- Chapter 21 -

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Justin's pov:

The next day at school, I walked in praying that Raegan would not come up to me. I don't want to talk to him. I got my stuff out of my locker with a clear view and walked straight to first period.

Lunch time came around and I still have not seen Raegan all day. If he was here he'd definitely come up to me. Maybe he didn't come?

I was walking to the lunch room and someone caught my eye. I saw Ryan walking down the hallway. I smiled.

"Ryan!" I shout and he turns around, seeing me and stopping.

"Oh my god Justin." He walks up to me and we hug tightly. "I haven't seen you since the party."

"I know. Still on for today?" I ask. He nods right away.

"Of course. Seeing your cute face is a pleasure any day." He grins and I blush a little. But now in this moment, I start to get a little worried about Raegan.

"I'll see you after school, I need to go do something." I say in a little rush. He stops me before I walk away.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah i'm okay. Something just crossed my mind, i'll see you after." I smile and walk away. I walk down the hall and take a right, sitting near my locker. I take out my phone.

Me: Hey, you okay?

I sir here waiting for a reply. I shouldn't care this much, but I do. I can't not think about him. I still love him and I care about him so much.

Being all in my head, I didn't even realize that he read it a minute ago, but he didn't answer. I try again.

Me: Come on Rae, why didn't you come to school?

After sitting there the whole lunch time, he never even read it. I sigh as the bell rings and just make my way to my next class.

By the end of the day, I walked out of school and got into my car. Raegan never answered me. But I shouldn't care because i'm going to Ryan's house now so hang with someone who actually might like me!

I drive to the address he sent me the other day and pull out my phone telling my dad i'm at a friends house. He's fine with it. I get out of the car and see he's already at the door waiting for me. I walk up and he lets me in, hugging me again.

"Hey, i'm glad you're here." He says pulling away.

"Me too." I say.

He brings me upstairs to his room and shuts the door. I sit on his bed and he comes over too. He faces me and I face him.

"Wow." He says and I freeze, getting a little nervous.

"What?" I ask confused.

"You are so damn cute." He says and my cheeks heat up a little again.

"Thank you." I giggle and see him get up. He walks over to the other side of the bed and lays down. He pats the spot next to him and I lay down next to him.

Our heads are against the headboard. I feel his arm snake around my waist and I look over at him. He smiles and I calm down, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Movie?" He asks.

"Sure!" I smile. He turns on a random movie and I just watch. His arm slowly rubs my side and I get goosebumps.

As the movie keeps playing, we were maybe about half way through when I felt him switch his shoulder a little. I pick my head up off his shoulder and look at him. He sits up a little better and grabs my chin lightly. He looks down at my lips and I feel my heart start racing. He slowly leans in and I just close my eyes. What do I have to lose?

His lips touch mine sweetly and my eyes open a little. I relax to his touch on my waist and his soft lips very quickly. I put my hand on his cheek and we move our lips together passionately. He keeps his finger on my chin, parting his lips and going back in to make it more intense.

I feel pressure on my hip and I gently get on top of his lap facing him, without breaking the kiss. His hands stay on my hips, squeezing gently. His lips are so soft omg. Not as soft as Raegans..but still soft. This feeling is weird, I don't know if I like it or not. I definitely don't hate it, I just have Raegan in my head. I wish this was Raegan.

Oh shit.

I slowly pull away and get off his lap, sitting on the edge of his bed. I catch my breath and clothes my eyes.

"Justin?" I hear and turn around.

"I'm sorry, I thought this was okay at first but I can't." I stumble on my words and he nods.

"Do you like someone?" He asks.

"It's confusing, I didn't mean to lead you on. I just think of someone else and I wish I didn't." I say slowly running my fingers through my hair.

"Hey, it's okay. I understand." He smiles a little. I get up, going closer to him again.

"Thank you." I say smiling back. His phone goes off and he grabs it, opening it.

"It's just my friend." He says throwing his phone back down. "Want to finish the movie?" He asks, quietly.

"Yeah." I smile and we go back to the movie. He keeps his distance this time and I appreciate it. I just always think about Raegan, I can't do this.

It was getting late, and I was still concerned about Raegan. I decided to tell Ryan I had to leave.

"I should go, thank you so much for today." I say at the door ready to leave.

"Of course. I'll see you tomorrow." He says and kisses my cheek. I nod, walking out.

"Bye Ryan." I smile walking to my car. Once I get in, I think about if I should go see Raegan at his house? I hope he's okay.

I cant take it anymore. I drive to his house quickly and get out. I go to knock on his door and his mother, I think, answers.

"Hi ma'am, i'm a friend of Raegans. Is he home?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"No dear, he just left to go somewhere. What is your name?" She asks me politely.

"Justin." I smile a little.

"He said he was going to a house for a boy named Justin. I would meet him at your house." She says and my eyes widen.

"Okay thanks so much." I say and walk back down the stairs, quickly getting into my car. Why did he go to my house?

I'm in first period bored asf :)
My basketball team won their first game last night oh YeAAAA😂
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