately get red without trying. Fuck!

I watch him lay back down in my bed, looking at me. My phone dings and I pick it up, seeing that Ryan texted me. Oh my god I almost forgot about him.

Ryan- Hey, so I'm guessing you don't go to my school because I haven't seen you anywhere. But how are you?

Oh fuck. No no no! He does go to my school! i'm not there because i'm here, home.

Me- Actually I think we do go to the same school, you might not see me because I didn't come today.

Ryan- Oh okay. why didn't you come?

Me- Long story.

Ryan- Ok, maybe we can hang over the weekend or something?

Me- Yeah I would like that. I'll text you later.

Ryan- Okay bye Justin :)

Me- Bye :)

"Damn who are you texting like a maniac over there?" I hear Raegan asks as I put my phone down, smiling a bit.

"A friend, I met him at the party." I say, looking down at my hands. It's silent for a second.

"Okay." He says, looking at me differently. "Do you hate me?" He asks.

"Debatable." I say, smirking a little. He doesn't smile or anything.

"Really?" He asks. I shake my head.

"No Raegan I don't hate you." I say, looking away from him. I feel the bed shift again and I see him sitting next to me.

He looks down at my lips and his eyes don't move. I keep my eyes on his. He leans in quickly and kisses me, making my head go back like an instinct. I kiss back, and he puts his hand on my jaw. My eyes widen after a few seconds and I push him away.

"What the fuck Raegan?!" I say a little louder then expected. "You love Laura, stop kissing me!" I say really loud. He doesn't say anything, he just looks really upset. Why?


"No! Don't Justin me. You know I fucking love you but you still do this to me! Don't kiss me anymore." I say quickly and he shakes his head, his eyes glossed over.

I walk out of my room, going downstairs. I sit on the couch and feel myself trying not to start crying, but I fail. Tears steam down my face and and I dig my head in my hands. I love you Raegan

Well then, hope you enjoyed that 😂
I love all of you, but I love my girlfriend the most sorry 😻🥰 heheh

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