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I wake up to the sight of the bright sun in my face, then I turn the other way and attempt to fall back asleep but I was unsuccessful. "Fine I'll get up.." I mumble and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth and and wash my face. Felix is already up watching tv, I can hear it on..why does he turn it up so loud..
After I do all that, Felix knocks on my door and asks if I could make breakfast, "Sure, Felix. What do you feel like eating?" I ask, completely clueless on what to make. "I want pancakes!" He says cheerfully and then I open the door to him smiling. "Okay, I'll make that." I agree and walk to the kitchen. In the kitchen I prepare all the ingredients and put them in a glass bowl, my arm turns sore from mixing it together. Then I fry it up and get out butter and syrup. "Here Felix. I guess I am your mom after all.." I say with disappointment and eat as well. The sound of silence fills the room as we both devour or food in hunger, he eats with a smile on his face. "Thanks again!" He says as he finishes with a mouthful of food. I giggle, "No problem."
<couple hours later at 11 p.m.>

"Y/n~ I wanna go somewhere~!" Felix whines in boredom.
"But you can't, remember? You'll get caught and put into jail! You don't want that right?" I point out, he rolls his eyes, "I know, I know.. Then what do I do?? I'm so bored!"
"I don't know! Just find something to do! I gotta go out and get some groceries real quick. You better be here when I come back." I say with a stern tone and grab my things. He sighs in frustration and I walk out the door to my car.
<at the store>

I wander around the store to find the stuff on my list, I grab on thing after another until I come across an isle. I quickly turn around, it's Taehyung out of all people. "Seriously? I gotta get those cookies right next to him..." I whine in my head, he turns his head as he sees me staring at the cookies. "Y/n?" He says in a sad voice. My eyes meet, "Yea?"
"Do you need something near me," he trys to figure out where I was staring. "Is it these?" He asks as he holds up a bag of the cookies I wanted. "Yea. Thanks." I say blankly, still holding a grudge I then take them from him. "No problem... why do you hate me so much??" He whimpers which makes me feel bad.
I look around everywhere except him, "You broke my heart, that's why." I say like it's obvious. He sighs, "I know I know, but we can still be friends. Maybe not close ones but friends?" 
I feel a wave of anger sweep through me, "Oh how could we be friends if all I'll do is ignore your uglyass."
His eyes widen, "Well maybe you shouldn't have hooked up with me in the first place you stupid fucking whore!" He raises his voice, I look around in embarrassment as some people stop to look. "Y'know, all you do is fuck with people! Just because me and jungkook like each other doesn't mean that you should get mad, It's not like you don't like other people besides me!" He almost yells in frustration. I feel like an idiot, he does make a good point. I do like other people besides him. "Okay okay! I'm sorry, I'm a bad person." I say with a frown.
"Another thing! All you do is feel bad for yourself, It's so annoying! You just want more pleasure from them, so you make them feel bad so you don't ruin the relationship! It's so clear now, slut." He says and walks away (honestly looking badass).
I stand there in shoke, I never knew Tae could be so mean. But all those things are true, I hate myself.
<at home>

I walk inside and throw the groceries on the table, my eyes swell up with tears and I run to my room. Felix knocked on the door, "Y/n? Are you okay?" I can hear his blocked out voice full of concern on the other side of the door, tears roll down my cheeks as I remember all that happened over and over again. "Me and Tae argued at the store and....and...I can't take it...!" I say with a sob and he asks to come in. So I open the door and lay back on my bed, "So what did he say?" He asks as he sits on the edge of my bed. I begin to feel mad, "He said some touchy things..and it really hurt me. Ugh why did he have to be there.." I whine and stop crying. He shows a loving face and pulls me into a hug, "Don't listen to him, his opinion doesn't matter. You're the best thing that ever happened to me."
I smile, "Thanks, you really know how to cheer me up."
He doesn't stop hugging me and I don't stop hugging him, I start to feel a little more feelings for him than usual.

"Good morning Felix!" I say cheerfully as I approach him on the couch. "Hey...what time is it..?" He says with a groggy voice still half asleep. "It's... " I look at the time on my phone, "9:15."
"Uuugggghhhhh....," he smashes his face in the pillow, "Well I'm already up, I'll make me something to eat." He says and slowly gets up.
I start to think when I'll get a text from the cafe. I check my email and sure enough I have a message from them, it was from yesterday. "Oh! Well I wasn't even on my phone too much yesterday anyways." I open the message.
"Hello Y/n! We would love to inform you that you have been accepted to be a barista in our cafe! You can start next week, have fun!"
My face drops as I become totally amazed that I have been hired. "FELIX OHMAGOSH!" I scream in excitement.
"What?!! What happened?!?!" He yells quite scared and runs towards me with a spoon in his hand. "I got hired!!!"
"Oh...," he says in relief, "That's great! When do you start?" He asks.
"Next week which is.... 3 days! On Monday."
"Oh awesome!" He says with a bright smile which makes me feel like I'm blushing. "Yeah it is.." I say awkwardly and walk to the kitchen to eat something and he resumes his eating at the table.
Why did I act so awkward...usually I'm open towards him and don't care what he says. But now all of a sudden I'm acting strange..do I like him more? Or am I just trying to hide the fact that I still like Tae..?

Hey guys, sorry for taking a while to update. I was originally gonna just take a break till spring break ends but then I had to focus on school more. But here you go, another bad chapter tbh but that's all I have. Have a good day, bye! ♡♡

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