- Chapter 4 -

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Please read bottom a/n if you love me
Justin's pov:

The next day at school, as soon as I stepped foot into that place, I knew it was going to be a bad day. Raegan's girlfriend being a total bitch like always. Raegan, being Raegan. Being too cute for me to handle at least.

The day was boring. Once lunch time came around, I walked in and heard yelling fill my ears. I stood there, watching Raegan and Laura yell at each other. Laura's hands thrown in the air, angrily and Raegan just looking disappointed and confused. He was also yelling though. I tried to hear what they were saying.

"You know i'm not fucking gay Laura, why are you assuming all of a sudden?!" Raegan shouts at her. She shakes her head, looking to explode.

"I saw you talking to him the yesterday after school and then at that diner down the street. Raegan i'm not stupid!" She yells. Aww she's a brat.

"I don't like him. I like you, i'm straight. I only like you!"

"Bullshit!" She practically screams and all the kids in the room cringe. I feel tears in my eyes, and I don't even know why. Regan just admitted he doesn't like me. I knew he didn't, but hearing it made my heart break.

Raegan shakes his head, starting to walk away. As I see now it's in my direction, and he sees me standing here. I feel my face and it's wet. I back away and run down the hallway into the boys bathroom. I go over to the sink and splash my face with cold water.

I'm like a little kid right now. I'm obsessing over a boy and I get upset when I realize he doesn't like me. That's a childish thing to do. Do I even love him? He's just adorable and so sweet. But he doesn't at all like me and I can't get over it.

"Justin?" I jump at the familiar voice and turn my head. Raegan walks in and I turn around, not wanting to see his face. I can't be mad at him, but I feel like I am.

"Go away." I say quietly. I cross my arms as I face the  plain wall, my face hurting.

"I didn't know you were standing there. I wouldn't have said it." I hear his voice getting closer behind me. I shake my head, knowing he doesn't mean that.

"It was the truth right? I already knew." I say.

"But I know you didn't want to actually hear it." He says and I feel him tug at the belt around my waist. He pulls hard enough so I'm close to him and so that i'm facing him.

"I don't care." I say not looking into his eyes.

"Laura and I fought all last night. She still doesn't believe me. She thinks just because we talked yesterday that you are trying to steal me away from her." He says softly. I keep my arms crossed, fighting back the urge to jump into his strong arms.

"Why would I do that? I know you don't like me." I whisper, trying to back away from him but he grabs my arm. Not tightly, but he gets a good grip. He pulls me closer to him again and puts his finger under my chin. He lifts up my head so that i'm looking into his eyes.

"Justin, don't be upset. Please." He says. Looking into his eyes makes my heart skip two beats.

"Why does it matter? We aren't friends." I ask.

"Who said that?" He asks and I'm quite for a moment.

"We never talked before the whole letter thing. I'm ruining your relationship so why would you want to be friends with me?" I ask him and he doesn't answer.

"I know you just feel bad." I add and he immediately shakes his head.

"That's not it, Justin." He says. I nod, backing away from him and this time he actually lets me.

"Maybe I don't love you Raegan. Maybe it's all in my head. But us being friends. It's not going to work and it's going to make me hurt even more. So please, go back with your girlfriend and say nothing is going on. Because nothing is, right?" I ask even though it's an obvious no.

"Right." He says and walks out of the bathroom. Just like that. I knew it. My feelings need to change, and fast.

Once school was over, I rushed out to my car and got in. I started it and drove home, thinking this might have been one of the worse days ever.

Once I got home I rushed right to my room. Jenna was downstairs but I said nothing. I have to do something and It might make me feel worse or better. I guess we will find out.

I grabbed the letter that was on my night table and opened it. I read it one last time quickly before getting ready to rip it into pieces.

"Justin?" I hear from behind me and I freeze. Jenna comes next to me and takes the letter out of my hand.

"What are you doing?" She asks. I turn to her and see she's holding the letter behind her back.

"Give it back." I say holding my hand out.

"No. Justin, this isn't a good way to deal with your situation. If you love this boy, go after him. Don't rip this and think it will make you feel better, because it won't." She says and my eyes widen.

"Jenna, he doesn't like me. What's the point?" I ask sounding desperate.

"The point is that if you really think you love him. Go! Get him Jay. Feelings are hard, but some stay forever. Please, don't let him go." She says and hands me back the letter. I throw it on my bed and wipe my face, thinking this is too hard to handle.

"I can't right now Jen. I really can't." I sit on the edge of my bed, staring at the ground.

"He'll come around Justin. Just keep going." She walks out of my bedroom and my head starts to ache. Shit, is she right? But how can I get Raegan? I can't.

As I was writing this, I thought about...don't I already have a book or two about this topic 🤦‍♀️ Shit, I think I do.

but pleaseeeee please please comment telling me if you like this book because I will continue. Be honest because I might start writing another one if you guys want a more interesting topic!

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