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I wake up in a hurry, "Oh my god.." I say and run to the bathroom. I'm surprised to throw up, this wasn't like any time, this was different.
"Felix!!" I scream as I realize what could be happening.
I hear him yelling what and starts to pound on my bathroom door. "I think I'm pregnant!"
"What!??!" I hear him start to cry happy tear, "Really..??"
"I'm almost positive!"
"Oh my... oh my gosh! This is awesome!!" He says and I open the door after I've brushed my teeth. He's standing there with his hands covering his face, "I'm so happy.." he crys, I hug him tightly. "So am I."
"Don't you start work today?" He asks and holds onto me tightly.
"Yeah I do, I'll be sure to give you so much attention and cuddles when I get home. It's only 8 a.m. to 2p.m." I say and start to get dressed.
"Okay. I hope you're actually pregnant!"
"Me too, I love you!" I say as I start to walk to the front door ready to go to work.
"I love you too, have a good day. Bye babe!"
<at work>

"Hey I'm here," I say as I enter an empty cafe. "Where us everyone..?"
I hear laughter coming from the break room, I hear a girl say, "Wait I think someone's here."
"Is y/n finally here?" A male voice asks.
I enter slowly, "hi guys.."
"Hey! There she is!" The manager says happily. I smile and she shows me to my locker.
"Just get changed and we'll be ready to open."
"Okay!" I say and grab the uniform.
As I leave the restroom she dismisses us to our stations and we begin to work.
<after work cause I'm lazy>

I pull up to my apartment but see a familiar car in the parking lot, the person is inside still. Suddenly I hear the car door open and I jerk my head behind me to see who it is. "Hey y/n! I've been waiting for you.." it's Namjoon.
"Woah..what are you doing here?" I ask him, he shrugs, "I just wanted to see you."
"Oh ok. Well I kinda need to see my boyfriend inside." I emphasize the word boyfriend to show him that I'm not interested in doing anything with him.
"Ok cool. Then can we meet up next week, cause I'm busy all this week."
"Yeah sure. Bye."
I enter my apartment to see Felix sleeping peacefully on the couch so I decide not to bother him. I make something to eat for the both of us and set his plate on the counter while I eat my sandwich. "Maybe we should move, get out of the city life and go to a more nature filled place.." I think to myself and wonder what it would be like. I hear Felix yawn and wake up, "Oh hey y/n, I missed you!"
"Missed you too, there's a sandwich for you on the counter," I point out and he runs over to eat. "Hey.. if we could move and leave the city behind, would you do it with me?" I ask and scoot up to him.
He gives a long time to reply but he finally says, "Yeah! That would be awesome and we could start a family there!" He says optimistically. I nod and smile then I remember the extra pregnancy test that I kept just in case.
"Oh Felix! I'm gonna take the pregnancy test right now, I just remembered I had another one!" I spring up from my chair and sprint to the bathroom.

"All I need to do is wait a little bit for the results." I tell Felix and we sit on the couch and wait while watching TV.
"You know.. if you really want to move, I'm totally down to do that with you." Felix says in a serious tone. "Really? Okay then.. how about in a couple months or so?" I suggest.
"Or.. a couple weeks?"
I look at him, his face is still looking serious so I try to break it by a giggle, "What's the rush?"
He stares at the floor, "I hate living here in the city, I just want to move as soon as possible."
I nod and focus on the TV, I feel him looking at me and look at him, "Are you okay?" I ask.
He smiles, "I just love my life right now. You make it so much better."
My heart flutters, "Aww, well that makes me happy."
He smiles again and holds my hand tightly. We lay there for a long time till I remember about the test and go check on it. "I'll be right back." I say and get up.
When I see the two lines my heart races and my voice comes out weak as I tell him it's positive. He walks over to check and we both look at each other and start to cry happy tears, his hands run down my head and he pulls me into a soft kiss. We both drop to the floor, my arms wrapped around his body and his hands hold my face, the soft kiss starts to build up into a passionate kiss. One of his hands runs down my back and grabs my waist, he pulls me up and onto the bed. He then whispers in my ear, "I'll treat you well on this journey."
I smile and give him a small kiss on his cheek, "Thanks baby." I check the time, it's already getting late. "Are you still hungry?" I ask Felix.
He nods, "Hungry for that pussy! I'm joking, I'm actually hungry. Do you want to go out to eat?" He asks.
I shake my head, "I wanna stay home, I think we have ramen in  the pantry. Just make that, I'm getting tired."
"Alright babe, you rest. Good night~"
"Good night.." I smile and drift off into an awesome sleep.


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