- Chapter 36 -

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Justin's pov:

I wait in the waiting room of the hospital next to Raegan's mom. We sit in silence, but I turn to her.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Beast. I feel like it's any fault." I say to her.

"No no." She says, turning her head towards me and grinning a bit. "He targeted Raegan because he's crazy and something is wrong, not because of you."

"Okay." I nod. She puts her hand on my cheek and gives me a little smile.

"He'll be fine." She says.

"Yes he will be." I hear and we both look up to see Raegan's doctor walk up to us. "You both can go see him now, he's awake. He's just a little banged up." Raegan's mom and I nod.

"I will go quickly to see him and ill send you in after, okay?" His mother asks me.

"Of course, yes." I say and walk with her to Raegan's room. I wait in the hallway and she goes in.

Maybe five minutes later, the door opens and she walks out. She gives me a small, sad smile and nudges her head to the door.

"Go ahead in." She says.

"Thank you." I give her a quick hug and walk into Raegan's room.

My eyes adjust to my beautiful boyfriend, laying in the hospital bead, machines attached to him and his face banged up. Tears fill my eyes as I walk closer. He sees me and his breathing hitches.

"Babe." He says quietly. I go up, next to the bed and lean down to hug him. He lifts his arms a little to wrap them around his body.

"Im here, it's okay. He'll never touch you again." I say to him, feeling my tears fall into his chest.

"Don't cry." He says, and I look up at his face. Bruises and faint stained blood.

"I'm so sorry. He's crazy, I can't believe he would ever do that to you." I say rubbing my thumb against his cheek.

"It's okay, nothing is your fault." He says quietly, looking from eye to eye at me. He scoots over on his bed, making sure not to screw up anything on the machines. I carefully get next to him and lean my whole body against him.

"I should've seen how crazy he was from the beginning. I-i should have listened to you." I say, wiping my face from wet tears. He takes my chin into his hand and locates my face to look at his.

"You meant well babe, don't worry about it." He says, and kisses my forehead. I nod my head and go back to leaning it in his shoulder. He leans his head on the top of mine. "I'm so glad you're here. I love you."

"I love you." I say back and relax against his body.

*knock knock*

"Come in." Raegan says. The door opens and his mother comes in with the doctor. They close it behind them and come closer.

"How are you feeling Raegan?" The doctor asks Raegan with a clipboard in his hand. His mom take a seat next to the bed and smiles at me a little.

"Better now." He says and I smile to myself. I take his hand into mine and squeeze it gently. I keep my eyes on our hands as the doctor starts talking to Raegan.

"I have some medicine to help with pain, and the swelling and bruising should go away in a few weeks. You're very lucky this boy was not any dangerous than he was." He says, as I hear his pencil against the paper on his clipboard. I sigh softly, my brain feels like it's spinning.

"Okay." Rae says quietly.

"Do you know any information about this boy and his personality?" The doctor asks.

"We were friends in the beginning, but I found something out about him and I kind of just stopped." Raegan starts and I furrow my eyes brows a bit, confused but still looking down. "We fought a lot, I started it most of the time because I didn't want him near Justin. I actually almost started believing he wasn't so crazy because he wouldn't find back most of the time."

"Do you have any idea why he would do this to you?" The doctor asks after writing some notes on his paper from Raegan's words.

"Of course." I butt in, taking Raegan's spot for a moment. I look up and the doctor, along with Raegan and his mother look at me. "He was obsessed with me, so he wanted to get rid of Raegan so he can take me for himself." I say and the room gets silent.

"He tried to make it seem like he wasn't trying to get Justin, but then he must of a snapped." Raegan adds and I nod, putting my head on his shoulder. My eyes fill with tears and I wipe my face quickly, but my tears don't stop.

I watch as the doctor and Raegan's mom look over at Raegan and nod. They both get up and walk out of the room.

"Shh shh it's okay." Raegan whispers to me, and I turn my head to face his. I study his face, my face red and wet. "I'm fine." He adds, rubbing my cheek gently.

"I was so scared." I start, having the picture of Raegan tied to that chair when I went downstairs, all bruised and bleeding. "You were tied up and bleeding, I thought hurt you so much worse. Seeing you like that, I-i wanted to kill Ryan."

I sniff my nose, watching him just stare at him. The look on his face, I know he hates seeing me like this.

"You were so helpless, I had to lift your body of the floor. R-raegan I thought I lost you." I break our eye contact and look down, starting to cry. The picture won't get out of my head. How could Ryan ever do that to him?

"No no i'm here, it's okay. I'm okay." He says soothingly, lifting my head again. He tries and forces me to look up his eyes but I refuse. "Please, just look at me."

I wipe my face, and calm myself down after a minute, and I look up into his eyes. He gives me a little smile.

"Im not going anywhere, i'm here with you forever. Ryan is gone and he won't ever touch me or you again. No one can ever take me away from you." He says quietly and sweetly. I nod, listening to his words  carefully.

"Okay." He smile weakly and lean in to kiss him. Just this one kiss makes me feel a little better.

"I promise it's okay. I love you Justin." He says to me.

"I love you Raegan."

I'm starting a new book soon, this one is boring me😂 Comment and vote plzzz loves ❤️❤️🤩

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