- Chapter 35 -

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For @youknowwho hehe ❤️
Justin's pov:

"What was what?" He asks clueless. I know he heard that.

"I know you heard that." I say, repeating exactly what I said in my mind.

"Come here Justin." He says grabbing my hand and bringing him to the couch in his living room. He has me sit down and I look at him confused.

"What?" I ask, not knowing what's going on. What is he up to?

"I just-"

*boom* *boom* *boom*

Repeated thuds fill my ears and it sounds like it's coming from his downstairs.

"What is going on?! What is that?" I ask standing up. He puts his hands on my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. I don't hear anything." He says and I push his chest, causing him to stumble back a bit. I quickly walk over to his basement door that is in sight and put my ear to the door. Nothing. Silence. I try to open the door but it's locked.

"Open this." I say as Ryan comes closer to me. He shakes his head.

"I can't do that Justin." He says, sounding like a literal serial killer.

"Ryan I swear to god, open this damn door." I say more demanding now. He puts one eyebrow up and refuses.

"No." He says, taking my hand. "Come on, let's go on the couch and enjoy sometimes together." He smirks slightly and I hank my hand away from him.

I turn back to the door and in a blink, I kick the door hard, making the wood crack. I do it over and over again before Ryan grabs my waist and pulls me back. I wiggle in his grip.

"Let go of me!" I shout, and start kicking him now. He drops me and I shove him back making him fall to the ground.

"Raegan!!" I yell.

I start rapidly kicking the door again and the the wood of the door, along with the hinges are breaking. I bust the door down and out of breath, pull it and throw it behind me in the hallway. I find the light switch and turn it on, running as fast as I can down the stairs. My eyes immediately find someone in a chair, tied, taped, and the chair has fallen to the side. Oh my god, Its Raegan.

"Oh my god Raegan!" I quickly go over and see his eyes are closed and he's not moving. His face is scratched and red and bruised.

"What the fuck did you do!?" I scream at Ryan as he comes down the stairs. He stares at me intensely and comes closer. "Get away!"

"Justin just leave him. I'm not sure if he will wake up." He says and my heart starting beating rapidly. I take action and quickly start untying the rope that is around his wrists and feet.

"No no no." I say over and over. I rip the tape off his mouth and see his mouth is bleeding. Holy shit.

"Hey Raegan, babe wake up." I slap his face lightly and continue to untie him. I successfully do, and my hands hurt like hell.

I pull him away from the chair and sit him up against the wall of Ryan's basement. Around his wrists is red and his ankles. His mouth has a bit of blood coming out and his face is a mess. Not as bad as when Raegan beat up Ryan actually but close.

"Please wake up! Raegan it's Justin. Please." Tears come down my face like a river. I pull out my phone but it quickly gets snatched away from my hands.

"Do you want to end up like him?" Ryan asks, holding my phone.

"You're insane! W-why would you do this? What is wrong with you?" I ask, looking back at Raegan. He's breathing a little slow, he's just knocked out. It must have been from the fall.

"I can't lose you, please wake up. I'm here." I sob and gently touch his face, rubbing his cheek.

"I want you Justin and if I can't have you, no one can." He explains. I start to get an idea.

I stand up slowly and pull myself together. I wipe my face and give a little grin at Ryan.

"I'm sorry." I say to him getting closer. He drops my phone at the name I call him. "You're right, you've been right all along."

"What?" He asks confused.

"I want you and I do love you. You're all i've ever wanted." His cheeks get red and he smirks, looking down at my lips.

"I knew it. You finally came to your senses." He says gently. I walk forward so his body has no choice but to go back. He smiles at me as he hits the hall, and he puts his hands on my waist.

"I love you. You don't need him." His soft voice makes me want to do what i'm about to even more. He's so fake!

I quickly grab the flower pot in the shelf to the right of Ryan's head and smash it onto his head. He immediately falls to the floor unconscious. I take a deep breath and run back to Raegan. He's still knocked out.

"Hey! Hey Raegan can you hear me?" I ask. I can't believe this. Ryan was like this this WHOLE time. Shit.

I take my phone and call 911. I explain to them what happened and give them Raegan's address. They say it'll take a few minutes to get there. Next, I call Raegan's mom. I explain what happened quickly and tell her to address so she can get here too.

"Babe please." I plead, holding his head in my hands. I wipe the blood from his face/mouth and rub his cheeks with my thumbs.

I slowly lean in and kiss his lips, not feeling anything back. Tears threaten to escape my eyes again, and they do. They go down my face, falling onto my lap. I let this happen. Why did I not see this is Ryan before?! He's insane.

"I love you Rae, help is almost here." I say to him, hugging around his neck. I stay in this position, just letting his head rest on my shoulder. I hate seeing him like this. I never thought this would happen, ever.

"Hello!?" I hear from upstairs.

"Down here!" I yell and here stomping across the floor and down the stairs. I get away from Raegan and the 3 men and one women gather around him.

"He's okay, he's just knocked out. We will get him to the hospital." The women says to me. I wipe my tears and nod.

"His mother is on her way." I explain and give a quick glance to Ryan. Hmm.

Yeoooooo this idea was very random and kind of shitty, i'm so sorry😂 Really hope you enjoyed thoughhh ❤️ c+v

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