Best friend time

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                   YOUR POV
<when you ran out of V's apartment>

All you could do was cry, you ran out of V's apartment not knowing where to go you decided to go knocking on Felixs door. "Hm?... oh! Y/n? What's wrong?! A-are you ok?" He questions you and you just fall into his arms while still bawling your eyes out, "I-I can't t-trust anyone!" You manage to say, he holds onto you and takes you inside to sit down.
"What happened, y/n?! You're worrying me so much!" He says and look at you, he looks so sad and concerned. "M-me and my b-boyf-friend broke u-up -cries- a-and then I went over to T-taes apartment b-but then Jungkook came over and then they s-started kissing and I didn't want t-to s-see that -cries even more-" you say in a shaky voice while you slowly stop to cry, his face looks mad. "Ugh! I swear, some guys have no chill..." he says and gets up from his chair, "I'm going over to his apartment and I'm gonna talk to him, ok?"
"No! No! Don't, please~!" You plead and he eventually sits back down, "Why? Why won't you let me? Aren't you mad or anything?!" He asks you with a stern voice. "I can never be mad at him...well....just please don't interupt them...theyre probably already doing it anyways...." You say and start crying again, you glance over at him and his face looks like he's blushing, "Are you blushing?" You ask him.
"W-what? Am I? " he asks and runs to a mirror, "Omg, I am! Hahhahhhah! Oh jeez...."
"Well you can stay here as long as you need to, I'll comfort you. You're my best friend after all. " he says and side hugs you, making you smile slightly.
He turns on the TV and you both pick out a movie to watch, "What genre are you into?" He asks.
"Hm... I don't really care, just a movie.." You say and slump down into the couch.
"Ha ok then. Hm... what about this one?"
"Yea that's fine.."
You guys both watch this comedy movie and have a bunch of laughs while watching it, his smile makes you feel safe, "Hey, felix?" You ask him.
"Yea, what's up?"
"Hm... nevermind.."
"What? Don't do that, tell me~"
"No~ I said nevermind~"
"Hmph, ok then." He says with a smile.
After the movie ends you pick out another movie, then another and another till it's already 2 in the morning, "Hey we should get to bed.." Felix says in a tired voice and gets up, he puts the blanket over you and walks to his bedroom.
"Goodnight, y/n!"
Before you went to sleep you decided to text Tae. You hope he answers this one...

               THE NEXT DAY
You wake up to the sound of food sizzling on a pan, the smell of bacon surrounds you and there he is, Felix. "Dang, he has such boyfriend material..." You say in your head and get up to use the bathroom.
After you wash your hands and walk out you see Felix already setting the table, he looks over at you, "Good morning, y/n! I have breakfast ready, come and eat."
"Oh, thanks Felix." You say and sit down, a very big breakfast sit before you. "Wow, you really know how to cook!" You say in amazement after trying one bite. His face lights up after hearing that, you stuff your face till you finish it all. He glances at your plate, "Woah, you must have been hungry. Haha!"
"Yea..." You agree and walk back over to the couch, you turn on the tv and continue the movie that you both never finished last night.
"Don't you have work?" He asks, you spring up, "Omg!! I'm gonna be late!"
Running out the door you start wondering if you should just not go, I mean it would be better to just hang out with your best friend than going to work. "...are you not going? You're gonna get fired, you know that right?"
"Yea I know, but after what happened with Jonghyun I feel it would be awkward seeing him. Plus I'd rather hang with you." You say and slump back down on the couch.
"Ugh, ok... bu-"
"Just stop worrying about me, Ok? I'll be fine."
"....what do you mean? I'm your freaking best friend, I have to worry about you, or else so many things could happen that I don't want to happen. Do you understand? I care about you, ok?"
You smile after he says he cares and say, "Of course you care about me, we've known each other for such a long time. I care about you too but I hate to worry you like this."
"It's fine, just...stay happy ok?" His face stays serious, you start to feel sad again, "I-I can't do that, it's not easy." You say and look at the ground, he sits next to you and puts his arm around to comfort you. One tear after another until you feel better, he looks at you again, you both lick eyes. "Are you sure I shouldn't worry?" He asks you and hugs you, he seems so worried about you but honestly you feel fine.
"Yea, just relax and don't worry, I'll be fine. It's just what happens when I'm stressed, I just need someone to make me feel better and you did a good job. Now I'll get out of your way, I'll see you around Felix. Bye~!" You say and leave his apartment, on the way home you start to wonder if Tae responded, you check the text. "He didn't even read it yet, Ugh! He's probably still fu**ing jungkook." You say in frustration and drive home, you slam the door and run to your room.
Just then, J-hope texts you out of nowhere, "Hey, let's meet up somewhere, sorry I've been mean to you. I'll make it up to you, y/n."

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