Sugas secret

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  "I have to tell you something..."
"Um, ok go ahead." You say.
"You know, me and J-Hope are kinda lovers so I don't know if you want that in our relationship or not."
"O-oh.." You can't help it but blush a whole lot while texting him. "I guess I could work with that.." You text him.
"OK, thank you for understanding, cutie♡"
"Yea, no problem."

  You go over to train to become that 8th member and it's so tiring... I constantly went to the bathroom, and I just wasn't into it at all.

  After a couple hours you just want to go home but of course you push yourself to becoming the best.
  Suga texted you a while ago saying, "Hey, how are you? I here you're training, good luck, babe." You just now text back, "thanks, I'm exhausted. What are you doing?"
"Just chilling, J-Hope wants to cuddle. Haha"
"Aww how cute. I wish I could cuddle too:( "
"Me too, but we can always cuddle when you become part of the group! :D "
"Yea, true. Well I gotta go, bye.."
"Bye, baby! Love you!"
"Love you too"

  To be honest, all you wanted to do was die, I guess it's just the fact that J-Hope  wanted to cuddle with Yoongi. Or maybe it's just because you're tired.
  It starts to rain outside, you don't have an umbrella obviously no one told you it would rain. You just decide to walk and possibly get sick afterwards. "Excuse me, miss? Can I walk you home, I have an umbrella. You wouldn't want to get sick, would you?"
  You look up to see this tall guy, you can't quite make out his face when there's rain in your eyes. "That would be great, thank you." You say.
You both walk to your apartment and you quickly look up at him to see his face, it looked like J-Hope from BTS. You try to keep your cool but then he asks you, "Wait, aren't you that girl that's gonna become the 8th member in BTS?" You stop breathing for a split second, "um.. how do you know that... hehe"
"Well, I'm in the group.. so.."
"Oh, well duh.." You feel so stupid, this is your first impression on J-hope, teribble.
  You two stop talking and it seems like the walk took forever till you got to your apartment. "See you, y/n."
  You start shivering, you were not prepared for that rain at all. No jacket, no umbrella, no nothing.
After you take a shower you start to sneeze and cough,
  "oh no, am I getting sick?"

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